Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 06 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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0101< GROVE FOAUT CA SAN ONOfRE ITA TE IlEACH LAKE ~()tll FOR O RESO RT SOUTH CARLO AD STAT( 8EAC H .' Zephyr Films feature length movie "The Champions," the nory of Ian year's dramatic six-way battle for the 500cc National Championship, has [ust signed a contract for National distribution with Pan American Film Distributors. To be shown in theaters throughout the country, "The Champions" is the first real movie on the sport of motocross and features interviews with all the top riders, as well as exciting race action ; The AMA's director of publicity, Dave Despain does the commentary on the film from a script written by Cycle News freelancer Jim Gianatsis. Planned opening for "The Champions" is sometime during July in the Los Angeles area. Our budding speedway co rrespo nden t, Rex Reese, rode a spee dway bike" Sunday at Elsinore and didn 't cra sh . Now that 's news . Russ Collins is in intensive care after a 170 MPH crash at Cleveland, Ohio this pan weekend. A rear tire blowout is suspected as the cause; the famous R.C. triple-engine Honda is a total write-off. ............ === SCA LE IN M ILES If' Dl ANl A TRAI LER HA R8 0R MISSION 8 EACH CAMPLA ND ON M ISSlON 8 A V I/I _U/II\ lIA r TRATEL-oYER NIGHT TRAV EL TRA ILE R PAl'lK OCEAN BEACH _~7'-''''''' CAMPSITES Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 597 Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 ' Tel: (714) 729-5924 No cam pin g at the US GP again this ye ar, sa here is a map of state cam pgrounds in th e area. Warning: The y charge a dollar a nigh t f or your dog. fTHELATEST 'P BY PAPA WEALEY Sewn out of the top tan 250 MX riden from s1lItes outside of California; , PennsylY8l1ia, New York, Texas, Ohio, ,Ore9O", & Connecticut. ciome Saturday at the Trask Mountain Qualifier, the last one out of the woods was the helicopter being used in the filming of a full-length documentary. Seems they ran out of gas and set 'er down among the stumps on the mountain. The truck they sent out broke when the driver decided he could follow the course. He got as far as the bottom of the big downhill . . . WFO action shot of a Motocross Cat School of Racing graduate at Viewfinden GP. WIERA rescheduled its August Texas World race to August 14·1 5 so there'd be no con flict with th e Aust in Aqua Festiva l. Good thinkin '. With the USGP just around the corner and the top ten 500 GP riden in the, world signed up to appear the attention is beginning to shift to the plans of last year's .nsation 'Rocket' Rex Staten. Rex led the race last year, but this year will make the West Coast debut of the Open class HarIey·Davidson. The Rocket wants an All-American win this year. Rokon is talking to a top-Ilite American MXer in hopes of making the USGP field also. , The other North American entry, Can-Am, will not have their 400cc wrsion ready. Vic Allen will bring the sole four-stroke entry to th e USGP when he brings his Clews Competit ion Machine over. Butler and smith has found 15 more honepower in the Daytona BMWs. Reg Pridmore, ~esting the new, improved AMA Superbike Production weapon at Rivenide, May 23, was clocked at 155 miles per hour. His lap times in decimating the Superstreet class were just a few .conds off the absolute lap record set at Riverside by Wes Cooley, Jr. on a Yamaha TZ7oo. The 50cc technology war continues in California club racing. Seen at a CMC road race at Ontario June 6: a water-cooled Malagu tti, direct from Italy. Claimed horsepo wer is 13 at 14,000 rpm. The bike belongs to Sid Chambers of Chambers Enterprises in Long Beach , California. Weight is 133 pounds. Features include a six-speed, transistorized electronic ignition, 30mm Bing carburetor, Marsocchk fork and shocks, Searab discs front and rear, Michelin tires, and Veglia tach. Chambers dido 't race the machine because of a lack of time to sort out the jetting in practice. Chambers says the bike cost $800. June 12 is the honest·to-Murglltroyd official opening of Hollister Hills Green Stickie Park. It's all free riding that first Saturday. Hollister Hills is something of a landmark, being the first confinned Green Stickie purch_, but the actual opening's been slow in coming. We ought to be able to keep Hollister awhile. The San Andreas Fault bisects the property, so you can bet nobody's going to put up a housing development next door. 2 In case ' you wondered, the word "Mashe" you _ on many a European road racer's fairing is not a French version of a TV comedy. but a Fren brand of blue jeans. The Urpeens a really heavy into jeans of late, and least one canny manufacturer has quick to cap ital ize on motorspo exposure. Kansas helm et protester Kelly Wende is ready to zero in on the 55 speed lim next . on grounds th at his {and othe st ate's speed law is a result of the sa kind of federa l blackmail that applied helmet laws. li e's gotten one speed i ticket dism issed and has ano ther appeal. - I For the first time ever, the AM is trying to help pay part of the expe of sending an American team to Motocross and Tropies des Nations selling commemorative tee shirts wi profits from the sale of the $5 shi going into an expense fund. To DiStefano is looking forward to maki the trip to Europe with an Ameri team, and bought 10 shirts to help fund. Mechanic Cheese McCarty boug five. Is it true that Cheese has a girlfr ie nam ed Crackers, and they go togeth like . .. yep, Cheese and Crackers. th at's why Cheese always has cru mbs his mu stash. Final 250 National Championsh points standings: 1. Tony DiStefano - 291 . 2. Jim Weinert - 236 3. Stewe Stackable - 204 4. Kent H_rton - 187 5. Gary Semics - 177 6. Bob Hannah - 175 7. Rick Burgett - 173 8. Jimmy Ellis - 154 9. Gaylon Mosier - 128 10. Rich Eierstedt - 115 Scott Autrey an d Steve Gresham represent the U.S. at World Speed Individual Championship eliminators result o f th e two qualifier rounds he at San Jose and Cal-Expo (Sacram en t June 4-5 . But th e AMA's Bill Boyce h to wade in to an expanding hoopla re-inst ate Sco tt after he broke a tape Cal-Expo, Scott then had to beat Pa Orlandi and Dennis Robinson in runo ff, as all were tied at 12 poin Story and pix to come. ' 125 National MX standings 1. Bob Hannah (Yam) 2. Billy Grossi (Suzl 3. Bruce McDougal (Hon) 4. Steve Wi. (Kaw) 5. Danny Turner (Yam) 6. Marty Smith (Hon) 7. John Savitski (e-A) 8. Danny laPorte (Suz) 9. Warren Reid (Hon) 10. Ron Turner (Hon) J immy Weinert who lost a shot at 250 National Champion ship because rock broke his knee cap says th at next set of leathers he gets will ha knee pads so thi ck th at "you can hit with 'a sledge ham mer!" Laguna Seca goes metric! Champion road race classic will two 100 kilometer heats instead of 1 miles. That _ms to satisfy IIV8nt1xx1. except meybe FIM, who requi Formula 750 events to run at IelIst miles. Thought the FIM ' dudes on spoke metric. Curiouser and curiouser They had this "Post-war ISDT Qu' tacked up on the wall at the Trask T J> start; the last question read: ..y "The 20 best scores on this test w receive; ' a) A stem look from AI Eames b) A handshake from Marcia McDonald c) A "Hug~ ' Tug" from Carl Cran d) A Preston Petty plastic pedunda e) An all -expense trip to Oz Westerville . • • You can imagine wh the rest of the test was like All riFt Preston, how come you I8Rt us a pedunda to test?

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