Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 05 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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get out and suppo rt Pete Cuthbert for supervisor. Here's a gu y that was a major factor in keeping the San Diego County Off-Road Vehicle Committee together over the years. Besides having excellent qualifi cations for the job, Pete doesn't hesitat e t o say he supports facilit ies for bikers. He re cently go t a million dollar pe r year am ount ap proved for ORV parks in the co unty budget, (He's a park planner with th e County.) ilNSIDE ~ t Houston 250 MX .... •.• •6 Tony D. does it o n the Rio Bravo Mint 400 9 Jack J o hnson and Ro lf Tibbl in rack 'e m up Match races PAUL HEFFE RLIN 10 J o hn Plaver U.S . versus G.B . Easter MX ••••.......• 12 The only difference? Race of Champions for sure Widowmaker .......•.•14 Wan te d: New hill Moto Journal 200 ••••••.16 Johnny Cecotto goes th e d istan ce Western Hotline .. ..... •18 Ascot , Escape Country and Arizona Trials bikes .•.•... •.•.•24 The Sp anish Mafia exposed Northern Dateline 27 Speedway .. . • .• •... • • •32 Results, 33 MX Cat . . . • . . . . . ... ...35 central Pipel ine . . ... '...36 Calendar • • • . . • • . . . . • . .40 ON THE COVER: Tony D. roost a sky high spray at photographer Jody Weisel, while John Mockett captures a match race start. Down and out Roger Reed, a member of the Sled Riders, was in volved in a colliso n March 27. He is still in the hospital recuperating from traumatic inju ries. In the last few days he 's improved a great de al but we are sure Roger would appreciate cards from his fellow riders and friends. It would reall y lift his spirits. His "tempoary home" will be with Ramone Loew and Jim Beardsley , PO Box 302, Victorville, Calif. 9 2392. DOTTIE MODESETT Yorba Linda, Calif. The Sled R iders are throwing a benefit Europ ean Scram bles at De Anza Cy cle Park, May 16 to help take care of R ogers ' medical expenses. Check out the calendar pages for race info . . . Ed.. He needs rejection protection Sharo n Clay ton. Publ ish er Ro ber t L. No r Ve lie, Ge neral :\l a n a~C' r Edna Mcwto n , Secretary to Puhlisher Ad vertising Lin da Clark. Advert ising Man ager Chris Kol bet, Ad ver tisin g Assist ant Editorial Lane Ca mpbell, Se nior Editor, Jody Weise l. Edi to r, Bob i SCUll. Edito r. Art and I'roduetion Catherine Lampton, Art Director; Barb ar a Mizuno , Advertising Art Dire ctor; Dennis Cox, Lab Te chnician: Marion Hatashita, Typographer. Pam Grant. Assistant Typographer. Circulatio n Rheb a Smi th, Man aJitcr ; Pam Gree n and Callie Smith. Assis ta nts. Accoun ting Gaylene Zaionz, Manager rjudy Klinger, Mike Klinger, Jeanne Hammond, Assistants; Tom Hun te r, Rh onda Van Doren, Credit Department. My ex-girlfriend go t really int erested in bikes be cause I wa s always tal kin g, riding and reading about them, So, first I got her a gift subscription to Cycle News. Then I helped her p ick out a bike to ride, and .even donated to the down payment . I tried to te ach her about how to ride , maintain and car e for it. She's doing OK , but thinks she 's too good to wear a helmet , shoes, etc. Here 's the clincher. She gave me the highsid e. Dear Cycle News, where did I go wrong? DEJ ECTED DEAN P. Upl and, Calif. We dunn o. What else did you have to offer? Jus t be thankful y ou won 't be arou nd to haul her off to the hospital if she takes a highside sans shoes and helme t . .. Ed . Motorcycles don't destroy land, but . • • I am trying to get desert racing st ar ted here in Arizona, bu t we are having pro blems with the owners of the land being afraid of the natural surroundings being torn up by motorcycles. I read an article one ti me ab out a survey that the California Forest Service did on motorcycles an d they proved that motorcycles d id not destroy the land. Could you he lp me find this information ? JON C. HUDGINS Phoenix, AZ Jo n, m otorcy cles are incapable of destroying land (i.e., ro cks and dirt) bu t they