Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Desert hotline The Go ld Digger Hare & Ho und rolls off the line, thanks to a little he lp f ro m some fr iends. Cordis Brooks, Caught in the rocks, bouldered his way to victory. Cordis Brooks wins his second Gold Digger By Dale Brown LU CERNE, CAL., AUG. I Riders on 250cc machinery dominated ORA's Gold Digger hare and hound as Cordis Brooks (Bul) led the five-place sweep. Dave Wood (400 Yam) led the Amateur/Expert wave to the smokebomb, but Dan Dawson (400 KTM) passed Wood right after the bomb. Dennis Greene (250 Yam) quickly worked his way into second with Brooks not far behind. Brooks got by Greene just before Dawson seized and then led for the remainder of the 61 -mile race. Greene stayed in second un til his mo noshock worked lo o se from the frame and he retired. Jamie Ave ls (400 Yam) took over second, a short distance behind Brooks, with Scott Pfeiffer, an Amateur o n a 250 Yamaha, and Morgan Maloc co (400 Yam) right behind him . , Going through the pits, Avels and Malocco collided. Jamie's mother, who was pitting for him, was struck. She was rushed to the hospi tal immediately with serious injuries which she did not survive. Ou t on the second loo p, Brooks st re tched ou t his lead over Pfeiffer enough to win easily . It was Co rdis' first ride this year 'o n the 250. Pfe iffe r , w ho also sw itched from a big-b ore, took second on the bike he had purchased 'the previous Friday nig ht. Tom Ke lly (250 KTM) had gotten a poor start and played catch up for the rest of the race to work his way into third, second 250 Expert. It was . the ' first time Kelly had finished at a DRA race without winning his class on the 250. Monte Lee (250 Yam) had a trouble-free ride all the way to finish fourth, just ahead of Benny Padilla (250 Yam). In at sixth, Mike Johnston won t he Open Expert class on a 360 Moto Villa; the firs t Open class victory fo r both bike and rider . Chris Kal len (4 00 Yam) too k seven th and second Ope n Ex pert. Tim Plant (175 DMG) was in next, ta king the sm all-bore victory. 250 Experts Tom Sche ll (Suz) an d J eff Cauby (Ya m) ro unded out th e top ten . At l l rh, Bill Tarling took secon d 250 Amateur honors. Steve Rion (125 Yam) was right behind to cop the small-bore Amateur victory. At 14th, Go rdon Sehmid (400 Yam) won first Senior honors. The Novices started separately this time and the 'race quickly tu rned into another Tom Attox production. For Mattox, mo unted on a 400 Ya maha, this was his third straight overall Novice win. Steve Rivett (360 Hu s) and Brett Henson (400 Yam) were n ex t in and be hind them, Joe Rayle (125 Yam) and J eff Matthews (250 Yam) took class victories . Po wder Puff wi nne r Leslie Klug (250 Hon ) fini shed in t he first 20 Novices , far out in front of her competition. LaVern Garton (370 Suz) took the Senior Novice laurels. Mel Bantau (360 Hus) came from third at the halfway point to win the Beginner race. Gordon Duncan (400 Yam) and Gary Corn ,(4 00 Yam) comple ted the top three. As in the Novice race, the other class winners were fourth and fifth; Davi d Ken nedy (250 Yam) and Mike Moore (125 Yam ). Bonnie Kin d (I 25 Yam) ran o ut of gas 30 yards from the finish an d pushed ove r the lin e to win . th e Beginner Pow de r Pu ff clas s. Otis Cecil (400 Kaw) mad e it tw o Sen ior Beginner wins in as many races. The Mini class had a race of t hei r own out o n th e sec o nd loop before the o t her racers started the first. Do nnie Mo rrison (Yam) and Kelly Klin e (Ya m) battled for most of the race, with Morrison winning and Kli ne fmishing right behind, minus fifth gear. Mark Heth (Rup) took t hird. • 25

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