Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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ps'em Wise for the lead after passing Glover for second, only to have the front wheel of h is Yamaha wash out in an off camber down hill tum. "I wasn't too worried when I fell, H Bob said afterwards, "beca use I knew I could still work back up to Wise before the moto ended. Then on the next lap in almost the same spot I threw my chain. Got that back on , and a few laps later my crankshaft went out. That bothered me the mo st be cause not being able to finish cost me 25 points towards the Championship.". . With Hannah out of the wa y , Smith closed in on Wise to pass the Team Honda supported rider just two laps before the finish, Grossi also got around a hard riding Broc Glover near the end of the race for third, with Broc being followed by Kudalski, Reid, Ron Turner, LaPorte, Savitsky, and Mark Tyer. _ . "The way my lu ck 's been going, " claimed Marty, " I expected my engine to blow up on the last lap !" His Dave Arnold prepared RC Honda stayed st rong, though, causing Wise to remark, "I wanted to win that moto, but 1\1 arty's just too hard to beat. H Moto two: Tied on points Obviously Steve did n't take his own . (Upper left) Wise grabs a quick lead off the gate. (Center) Texan Steve Wise breaks the Smith-Hannah victory circle. (Far left) The most feared man in motocross, Mikey Boone. (Second from left) Hannah at fr ightening closeness. (Left) John Saviuki got sixth overall on a stock RM. (Right) Marty moves up to third in the standings, while (upper right) Billy Grossi holds down fourth. wo rds too seri ously as he aga in to ok t he seco nd ho leshot and began imm ediately to p ull ou t a sizable lead on Ron Turner, Kud alski, ' Glover , Hannah, Gr ossi, J ennin gs, Smith, LaPorte , Kess ler and Dan Turner. The battles fo r second place on down became alm ost unbelievable as everyone began trading paint with everyone else to give their factory bikes that "well used" look. Kudalski tried to out-gas Turner on the bumpy front straightaway, but only succeeded in putting himself into a high flying end swapper that stuffed him into the ground and may have fractured his foot. Marty moved up to tangle cables with Hannah for four laps. Mechanic Bill Buchka had put a new engine in Bob's Yamaha between motos, but it was last year's non-waterpumper version and down on "steam" to what Bob had been using earlier in the series. Bob valiantly fought off Marty by holding . the Ya maha open longer in the rough sections and on the downhills, bu t fmally . h ad to back off ju st short of killing himself as l\larty used his Hon da 's p ower advantage to p u ll away fro m Bob on the up hills. Their battle had carried them past Glover an d up into second and th ir d places. As the m oto near ed its end, Wise got the signal from mechanic Jim Strait t hat Marty was closi ng on him , bu t t his time Steve found he had the strength left to keep his lead at about 50 yards. Billy Grossi, after a number of laps of racing with a de te rmined Broc Glover, finally got his Brian Lunnis tuned Suzuki around Broc on the last lap . Teammate Danny LaPorte was righ t behind and might have gotten Broc as well if there had been another lap to go. Both riders were usin g RA Suzuki works bikes with production &\1 125cc engines, and 'said they had to work their tails off to reel in on Broc's D&G machine. Steve Wise's second m ot o win tied h im on points with Honda teammate Marty Smi th , but gave Wise the overall win and m ade a lot of folks happy. Honda fmally picked up a 125cc Nationa l. • Results 125cc NAT IONA L : 1. S t e ve Wise 2· 1 (Han) . 2. M a r ty Sm i t h 1· 2 (Hon). 3 . B i ll y GrOSSi 3- 4 (Suz) . 4 . Broc Gl over 4-6 (Hon). 5. D an ny LaPo rte 8-S (Suz) . 6. J o h n Sav ltsk l 9· 11 (5uz) . 7. Warren R eid 6·15 (Hon) . 8 . Ji mmy Ma r t in 1 2-10 (Yam) . 9. Mike Ke ssler 15-8 (Ka w) . 10. Ma r k Tyer to-rs ( Y am ) . i i , Glen Joh nso n ( 1 3- 14). 12. Don KUd al sk l 5- 19 (Hon) . 13. Ch arl es ToU 23-21 (H on ). 14. Ja ck K eese (1 9-17). 15. Eu gene Chri sto pher 2 0- 18 ( Ya m ). 16 . D avy G le nn 16- 22 ( H on ). 17 . D an "t urner 30-9 (Yam) . 18. R on Tu rne r 7-32 ( H on ) . 19. Ge ne Mc Cay 22·2 0 (Yam). 2 0. Bob Hannah 40-3 ( Y am ) . 25 0c c SUPPORT : 1. John B u n tin g 2-1 (Mal). 2. Frank St acy 1·2 (Pen ). 3 . John Bom berger 3-3 (Mal). 4 . Den ny Sw ar tz 4-6 (Suz) . 5. Cu rt is Ha mmons 7-4 ( Hus). 6 . Gerard Sanders 9-9 (Suz) . 7. D en n is ~dmiston 12-7 (Hus). 8. Mi chael Iwiford 1<>-10 (Mon) . 9. R oss Will i ams 15- 8 (SuI) . 1 0. Denn i s Ch eran 14-1 3 (Hu s) . 11