was 17 year old Ted Boody , the youngest rider ever to win an AMA Grand National Race.
He was followed by Randy Cleek and Steve Droste, making it a I , 2, 3 sweep for Bel-Ray
at the Pontiac Short Track. National.
In short track racing, top performance and split-second timing is essential. Riders blast
around tight indoor ovals dicing for posit ion. It takes courage , ability and a well prepared
machine if you 're going to win. And Ted Boody (Bultaco), Rand y Cleek (Yamaha) and
Steve Droste (Yamaha ) proved it - they won with the ir Bel-Ray race prepared machines .
Before the events , their bikes were set up with Bel-Ray MC-I Two-Cycle Racing Lubricant,
Gear Oil, Racing Chain Lube, For~ Oil, LT Shock Oil and Six-in-One Cable Lubricant.
Bel-Ray Lubricants give the Pros the top performance and consistent reliability they demand. These are th e same exact products that you can buy at your motorcycle dealer.
Bel-Rev Compllnv. Inc.
Motorcycl e & Au tomot ive Lubricants Division
PO Box 526
Farmingdale, N.J. 07727
(201) 938-2421
Western Off ice
1467 0 Fir estone Blvd ., Suite 410
La Mirada, CA 90638
(714) 52 2-0581 (2 13) 92 1-1055