Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 06 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 2 of 47

• .....F re e . .. t Cln-Anl . lid 'n ·, hl * Get $100 worth of racing gear free with the purchase of any new Can-am model. i Two clothing deals to choose Ride with Jimmy Ellis. from at your participating dealer's: . . A "Team Can-am" "T'NT" Gear or "MX" Gear. ~ T-shi rt-$4 .95 value Buy that new Can-am %?/~ '",. -you rs for only 99¢, just now and save ~ :a , for " check ing out the • a bundle! ,,'" J' ~ t'" Can-am line at a It'sthebesttin:e~verto ; '.. ; : ;' ". Partlicipatin~ ?~ler. buy, because prices are ~;(' '', J ,i Hurry . Offer IS limited ... geare d to move bikes. .~~ ".;;,.< .l' Check this line-up now! 125cc/ t ,.,,\\, "\\,~' 175cc/25Occ TNT plus the sensational new 175OR. 125cc/ * 175cc/25Occ MX. .% r moeorcrcles.., Iom _rd... "Trllclem ar k of Bomhll.rdl~r Lim ited 3

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