Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 06 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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In Colorado May 23, Don Sweet (Mon) baptized the 348 Cote ·by taking the f irst of nine AMA National trials rounds, 58 points to Marland Whaley's (Hon) 76_ Following in the results were Lane Leavitt (Bull , Joe Guglielmelli (Hon) and Tim Carr (Bull. High scores tended to indicate a tough t rial for the touring Experts, Full story t o come. The Id aho Falls District Multi ple Use Advisory Board to the BLI\I will meet J un e 24, 9 a.m, at the BLM Building, 940 Lincoln Rd ., Idaho Falls, Idaho. ORV's are on the agenda. Call (208) 522- 7460 for into. Mike Gillman debuted the new 341cc Harley-Davidson Motocrosser at the Allentown, PA National. Gillman rode in the Support class but suffered teething problems with the brand new machine. Riders signed to appear at the USGP at Carlsb ad , CA include DeCoster, Weil, Wolsink, Karsrnakers, Herbert Schmitz (Puc ), Jonsson, Graham Noyce (Mai), Bauer, Aberg, Vic Allen (CCM) and Van Velthoven. Meanwhile Tony DiStefano and Keith 'Cheese' McCarty his mechanic will attempt to introduce their brand of lunacy and success on the July 4th British 500 GP. Former NoCal MX ace Jim Turner now has a factory ride with Suzuki of Canada and is blowing them away North of the border. In Canada he has a works bike, but when he races in America it 's .... on an RM. " Yamaha's Bob " Hu rricane" Hannah blew up a storm at the Red Bud Track and Treil 125cc National MX on May 23 . Bad Bob dominated the event, scoring a perfect 1-1 for the afternoon. Suzuki's Billy Grossi worked up a 2-3 second place combination while Steve Wise, now on a Honda, took third with a 6-7 total. Marty Smith suffered motor troubles in the first moto but placed second in rou nd two behind Hannah. Bob Rudder topped the 500cc Support class on I Bultaco. Team Yamaha almost lost their water-cooled wonder when Mickey Boo ne put up the money to claim the machine. Yamaha registered a claim also arid won the draw , bu t Boon e says th at it isn't over yet. He plans to try again at th e next 125cc Nat ional in Midland , Michigan on J une 20 . Glry Nixon (Kawl won the May 23 Belgium round of the Formula 150 road racin g series. Dave Potter and Mick Grantfinished 2-3. Puc h has released th e 25 0 MX model for sale in Europe. For the Americans who will never see one of Harry- Everts and Joel Roberts babies the production models come with Can-Am engines. With an old 175 Puch, a lit tie yellow paint and a Can-Am engine some enterprising m otocrosser could have a World beater 250 Puch, Who will be the fint National MX sUr to win a National event in all three classes? Seven ride n have a shot at it, but the big money ride s on Marty Smith , Bob Hannah, and Billy Grossi. Those of you who have old events calenda rs ' an d still think that the Superbowl 'o f MX an d the Ascot TT Nati onal. are on the same ni ght - J uly 24 - ta ke it ea sy. The Asco t TT was mo ved to August 7 ea rlier this year. Fre mo nt's d ue to start a D-36 TT Scramb les series in J une with do uble po in ts for Experts. Top 10 riders will be invi ted to T ulare for a Cal State Championship TT in October. An tioch, San Jose , Salinas, Lod i an d Sacramento ar e a ll ex pected to be involved in a district scrambles re-b irth up the re. Got a thought - now that the comer's been turned on helmet laws , how about the AMA and all the rest of us tackling the 55 speed limit (which is be ing foisted on the states with the same h i~way fund blackmail tactics by the Feds). A straw poll done by the AMA back in 1974 ind icated biken were 50/50 for/against the lim it then, How do y ou folks feel about it now? We no te that back in Oh io (AMA's stomping grounds) they still bust you for exceeding 55 , but they don't charge po in ts to your license unless you were exceeding 70. No t a bad idea, if all else fails, Pierre .Ka~smake rs an~ mechanic Ste ve Whit'ock pro.udly display the long awaited 'Ty pe 2' Honda that Honda un veiled in Eur ope. The bik « IS all new WIth a long , long stroke 400 engme, ex ternal spring forks, and cantilever rear sho cks. CBS Sports Spectacular will air a ' 15 minute segme nt on the Daytona Supercross MX on Saturday , June 12th. The Daytona 200 road race has been delayed and no t ime has been announced for its debut. The way it shou ld be ; AMC watered the track a t Saddleback Par k several times last Sunday. It is a sad state of affairs whe n it becomes good news that an organization cares enough to work on the track. Are all th e other alphabet organizations listening. Bryon Farnsworth is leaving his job as publisher of Motorcyclist monthly, go ing back to Kawasaki, ' t is rumored. Does th is mean that the legended "Lobster"project is go again ? Our boy did it again. No, he did n't break h is arm - worse - the ultimat e indignity. He seize d the Unlikely Duckling ab out halfway out to the Rock Store and had to hitch a ride back to Long Beach on the back of Bit ch in 's . chopper. Oh, the pain! While contemplating a once-piece Suzuki engine, the Lame One d id manage to, for the f irst time, take a solid look at those parts of Hope Ranch which front on Mulholland. You know, it would make a hell of a good rid ing area. Far out terrain , and as CN Prez Chuck Clayton mentioned earl ier, there is surplus wastewater to keep th ings green - wate r that they are fo rced to dump somewhere. Neat, huh ? Look for Skyway to co me ou t with a performance/quiet kit for the Yamaha TT500. Th e kit will likel y con tain an Amal Mkll carburetor, which Skyway's Dave Hetzler says will ou tflo w an equivalent-size l\Iikuni by a significant margin . 0 1' Papa had himself all wo rked up fo r a . real broadside at the Los Angeles Times, then he had a thought. If the L.A. Times gave decent coverage to motorcycles, there'd be no need for Cycle News, and we wouldn't have anybody to throw rocks at. Hang in there, down at T imes-Mirror Square you turkeys. Saw a real fine clip on KNXT , Chan nel 2, dealing with the lad ies and thei r upcom ing Women's Natio nals. Th e came ra work could have bee n better, but the quo tes fro m the lad y racers themselves were priceless. 2 Honda has got Sophia Loren pushing a line of mo-peds in a national magazine ad campaign. It's a move to " soften their image ," so to speak . OK, guys . _.

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