Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Look for a new Honda trials prototype - I mean new from the cases up - to debut on the National tria ls circuit. It's alread y been seen aro und Southern California, as has Suzuki's new 960cc DOHC four stroke four. Look for the big Suzy t o be a late summer offering. Last week's Mammoth MX ad got picked up fro m 1975, by mistake. The date is really June 12 and 13, not June 7·8. Who tuned second-place man Jay Springsteen's Harley, that finished one up on Champion Gary Scott? Gary's tuner of last year, Bill Werner. We see where San Diego County 's CORVAC! IPO off-road vehicle plan is gathe ring momentum. One of the early tasks is gathering data on user demand and user characterist ics. To lend you r expertise, get in touch with Les Bagg of the IPO staff at the Integrated Plann ing Off ice, County Admin. Cente r, 1600 Pacific Hwy. , San Diego, CA 92101 , Ph: (714) 236-4597. Diane Cox . after making it well into the program with a 40.39 qu alifying time (27th fastest of 48 ) retired from the third heat with a cracked cylinder. Still scratching for decent equipment. she may not get down to Ascot for the IT National. We11 miss her. Did we mention that "Clean Gene " Wirwhan , AMA's legal wizard and Legislative Director, was named to the National Commit tee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordi nances (NCUTLO)? That's the outfit that barely rejected our ear ly attempts to down the Federal hel me t man date. If nothing else, we've fina lly earn ed dir ect repr esen tation . Cycle News' Western offices, not to be confused with the Western White House, will be closed Friday, May 28 in celebration of th e invention of the sewing mach ine and it 's founder Elias Howe. If not for this great discovery t he wo rld would be wit hout Singer, Hodaka, and ho t pants. But we will be ope n on Memo rial Day , May 3 1st so give us a ca ll. Bakersfield's Speedway Bandits tried out a new electric starting system last week; just pull the clutch, shove the rubber thingie against the crank end and gas it. Well, it works on Hondas . . . Astute, sha rp-ey ed readers will not e that on Page 16 of last week's issue, the Lame Camel's photo cred it belonged on th e tin y road rac e pix, not on Dan Mahon y 's night Ascot shots one col umn over. Sorry, Dan . Papa Don J ones called up to say t hat Gary will def inite ly st ay on the Jones-Islo, ' specially now that he's won with it in Texas. To strengthen the transmission , the Jones boys had "the cases widened by 3mm and stuffed heftier parts into the bigger gap. With 80 hours on one prototype eng ine and 120 hours on another, they're hoping they've turned the corner on the gearbox ills that bedeviled them during the Tran s-AMA season . Lots of folks have asked when the C.A.R.B.!EPA waiver hearing on motorcy cle emis sion controls ' is supposed to be . It's May 27, starting at 9 a.rn, in the Los Angeles Convention Center. If yo u wanted to make a statement, you had to notify the m by May 14 (you saw it two mo nths ago in CN, so don 't say you didn't know). Even so , be there to give our guys some moral support. If ever we needed to beat something, it's this o n e , At pre -race ceremonies, they brought to the line the three men who, 19 years ago, came out of the final tum in a group and f inished San Jose's f irst Mile one ·two-three. Do you National remember? They were Everrett Brashear, Sammy "The Flying Flea" Tanner and Carroll Resweber (who, as tuner for fast qualifier Greg Sassaman, is still in the thick of It) . . Mountain Roadracing Association (MRA) confirmed on May 6 that they 've affiliated with W!ERA on a co operative basis; cardholders in each organization may race and earn poi nts in the others ' events. 2 Banzai speedway buffs, J im Fishback and Danny Becker, will give hillclimb fans something to cheer about as they tackle the World Championship Hillclirnb at De Anza Cycle Park, May 23 . Jim True, the only . climber to conquer the Widowmaker this yea r, will go up against some of the best hillcli mbers in the country as they all try for a shot at the $5 ,225 pu rse. In the California legislative hopper is AB3867 (Chappie) wh ich would remove the 75 db(A) requirement for motorcycles manufactured after 1977. Hopefully, the MIC, with its no ise tests on current machinery, can convince the legislators that 82-83db(A) at 50 feet is quiet enough . The Assemb ly Transportation Committee meets on the bill May 19 , so grab your CN California legislative guide and write a key Assemblyman today, in support of this bill. ill Z ill ill rr o III Z Z ill o