undeniably push it around so me wh at. How severely depen ds on type of land and ty pe of riding. Ther e was an im pact study do n e by a USFS ranger in th e Iny ojSequ oia Nat'l. Forest that showed no signific ant impact fr om a controlled trials m eet, but that's a far . cry f rom desert racing. Our ex perience has shown that if given tim e, desert land "heals " it self through nonnal action of season rainfall and wind.. Th e only time motorcycle scars become permanent is when a given area is raced repeatedly with no tim e f or reco very between races . . . Ed itor Why is it that we always hear about the big names in motorcycling an d very little , if any th ing , abo u t the up and coming ne w n ames? I refer part icularl y to the Two Day Qu ali fiers . Bu rleson , Cranke, Vandecar , Levoi ar e great riders an d certain ly de serve the coverage , but th ere are some new names th at deserve some co verage t oo . So how abou t it? Include something abo u t th e n ew guy s who may be just as good as the big boys. The only difference is th e publicity they have received (or not received). MRS. JOHN FE RO Crawford, Neb. Planning ahead Could you get me an address for the Los Ancianos MC of San Diego? I read all about the Tecate 500 in Cycle News: I would lik e to get hold of them so I can ride in it nex t year. I dig enduros and Mexico. D-37 RIDER Long Beach, Calif. Entries f or th e Tecate 500 were limited and filled very quickly th is year. Better luck next time, Here 's th e address, Los A nciano s MC, P.O. Box 1582, La Mesa, Calif. 9 2041 . . . Ed. Deliverance Election sUQgestion A b ad ge t-o ff at the start of Dese rt Squirrel's Hare and Hound left me on t he ground with four broken ribs and a badly separated shoulder. Within five minutes a Rescue-S unit arrived, alert ed my club the Cactus Cats , and had m e on • the way to an ambulance. A sincere thank you and co n trib ution Res cue-S for th e professional to assistance they provided me. I'll always be grateful. PAUL STEVENSON 450X I hope by now, everyone has written the governor expressing their su pport of Russ Sanford for a seat on the California R e cre ational Trails Committee. This co mmittee has not, as yet, planned trails for motorcycles. I hope Russ will have the chance to straigh ten that out. Everyo ne who cares about fair government in San Diego County sho uld The views ex p ressed in this column and o th e r columns appearing on the f ollowing pages are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Cycle News West or Cycle News, Inc. Qualified readers wishing fr ee and equal rebu ttal space should contact th e Editor. se rvI ceS III Support Bill Ru n y an , To m Luehm an n , Juani ta Blanton , recept io n ist. West P.O. Box 498 , Lo ng Such, CA 90801. (2 13) 427·7433: L .s, Line 636·88 44. (Tel ex 6!>6·330 ) East P.O. Box 805, Tuc ker, GA 30084, GA 30084. (404) 934-7850. (Telex 542·777) Su lncription One year, second class mail S 12.50; 2 years, second - class mail, 52 2.5 0 ; 3 years, second class m ail. $:30.0 0 ; Single co py pr ice . 5 0 ccn ts. 0 " II OW T OO You CAN GET ON Tile ~D To A IlIGM J O!'I! 4 Copyright Cycle News, Inc. 1976. Trade mark registered U.S . Paten t Office. All righ ts reserved. Published wee kly ex cept the first and last week of the calen da r yea r by Cycle News, Inc. , P.O. Box 49 H, Long , California. Second class pos tage paid at Long Beach , CA. 90HOI. Edito rial stories. c ar t o o n s, photos, etc. ere welcome. Addressed, stamped envelo pe assures return o f un purchased ed itori al matter. Reprinting in whole or part o nly by permission o f the publ ishers. Adve rt isin g rates and ci rcula tion inf orm at ion w ilt be scnt upon request . Sec S. R.O.S. K ..,..,. OLD S~No OL , PJ,(,/,U; ~~f=:~;:::~~~~~;;;;~~~ ~==::;'==:::::~~=r = CIlUM.. I Se...T Of ' fOR T_C 1.1. WlllfPy HoME STUDY COUat'!' I THE T.III~U_ SCI{OOL OfHOME STUDY ACOMPLETE ~ IN M!maYCLE. ~Ir< FOR 7ie l'ro?OfES510~AL '" ONLy$H'~· £N~Ot.L TODAY 11

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