Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 07 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Uh, whoever lifted the ABC/AMA/FIM signs off the TV tower at the USGP Carlsbad, Trippe-Cox (the promoter) needs 'em back. They promise $50 for info leading to the signs' recovery and/or a souvenir of equal worth. They're at 206 Business Center Dr. , Irvine, CA 92664, Ph: (714) 752 ·6686. For CMC Wednesday n ight motocross at DeIR , Irvine , Ca. , June is $3 entry month. Pass it on . For all the folks who have chased about trying to visit Ron Burpo (they moved him to three different hospitals) he is now at Antelope Valley Hospital in Lancaster, where he 'll be for quite a while as doctors try to put his shattered right arm in wo rking order. Ron's other injuries are healing, but the arm will have him laid up a long while yet. Even the Wall Street Journal (J u ne 14 cove r date) has taken notice of biker power in a very complimentary ed itorial "One Small Victory for De-regulation." American speed way racing star Scott Autrey of Bell flower, California, becam e th e first U.S. rider in 25 years to qu alify for th e World Individual Speedway Cham p ionships b y p lacin g seventh in the In tercontinental Finals at Wembley Stadium Wednesday night. Capturing the overall win was Englishman Peter Collin s. Notable among the non-qualifiers were recent World Champions Anders Michanek of Sweden (I974) and Ole Olsen of Denmark (197 1-1975), Results: 1. Peter CoUins (England 12 ; 2. Ivan Mauger (New Zealan d ) 12; 3. Phil Crump (Australia) 11; 4, Malcolm Simmons (England) 11: 5. Chris Morton (England) 10: 6. Doug Wyer (England) 10; 7. Scott Autrey (U.S.A.) 9; 8.John Louis (England) 8. According to the Brit ish press (Motor Cycle). the AMA and the FIM are be ing l ued for two mill ion dollars by Harry Oxley of Intern at ional Speedway Inc. The su it, filed due to an alleged violation of Anti-Trust legislation , was served during the Carlsbad U,S. 500cc MXGP. Our typesetter's . a loadiel No, n o t Marlon - the machine! Every mo rni ng, yo u turn it on an d it prints out "259 LOADED." Wonde r what goes on here at night when the staff's not around .. . Even the kid gets to go for the gusto now that Hollister Hills is open as a green sticky park that's heavy on family riding, camping, and plcnlckang areas. Story on page 37 . 27i ,~ .ac re What's next? Batman? Spiderman? Anyway, here's Jay "Underdog" Ridgeway and David "Superman" Aldana together at the recent Pontiac National TT. Semi race action saw Superman top Underdog. But then Underdog was spotting Superman 4OOcc. Correction to earlier Papa item - that's Benjamin Kelly of Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, not Ben Jackson. And he 's still mad at the moto-press. Probably madder, since we got his name wrong. Jiri Churavy (CZ) went I-I to win the June 20 Czecho 125 GP (should we be surprised?). Gaston Rahier was 2·2 for the day; Marty Smith didn't enter (the country). Can't blame him. Tidbit from the Federal Reg ister; " NUT WAREHOUSES USDA/AMS proposes to extend requirements fo r bonding, net worth, and types of e ligible nuts; comments by 7-19-76." Wonde r if that affects motorcycle nuts ? No matter that the Two Day Qualifier season is over in America, 01' Malcolm Smith went down to Australia and ran a Six-Day Qualifier over there. He won, of course.. KJ is still missing. See Voices. Still campaigning in Europe on a brace of Suzukis, Pat Hennen got his best GP finish to date at Assen, Holland J un e 27 in the Dutch IT, where he placed seco nd to unsin kable Barry Sheene in the 500 race. Pat survived a practice crash that about trashed his b ike and took over second when Ago retired. Ago gave the MV 350 its first win in that class, while Walter Villa (H-D) swept on toward another 250 title. Story and pix to co m e. 2 Your paper may be a tad (one day, to be exact) lat e next wee k fo r, after OD-ing on BuyCentennial celebration heads reverbrating from firecracker' din, our staff will take Monday , June to recuperate . Press day for issue No 27 , therefore, will be Tuesday, June 6 Life-or-death drama at the Dutch IT Sidecar winner Herman Scmitt suffere a heart stoppage in the intense heat he pulled in from his race and wa revived by heart massage. Gaston Rah ier c linched h is 12Scc World Championsh ip with a first moto win in France. Then, apparently Gassin ' Gaston kicked back, for the overall top three were Zdenek Velky (CZ, 2-1), Anatoly Khudiakov (KTM, 3-21 and Roger Harvey. Heikki Mikkola, however, feels his 250cc points lead slipping, even though he did get a second in the second moto in West Germany. Vladimir Kavinov (KTM) went I -I fo r the day 's win over Antonin Babarovsky and Harry Ever ts. J im Pomeroy got a third . And to round out the Nndown of , International events, the "Superbowl of Softball" pitted U,S, Suzuki employees against Kawasaki Motor Corp:s salaried nine. The Suzuki Sluggers romped 17·7 behind winning pitchers Chuck White and Art Castillo. The winners expect a challenge from Yamaha International, or maybe even the dreaded American Honda club. Industry concentration can be a gas, attimes • .. In uDOT afloat on an uncertafu se a, " (see Political Lifeline) you'll fin d out how hel met law opponents' efforts have p aid off in a government agency that's changed its tack. Now they listen because it's required by law. If only we could bring the EPA around before i t's too late .. . The Environmental Protection Agency called motorcycle indu st ry reps to Ann Arbor, Michigan June 23 to hear its staff-recommended motorcycle emission control Nles. Though not al bad as it could have been, it looks like motorcycles are going to get emission controls whether we want them or not. This in spite of the fact that the President's Council on Wage and Price Stability recommended against having any controls at all. Bureaucratic ine rti a marches on . • . T he EPA standards, if drafted in to final fo rm, w ill req u ire new bikes to m ee t a sliding-scale 5-14 gram/kilometer HC limit, based o n d isp lacem en t, begin ning in 1978. The industry says we can (ouch) live with this, as well as (oh, the pain) a flat five g/k limit after 1980. But they slipped us a wild card. They want to include all bikes (presumably enduro machinery) which could conceivably be made licensable. And that's a no-no. Don't you agree? Suzuki's dynamic dentist Gerrit Wolsink wrapped u p h is stay on North American so il by making it a clean two moto sweep at Mosport Par k in the labatt's . 500 Grand Prix of Canada. Wolsink's victories, added to his double moto win at the USGP on the previous weekend, put him within two moto wins of World Champion Roger DeCoster in the FIM 500cc GP standings. Brad Lackey (Husl also repeated his last week's overall placing by again taking second overall . Lack ey 's moto finishes of 3-2 bettered third place KTM ride r Jaak Van Velthoven's 5-4 total. . The $1000 purse Corona Raceway is putting up for their July 3rd Firecracker Flat T rack Championship will be split between two classes, the Short Track Open and the Half-Mile Open. These classes will be open to 250cc bikes. Update on the Ascot story that appears on page 38 : The AMA finally sent Aggie the money that was due him for ABC television coverage of the Ascot 100 lap TT he ld in March . He recei ved the check

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