Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 08 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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DIAMOND CHAIN THE NATIONALS' LEAGUE LEADER! DIAMOND CHA IN continues to dominate the 1976 Nationals. Through Castle Rock, a total of 15 Nationals have been contested. DIAMOND-equipped AMA stars have . won 12 first place contingency checks . Winners include: HOUSTONT.T. HOUSTON S,T. LOUISV ILLE 1f2 MI. PONTIACT.T. PONT IACS.T . HARR INGTO N Y1 M I. COLUMBUS Y:lMl. ALBUQUERQUE MI. SAN JOS E 'h MI. CASTLE RO CK T.T. SANJOSEMI. OKLAHOMA Y:l MI. DIAMOND cong ratulates Gary Scott - the Camel Pro Series first leg champion. . Ask your dealer for DIAMOND® - "THE CHAIN OF PROVEN PERFORMANCE" on or off the track . . . LJM::2 CLASS B MEMBER .•.•...• Amsted I N o u e T _ • •• ta Bag Run . They loo k happy - wonder what they 'r e say ing, Bruce broke. . Bota Bag contest Saturday night didn 't slow anyone down . . FMX"Forged Pistons REED INDUCTION K ITS 2 Cycle Engine Oils . CALIFORNIA DISTRIBUTOR OF THESE QUAL ITY HIGH PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS Wholesale to Dealers only - try us for faster delivery! .Tu GeeEnterprisesInc. 731 EAST CYPRESS, MONROVIA, CALIF. 91016 (213) 359-2415 Go faster - drink more prune juice and eat mo re kelp! OLD TIMERS CLUB • Now Being Organized ...;~ • Fo r More e-c> Information Call Ted Lapadak is (213) 882 ,8272 -, Terry Kit ' 1976 Yamaha YZ's & 400 IT's Smoother action - More control - Improved handling - More travel - Different dampen ing - A ir or springs. The front end k it that beats them all. out of state call toll f ree 800-854-469 1 90 pe! I Ie:.. q ) l147443 1Vi ~4::) 21

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