Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 13 of 55

; ._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.- . _ . _ ~ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . =Western hotline- . ~ IE Talk abo ut being in t he wrong place at th e wro ng t ime. The Hilltoppe rs GP - two days of fast and f urious fu n at Escape Coun t ry. Larry Roeseler might have won. but then maybe not - is ridi ng a 25 0cc mach ine in the Open class I a: a: <:( .J > IX> VI 14 a fa J: Q. ga mbled o n m a k in g the e ntire race with h is three gallon Hu sky tan k. He wo n the ga m ble bUL may h ave lo st th e race on a protest that he rode the Open class on his 25 0 clas s b ike . It .h ad 250 decals on it, but ' Bakken was somewhat in credu lous abou t the power t he Hus ky was pu ttin g out (" I loo ked back o n the long u phill and t he re he was, pullin g me !") The duel for fir st left Max Eddy (KT M) at a distant th ird an d Mitch Mayes (H us) fou rth . after m issin g a tu m an d th ro wing the b ike away o ff of a h ills id e . The b ik e wa sn't d amaged a nd Mitch wasn't hurt, b ut he was a lit tle shaken and too far back to ch a llen ge the top spots. The H illtop p ers laid out a t ru e Grand pri x course (the on ly thing mi ssin g w as as phalt] o f approximate ly 6 .6 m iles. I The races started with a t ru e LeMan s start as riders lined u p parallel with the co u rse ra th er than p erpendicu lar as at m o st. dese r t ra ces. Riders were unde rstandab ly n erv ous abo ut th e arr ange m en t bu t t hings wen t well. A downhill ri ght o ff the sta rt led .iru o a left ha nd swee p er leading on to a fire road, which narrowed considerably afte r a few hundred ya rd s. Un fo r t u nate ly, - if yo u go t hung up in a bo tt lenec k th e leaders wer e long go ne . TIle rest o f t he course co n sisted uf sume of th e most varied terra in imaginab le. The o nly th ing lac king wa s w at e r bUL

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