Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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r in th e 2 50 class an yw ay. The win in the first moto went to Ron Junkert (Suz ) wh o go t a third in the second run for second overall. The second t ime aro u nd the winner was Mike Hersm an (Hus), who had tough breaks in th e first moto, Results in Results Section. • LOD!, CAL .,J ULY 9 Two hundred twenty-nine riders hit the circuit at Lodi to compete in Dist ric t 36's qualifyin g scra mbles for the Tulare Invitation al lat er this seas o n. The top fo ur Expe rts overall (Spo rtsman) will recei ve T ulare travel expenses while the top l O in each class will qualify . The top three Juniors in each class will also be invited to co mpe te. Mini Experts will quali fy season-lon g as their point totals includ e short track as well as scrambles. Mit ch . Davidson hopped on the Blendzall special for a rare appearance at Lodi and easily won the 125 Exp er t heat and Main over Rick Woods . Both racers picked up valuable qualifying p oints , however, as the 125 class has su ffe re d from a lack o f co mpe t ito rs th is season . Ken J ackson led th e Can -Am blit z of the 25 0 class . Current point leader in th e Black Plat e struggle Dennis Sp en ce was second while current Gold Plate lead er Kim J orgensen was third. S pe nce followed his 25 0 sec ond wi th still an other 500 Expert vic tory bu t was again pressured hard by one . of t hose 500 Yamahas, this time rid de n by .yo ung Dallas Davis. Fa th er Duane finished th ird ahea d o f a har d charging Dennis Hu ff abo ard a K-R Racin g . . Frames Yamah a. The last Exp ert qualifying race saw John Tavis ta ke his second qu alifi er in a ro w ah ead of Alex Jorgensen who go t a slow start and wo rked through traffic for second. Gerry Bland and Eric Weisler struggled to third and fourth on an .ex tre mely slick and narrow-gro oved course. • Rogers, Coupe and Myers score at Helvetia By Sallee Hilton HELVETIA PARK, CAL.,JULY I I With Ted Rogers (Hus), great lead in both of the Open Expert motos, the real racing was going - on for second place with several 28 challen gers. In the first round, Ern ie Sullivan (Hus) was in the coveted Holeshot position before Rogers zeroe d in on him. Bob Norton (Hus) took second slightly before Sullivan crash ed, all this action for the first lap. By th e end of the second lap the heavy st uff was going on between No rt on and Tad Gumbmann (KT M) with Gumbmann winning o ut and moving away . The second moto was a sim ilar story . but th is time Sullivan didn't cras h an d managed a third, ri ght be hin d Rogers an d Gumbmann . Dave Coupe (Yam) and Laine West (Suz ), a co mp arat ively n ew Expert, took the money in th e 125 clas s although they had placed third and fourth respectively in the first moto. Eric McKenna (Hon) looked like a shoe -in with a big lead and clean win th e first round, bu t a crash in the second moto put him ' back. Practically everyone in the race had a crack at second place in t hat first round, and the one in the position when it co un ted was (Ho n ), wh o just Keith Cometta man aged to take it away fr o m Cou p e in th e last lap . With Coupe and West running fir st and second in the second race, Robert N orton (Hon) go t third an d Cometta fo urth . If Robert Myers (Mai) could have stayed o n the bike he would have had tw o firsts ins tead of two seconds. but it didn 't matter , he took the first overall Puyallup Raceway daytime MX By Sue Sykes PUY ALLUP, WASH ., J ULY 18 Three hundred riders did their ' thin g at PRP on Sunday . It had been a few months since the track was run for a day race and th e people were anxi ous. Bill J o yce (CH) took th e 12 5 Pro act io n lik e a Superstar - o u t in fro n t all th e way . Some o f the other fro n t runners were out second tim e aro und and this left the money b attle to almost an yone. Lee Voss (Ho n ) came b ack with a three to add to his sec o nd and fo llowed Joyce to th e pa yoff window. Duke Col eman [Hon] flashed around the Trans AMA co urse to jump in second aft er a seventh to cas h in on third. Open Pro Tom Peterson (Yam ) proved his ab ili ty with a tw o-one to ou tshin e some of th e best riders assembled. Mitch Simmons (Suz ) kept her going fo r a fin ish in moto one as his wheel started to fall ap art abou t half wa y through the.rnoto. Simmons put a spare on for the se cond go-ro und and took a se cond in that moto. Second overall went to Blaine Elledge (C-A) . • Results in Re su lts Section. Spillway Park MX By Bill Morley SAN TA M ~RIA, CAL. ,J ULY 11 A beautifu l day at Spillwa y weathe r perfect, trac k fast , and a wonderful tu rnou t. Th e Over the Hill gang wer e well represent ed wi th 17 ent rie s. Ray Marshall (Rep ulsive Ray ) wa lked off with the Expert class taking two firs ts, but was closel y challe nge d by Philthy Phil and Cheap Chuck . Sammy Ho lland made an ap pe aranc e in the 125 Expert class, bu t had a bit of tr ouble in th e first m oto. Jack Kee se to ok first wit h Kenny Roush second. Allan De Large th ird and Andy .Montego

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