Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 08 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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-_ ..•._._._._. ._• The final race was an easy vic to ry fo r J ay . Two trophies we re awarded to the fi st Novice, J o hn Bales, who finished r first in his class. Jay Bales took the Am at eu r / Ex pert t rophy with two wins and a fo urth . Steve Polson, who re cently moved to the Expert ranks, took the gold in the 125 Amateur/Expert class. The Big Bike Sweepstakes race was run backwards and it was old faithful J oe Steffen who led the conglomeration of bikes and riders. Larry Bird tried every trick he knew, but Steffen wasn 't abo ut to let the Bird fly by. Keith Moss was the n umbe r three big biker to cross th e finish line. Steffe n was awarded two Elsinore Raceway T-Shirts for his win. R.A.C.E. for cash By " The Tube" CORONA , CA L. ,J ULY 16 A bunch o f ,12'5 Pro rid ers - all ridi ng for cash, were " psyche d up" an d o ff when th e starte r gave ~them the gree n. Steve Bau er got the hol esh o t and was stretching out his lead when he went over a be r m giving up t he lead to Jim Lawson. Lawso n saw d o llar signs, but it didn't last long. He slid out tryi ng to go inside the high ;;:ban ked berm just past t he sco ring towe r. Mark Lester held it o n for the ~ remainin g four laps and took the checkered. Bauer crashed again on the big downhill, after he had moved from eighth up to third but he held it together the remaining two motos and picked up first pl ace money . Lester was second overall and Scott Sheedy, a first time Pro winner was in for third. . A large turnout of girl riders were present. Most of them didn't want to race am ong themselves, but rather with the boys, and the y did fantastic. Terri Bender won the third moto of the 125 JlUl io rs , but was onl y able to fin ish third overall due to bike problems in the lust moto, The first place finisher was Ted Hoyt. Larry Clark won both the first and second motos, but had a DNF in the third. Janet Grisham was ab le to trophy against the boys in t he 125 Beg in ner class by finis hing fourth . The class was won by Jerry Bomgard, secon d we n t to Lynn Haw kin s and third to Dan Baker. T he 250 Women 's race was a real sh owdown between Ly nnette Zuber and Cathy Riddle. The lead changed several times, but it was Cathy who carne out with the first place trophy on the strength of two wins and a second. Lynnette had one win and two seconds. The largest turnout of 250 Pros this year were on hand to go for the 200% payback p urse. Lined up handlebar to handlebar, Don Snyder got the lead in the first moto, but went down, relinquishing the lead to Goat Bre ker (Kaw). Kevin Callaway was in close pursuit, followed by Wayne Martin and Floyd Burk, Jr. Synder worked back up to third at the finish, Breker held off Callaway for the win. First place m oney went to Callaway, second to Breker and third to Snyder. . The 500 Pros ' were started by themsel ves , as usual, ho wever, the Intermediates were started from the seco n d lin e . Lee Scheffers worked his way up from the Intermediate line into second place in the Pr o class, so he aSked the Pros if he co u ld ri de wi th the m for the next two .m ot os, They. agreed, since that w o uld fatten th e purse, and wh at Pro can't beat an Intermediate , rig ht? Wrong ! They were so rry th ey allowed the move later as Scheffers w o n t he next two m ote s, He w as awarded a second place win in t he first mo to since he came in seco nd, even th ou gh he started approximate ly 20 ' seconds behind the Pro riders. The t wo best 50 0 Pros, Ric hee Co llins and Bill Conroy were having problems. Co llin s just co uld n ' t put it together, as he usually does, a nd Conroy had bike problems. • Results iri Results Se ction . Memo To.. ALL PROFESSIONAL RACERS From.. ABC Leathers &Bell.Helmets Subject..NUMBER ONE HOMBRE SERVICE The AMA Grand National Circuit swings around to the west coast during the month oj July . .. and ABC Leathers & Bell Helmets want to extend a special California welcome to you all. We also want you to know that everyone at ABC Leat hers & Bell Helmets un derstands it's a bus y tim e of the year for p rofessional racers. So while you' re on the west coast yo u are a NUMBER ONE HOMBRE wit h us. T o prove it, we've created a special NUMBER ONE HOMBR E SE RV ICE . And that ' means that everyone at ABC is ready to bend over backward toquarantee BETWEEN RACE SERVICE, on repairs or add itions to your leathers. CLA SS B LDIiJ The folk s at Bell have the same idea too. The Headprotect ors can make a special appointment with you to handle anything from a simple annual inspec tio n to an all out up grade of yo ur protective head gear. MEM BER So while you 're in the nieghborh ood it's a perfect time to st op in . . . and let us help you check ou t and up -date all of your protective gear . And remember the ABC/Bell Con tingency Awards Program . We've got our money riding on you too. Call us today and le t us know when you'll be in. Where"' you 90 .t here's ABC/BELL CUSTOM LEATHERS 9802 A. At l..tie A ven ue Sou th GItB. Califo rnia (213) 564- 1715 THE HEADPROTECTORS BELL HELMETS. INC. 2850 East 29th Stree t Long. B... h. Califo mia (213) ~ 1 91 Mon - Fri or by appointment M..... Th urs C'" Clarice A mberg R_ ir Dept. by appointment . IFYOU'RE N TADVERT O ISING IN CYCLE N EWS. .YOU LOSING B 'RE USINESS! YAMAHA IT 500 XT500 Terry Kit The front end kit that works! With air o r springs - better dam pening - smoot her act ion - more contr ol - lo nger tr avel - designed for racing o ver rough terra in . Bolts"rig ht in. 90 day m oney back guarantee Kits availa ble for Beror, Cerl aru, Kawasaki. CZ. Su zu ki. Yamaha. Montesa. . Dealer O direct , r out of state call toll free 800-8544 691 TERRYCA BLE P () B' x 1321 ~-;e'J pe(ll 7 147 44' 1:<1 l.':'" Cl]3 4S 19

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