Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 05 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• • I II ~ E c.o r-- en ,...., ~ 00 ,...., >~ ~ .J .J ''" " 0. :; C( o 'z " C( .J >- 'o " III f- o I: 0. MONKEY SEE, MONKEY DO - A TA trials Expert Ron Doster seems to have the speedway st yle down pat as the f eet-up crowd briefly visited th.e Elsinore practice oval. The expecte d match race failed to com e off, however, as the speedway guys, for some strange reason, got very owly at havmg th eir turf invaded by Bultacos, Hondas, and oth er strange things. winning; and your help as a precin ct walker, letter-sniffer, wh ate ver could put him over the hump. Call (2 13) 36 1-853 0 for details, o r peck on thei r fro nt door at 606 N. Hagar, San Fernando, aro und 10 a.m. on Saturday . Saddleback Park, California will swap Trans-AMA dates wit h FasT rack International in Phoenix, Arizona. That will give the Arizona t rack t he final event in the series. Lance Weil, race d irector at W/ERA's lightly attended two day Willow meet, expressed many a ride r's exaspe rati o n whe n he said, "I really don't care what the initi als on the lette rhead say ••• let 's us, t he ride rs, tell the po liticians in our various organization s to get t heir acts together so we can begin gaining so me national recognition ." Amen. Th is weekend's SoCaI road race stories on pages 16 and 18. Russ Pennsylvania moto-journalist Lewellen suggests th at with the boom in CB usage among racers, we adopt Channel One as the bi ker 's channel. He says it 's handy be cause it's near 19 (tru ckers) and racing is Numero Uno anyw ay . Couldn 't agree more. Drop Russ a line at 404 Penn Vista Drive, Pit tsburgh, PA 15235 if you wan t to jaw on the idea. A June 5 qualifier at Cal Expo may determine the American or Americans who are seeded into th e World Individual Speedway eliminations, as things are now planned by AMA's Americ an Speedway Control Board . We're told that Scott Autrey, curren tly racin g full -time league speedway in Britain, will also get a shot at the title. To rlief Hansen (Kaw ) and Jim Pomeroy (Bull went one-two overall at t he May 9 Polish 250 GP motocross, as Pomeroy romped the first moto over Gunnady Moisseev (KTM) and Hansen. Then po ints leader Heikki Mikkola t oo k t he second over Hansen and Hakan Ande rson. This leaves Hansen a one po int edge over Bimbo for third in the world st and ings. Ageless Ado lph Weil (Mai, 1-7) and Roger DeCoster (Suz , 2-1) traded moto wins in the 500cc Austrian GP motocross May 9. Follo wing Weil and DeCoster in the first moto were Vic Allen (CCM) and Christer Hammargren , while Graham Noyce (Mai), Pierre Karsmakersz (Bon) and Willi Buaer trai led Roger in the second round. Lackey seized in the first moto, then returned for a 15t h . Oregon trials riders (all two of you) are invited to an Elliott Schultz trials school near Salem on May 22, followed by a trial on May 23. Call Salem Honda (503) 364-6784 for school and trial details. J ack Johnson and Larry Roeseler one-two for Husky at the Virginia City GP May 8-9. Johnson led from the third lap , smo king; Roeseler wo rked past ISDT veteran Te rry Gou gh (Yam) for his seco nd spot. finished 2 Over $1,500 in contingencies have been pledged for Utah's 16th Annual Cherry Creek H 8< H on May 16 . One of the donors is Darryl Bassani, who will serve as official starter for the event. It 's limed from Hwy . 50, and the Salt Lake MC says if you can 't find Jericho Junction , they'll be mon itoring CB Channel 19 at the campsite. When Frenc h Champion ' Charles Coutard bro ke his wrist during the Scottish Six Days Trial, friends loan ed Coutard's bike to visiting Ameri can Bernie Schreiber to play on. (Bernie , one of ATA's top Experts, was prevented from competing because of his age). He did some of his playing in the infa mous Ben Neves sections and amazed the sidel ine superintendents by dropping o nly two points in the whole torturous stretch . Morgan Malocco, leader of the recent ORA GP, was not a DNF because of an encounter with a van, as reported. He crashed in a pow der ho le, just like everybody else does in the desert, once in a while . Coffe e and donuts await volunteers wh o turn ou t May 15 to help desert racer Bob Hayes win the Repu blican nomin at ion for a seat in the California Assembly. li e's given an even break at Bart Barfly sez the NorCaI speedway folks are try ing to get Rick Hocking on a speedway bike for a match race between the Hock and northern champ Rich MacMurray. Or maybe th ey co uld put Rich on a Harley . .. Bilstein Corp . of America announces it .....;11 sponsor the AMA-Bilstein 500cc Championship motocross at Mexi co , N. Y. The Memorial Weekend rac e is the series . opener for the AMA 500cc National Championship. Martin Lampkin (Bull. with 37 po ints lost in six days, was the over all winner in the Scottish Six Days Trial, just completed. Dave Thorpe, Malcolm Rathrnell, and brother Alan Lampkin tr ailed him in the standings. Former world champion Mick Andrews was seventh, and Mart in Belair (Mo n) on a riding internship in Europe, fin ished 41st. Over 250 ride rs started; 186 finished. Belair said his worst day was the first - with nearly 100 miles from the st art to the fi rst observed section , he had begun to fear he was lost. Orange Cou nty (Calif.) residents, get in touch with your county supervisors on the Mile Square Park issue. Yo ur local chapter of M.O.R.E. rep orts that openin g of the park to stree t bikes on a trial ba sis (OK'd by Parks & Recreation ) has run in to snags. Find o ut wh en it co mes in front of th e bo ard , and be there to express your opinion . Contary to popular rumor, Kenny Roberts is alive and well in Modesto. Or San Jose. Or points in between. As ever, the kid is hard to catch: One politico still on ou r side is conservative Califo rni a State Senator H.L . Richardson (R-Arcad ia) who rece ntly sent o ut a release praising Hildamae Vogt 's Outdoor Nat ion and equating ope n public lands with essential Ameri can freed oms. Tennessee tuner John Apple, who used to wrench for reti red Charlie Seale (Nat'l. No. 47), will prepare the Harley which Ken Springsteen will debut at San Jose May 16 . Ken, Jay ' s older brother, had a bummer 1975 season as a rookie Expert. FORO SIGNS HATLAW REPEAL With relative ly little fanfare, President Ford, at about 3: 30 p.m . EST, signed int o law an omnibus highway money bill wh ich contained , as an amendment, a repeal of the Federal power t o blackmail states int o passing mandatory helmet laws. Th is takes the pressure off California, Illinois and Utah , states which do not have helmet laws; and it opens th e way for repeal in states wh ich now have them . South Dakota has already passed a repeal wh ich was made cOntingent on the President's signing the federal repealer, which means there should have been no lidlaw in that state effective May 6. . At least 11 othe r states are known to have repealers in process.

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