Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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THELATm This is the - second year that the Bad Rock Association of the town of Weston has done the organizing of the Bad Rock Two Day. The proceeds from the event go into a scholarship fund for Athen.Weston High School students. Sure wish the good vibes this kind of thing generates would become contagious, other towns, other states. The " King Richard" label really does fit Dick .Bur leson. Watching him start at Bad Rock Sunday - he calmly starts his Husky first kick: sits cooly drawing on his gloves as the engine ticks over: acknowledges the swarm of photographers with a regal nod: slowly, deliberately, quietly snicks the bike into gear as the last ten seconds of his minute come up, then with no fanfare whaever; drops the hammer and charges out of the chute front wheel high and shortshifting. Guy's got style, he does. EPA just recently let a contract to Olson Labs in Anaheim to develop emission test equipment designed specifically for motorcycles. Completion is due in November, 1976. You mean they're about to turn our world upside down, and all their preliminary research has been on equipment cobbled up on a car dyno? Oh, my achin' head! There are still no official results on the 49'er National Enduro because the Polka Dots MC have been told to re-figure them after throwing out Check One. Seems that fours hours after the Check One clock was returned to the start area, somebody noticed it was 31 seconds off. Under the strict letter of 1)..36 rule 12.8.4, the check had to be thrown out. The club's a bit upset about it all. Primary elections are over in California (where 01' Pop must, unfortunately, live). Rapid Transit lost, and so did 0-37 desert racer Bob Hayes in his bid for a California Assembly seat-by three percentage points. Barely four bikers ever showed up at anyone time to work for his campaign. What can you say, except to quote from Pogo: "We have met the enemy, and he is us," Didn 't have room for a dates & Data this week, but the Mountain Roadracing Association has already begun its season with a Memorial Day bash at Adams County Fairgrounds, and will con tinue into the summer with races at Aspen, June 12-13, July 10-11, and August 14-1 5. An Aspen four-hour is set for September 11-12. Call Woody Witte at (303) 233-8767 for more details. Guess the BlM finally got off the can about those Porta.Johns bought with your BlM bucks. Remember the ones that used to just sit? Through some administrative miracle, you can now rent them from the BlM for $15 (to cover cleaning and re-ehargingl. They must be picked up and returned in Barstow. Thanks, guys-couldn't have held it much longer BLM has appointed a new Riverside District Manager to succeed out-going Delmar Vail. He's 39 year old Gerald E. Hillier, currently D.M. in Salt Lake City, Utah. Utah has historically had a favorable attitude towards bikes, ORVs and competition (Bonneville Salt Flats are on BLM land), so maybe this is a good sign. 2 One of CN's editors spent an interesting interlude hiding in the brush with MarcUI McDonald at the Bad Rock Two Day. No, it's not lib that - what they _re doing _ hiding out from the bull that hed Uken offence at our boy's red Cycle News jacket. Official results of the May 23 Oklahoma City National, after AMA appeal board ruling: 1. Hank Scott 2. Ted Boody 3. Jay Springsteen 4. Gary Scott 5. Steve Droste 6. Dave Aldana 7. Tom Berry 8. Mike Kidd 9. Corky Keener 10. Gene Romero 11. Steve Morehead 12. Steve Eklund 13. Kenny Roberts 14. Terry Poovey 500cc World Championship point standings induding West Germany: 1. Roger DeCoster 154 2. Adolf Weil 111 3. Gerrit Wolsink 110 4. Graham Noyce 66 5. Herbert Schmits 65 . 6. Ake Jonsson 63 7. Pierre Karsmakers 54 8. Bengt Aberg 43 9. Willi Bauer 43 10. Brad Lackey 40 Finnish riders unknown outside of Finland filled out most of the results of the 125cc GP motocross there, but it was still Gaston Rahier on top, 1ยท1 as ever. Marty Smith got a second in the second mota but didn't figure in the first, according to sketchy reports available at press time. The French round of the 250cc MX was boycotted by the entire field riders entered. The riders refused to ri . the event because of dangerous tni conditions. Camping update: The Carlsbad Chamb of Commerce tells us that all of t State Parks are full on the weekend June 20 . Here is a list of priva campgrounds within driving {dis tan that have some vacancies as of th writing. Surf & Turf (714) 755-540 Elfin Forest (714) 744-2444, DeAn Trailer Harbor (714) 273-321 Campland on Mission Bay (71 273-3019 . San Onofre State Park allo camping on a first come first serve basi Roger DeCoster can dinch his fi World Championship at Carlsb Raceway this Sunday. In FIM poin keeping, they count only your best 1 out of 24 motos. Carlsbad will be mOt 16 and 17 of the season leaving onl eight motos after the USGP. If R. wins the USGP he will have won te motos with only eight remaining. H dosest competitors, Gerrit Wolsink a Adolph Weil, have won two apiece . Roger DeCoster (Suz) swept both mot in the June 13 500cc MX GP round West Germany. In moto one Roger I teammate Gerrit Wolsink (Suz) andJa Van Velthoven .(KTM) to the checker flag with Graham Noyce (Mai) Bengt Aberg (Bul) taking the place show positions in the second mot Brad Lackey (Hus) opened the day wi a fourth place finish in the first mo and backed it up with an eighth in t second, for fourth overall. Leave your old CN in the office next time you go . Just another obstacle at the Bad Rock Two Day (note loop trail arrows). What was our idiot editor doing sharing the same pastu with two tons of angry hamburger? Trying to make himself as small as possible and hoping they'd go away before the first bikes showed up. To everyone's 900d fortune, they did.- . .