Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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._._._._._._._._. th at co uld be bought if you go t off th e co ur se. In fa ct yo u co u ld have d ro wned in one o f th e little p onds whi ch were present. T he 100·17 5 Nov ices led the week end o ff with Ho nda mounted Mark Manley taking the lead and scooting horne in first all th e . way, even though he star te d way down the line iri pos iti on 40. Chuck Kell ey (Yam) chased Mark but co uld n't close the gap , Joey Stoch el (lion) took third. Some of the 100's didn't app recia te a couple of the hills, but once the y learned to keep their throttle hand in a death grip , they didn 't h ave too many problems. Next rac e up was the 100- 175 Expert /J uni o r bash. A.C. Bakken showed uf. at the starting lin e on a stone stock RI\ · 125 A and proceeded to blitz the field . The little screamer was obviously- under-geared but was leading until he pulled in for gas . He found out later he didn't have to, the Su zook had the ran ge to go the distance , so Bill Sundstrom (Suz) took advantage of A.C. 's ta ctical error and firmly p lan ted himself in first place for the duration of the race. T yrone Brown m ade it a Suzuki sweep as he picked up th e third pl ace poin ts . At n oon the 25 0 No vices to ok to the co urse as th e h eat st arted to makethings more d iffic u lt. II.C. Smi th (Ya m ) cruised in fo r th e win foll o we d by J . Mit te ndo rf (Suz ). The last race of the dav was for the unclassified riders and, a 't reat for the spect ators. a con t ing en t o f sidehacks. The hacks le ft "the st art five min utes af ter the bikes but be at them around as th e Hilltoppcrs let the hacks cut the co urse to avoid the uphills. Spectators were startled to see the rigs blasting by the pits at speeds approaching 80 mph! On e wo man gasp ed " I didn 't know the y co uld go that fast !" TI,e team of Trunagle and Slim Skale key (Hus) scored t he win with the team of J e ff and Ron Peck (Ya m) second an d P. Whitn ey and II. Lo we (Tri) in fo r the third spot. Unclassified bikes we re Jed by Way ne ~I art in (H us). w ith Suzuki mo unted Joe S tone and Bob Ko lb et seco nd an d th ird . NEW PISTONS 2-STROKE 4·STROKE Sund ay Su rvivo rs o f the View finders t ro p hy party lin ed up fo r th e first · race , fea tu ring th e Senio rs an d Wom en Divisi on . J ohn Rice (KT M) led the " Geritol set, fo llow ed b y ISDT b o und Lars Larson (KTM) and Dick Camp (Ya m ) in third. Th e lo vely lad ies were led by T ru dy Beck (KTM), with Ch erry Stoc k to n (Bul) second and Dawn Grant (lI us) third. Th e 25 0 Expert/J unio r co nfro n ta tio n was up an d Larry Roes eler (II us) pract iced for th e Op en r ace by ta kin g a win he re . Danny San chez (KT M) took a w ell deserved second with H· D mounted Bru ce Ogilvie third . Juniors were led in by Wayne Martin (lIus) wh o won the unclassified race on Sat urday and o bvio usly had t he course di aled in. Fast ri sing Pau l Chri st ianson (Ya m) was seco nd Junior w it h Russ J ones (Ha n) third. Fo rmer number One 250 MX pl ate holder (an d Gr eenhorn Enduro winner) Nate Sciacqua somehow kept h is an cient Yamaha running lon g enough to earn fourth. At I :00 p .rn , a wild race was flagged off, the Open Novices . Right off the' start a r ider wen t down a nd it was a mad scramble to avoi d him and his Lu ckily c ar tw heel ing motorcycle. everyone missed him an d he ju st got the breath kno ck ed o u t of him. Ron Irby (Ya m ) took th e win, with Bru ce Schrader (KTM) from District 36 making off with th e silver. Gary Covington (Yam) went home happy with a third p lace finish. All results are unofficial of co urse. There will be disq ualificat io ns for co urse cutting and Roese ler's win in the Op en race may be d isa llowed. J im Connelly sust ain ed th e on ly major injury wh en he cra she d and broke his leg. Sin ce sp ouse Dian e is walking around w ith a cast o n h er le ft arm, their lu ck seems to have gone from bad to worse . Results in Results Se ction. THE PROVEN WINNER! Our line 01 pistons has been proven to be the IInest name in lorged racing pistons for 25 years . " " Championship Indy, C an·Am. NASCAR ana drag racing competition . WHEN YOU WANT POWER. POWER UP WITH FORGEDTRUE. FDRIiEDTRUE 13 P 623 umice Strnt. Si nta Fe Springs. CA 90670 OLD ' Tl M ERS CLUB • Now Being Organized • Fo r More Information Callied Lapadakis (213) 882 -8272 CMC MOTOCROSS ~ 1 2t3) 921-8418 • au Ion Jr•.MXers loose on the streets Every Thursday Night 213-323-1142 Afool and his cycle are'soon parted.. Saddleback MX Course Race prepared every Monday Practice on :l fn!shly \",:lten'r1 & r1",,-'d lr,Hk every rilollday t hr o u qh o ut th.-.:' "'lr~llllt'r 15

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