Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 03 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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The Un ited En d uro Associ at ion wishes to expres s appreciat io n to the followi ng manufacturers, de alers, and di stributors for the ir co nt rib ut io ns to the " Ride-O n " En d uro prize d rawing. By doing so, t he y hav e shown that they care about your rights to continue riding you r mo t o rcycl e . Please support th ese co nt ribut o rs. Buy th ings from th em ! AMCO House of Handlebars By Steve Castillo LIVERMORE , CAL., FEB .. 22 NorCaJ Motocross held its first race in over a year today at Carnegie Cycle Park and close t o 300 riders turned out to do battle on the Trans-Al\IA track . Two riders who provided some exciting action fo r th e spectators were Dan ny Chandler and Ron Self both on KTM bikes from th e Dirt Factory in Con cord. Chandler pulled out the stops in the first moto and ro cketed aw av with the start. Self pr o v ed more than adept at handling th e enduro eq uipped KTM as he hounded Chandler thro ughout the race. Self tried hard but getting by Chandler wouldn't happen in this mota . Following Self in fo r third was l\lik e Preston ridi ng a Noguchi. Chandler again got th e hol esho t in the second mo ta, but this t ime Self was right on his rea r wh eel going up the hill af te r th e start. Self was ab le, to shoot by the young rid er an d it loo ked like clear sailing fo r Self. Chandler was ab le to sneak u nde r Self in a tig ht switch-back and it see me d like Magoo would be long go ne. Ro n Self is not known for being a pro for no thing and h e used his experience to overcome the you ng rider. Surprisingly Chandler got the overall because the first mota was the tie-breaker, in that it was one lap longer than the second ra ce. Self finished second. Troy Deherrera finished third ahead of Mike Preston. Phil Crane was the unbeatable winner in the first 250 Pro mota. Crane blasted o ut of the gate and left everyone else to sit and burn. Mike Hersman on a Husky was running second with Scott Cowan (Yam) holding down the third place spot. Ron Self (KTM) crashed on the first lap but got going again in about 13th place . By the next lap Self had wo rked up to fourth place. That's the way th ey fin ished wi th Crane and his Suzu ki the win ners by a long way at the n ag. Crane once again did the deed at the start of the second 250 race as he wa lked away with th e start, this time Ron Self was righ t behind Cra ne . Cran er ho wever, started to slow and Self got by. Crane re ti red with a n at fro nt tire. Pa t Wilson was up pushing hard in the secon d place spot. Pat had crashed in th e secon d mo to and d ropped o ut. Floyd Davis was catch ing Pat on h is Suzu ki bu t co uld n' t quit e ge t him in time . Overa ll winner Sel f p ic ked up th e first pl ace loot with Mike lIersm an ta king second and Floyd Davis taki ng • th ird. Gregson, Pomeroy ' grab Puyallup By Sue Sykes . P UYA LLUP, WAS Il., FEB. 15 Friday the thirteen th was passed, bu t so me top pro ride rs we re st ill getting their share of bad ex periences on Su nday. Ope n Series leader Larry Mac Ke nzie of Canada took an endo o n the first lap of p rac tice and didn't see action in either Op en or 250 Pro : T he o verall win wen t to Mark Gregson (Kaw) fro m Salem, Oregon for a 1-2 sco re. The second mo ta was the exclusive property of Hus ky rider Chuck Sun , also fro m Oregon. Chuck passed holeshot ace Randy Schweizer o n the second lap and was nev er passed to finish a u t an excellen t r ide and clai m second m on ey . Bultaco mounted Ron Po me roy o f Yakima added to his ser ies lead with a so lid win in 25 0 Pro dicing. Mark Gre gson (Kaw) was movin ' righ t alo ng in mota o ne whe n he lo st h is p ipe over a sma ll j u mp in the last lap . Pomero y to ok over the lead b ut Mark was able to hold on to second position fo r t he n ag. Greg so n got the ho leshot second time out and was in command un til Pomeroy too k o ver abo u t a t hir d t hrough . th e moto, A k ron t N o rt h Amer ican At oed ra. In c. Amer ican Ho n da . American PJ Company Inter-A m Jacw al Jardi n e Head er Company Johnny' s MC And re's Aust in / G raydon Bake rsf ield Y amah a Bar benders Motorcycle Clu b Barn ett T o o l & En gine erin g Kims t oc k, Inc. Kn itt y G ritt y Dirt Sh irt s l uf tle r T oo l & D ie Mett cc Motorcy cle I nd ustrv Cou ncil Bassani Mfg . NGK Spark Plugs Beck / A rn ley Co r p . Bee's Ltd . Bell f lower Y amaha Bel R ay No rm Best Moto rs T he 8 ike Sh op N um b er 1 Pr oduct s PK Rac ing Pr od u ct s Pasaden a Mo to r cycle Cl ub Po m ona V allev Desert R ide rs Pop u lar Cycl ing M agazin e Bo nar En te rprises Bond ura nt Produ ct s Co . Pro -Tech Norm Ree ves Mo to rc ycle s Buca Prod ucts Bu ltaco I n tern at io nal R iste r Indu st r ies R o jen CZ Bike Shop Magoo with Ron Self in succe ssful pu rsuit. 12 5 Pro Gary Racca (lion ) picked up his first win for th is series which moved hi m into second position for th e bonus mo ney . Gary posted a so lid win in both mo los - grabbed the lead from the start and was never passed. Bill J o y ce (lion) - winner for the last two races - scored second in moto o ne and wa s in that same position when his co u nte rshaft sp ro c ke t gave out - and put him o u t for the da y . • Results in Results Section. Self doubles Sand Hill By Manny Alarcen SAN JOSE. CAL•• FEB . 29 T he races at Sand Hill this wee kend had a good turnout , but th e weather soon dampened spirits. Th e course, as always, was Outpo st Cafe . . The Rotorcycle Shop Califo rn ia R acin g A SSOC iat io n Cal. Suz uki o f Ora nge R owe Pr odu cts R oy ' s Me Servi ce & Rep air Castrol . S.E.T. Company Ci rcl e Prod u ct s West Cro w n Prod uc t s Cy cle Ce ~te r Cycle GUIde . SRA ' M alco lm Sm it h Cyc le Maga Zine Cyc le Pa n s Cycle Parts & Acce ssories Cycle Ride r The Cy c le Wo rks D.G . Pe rf o rm an ce Spec ia lt ies D.J.D. Davis Machi ne Co . D~sert .D y n a m I CS Dirt Digge rs MC Dirt R ide r Ma gazine . End u ra o f Califo rn ia F un ' N Fast G .T . Cycl e S up p ly Gaske t Mfg . Co . Gem in i of La Hab ra Gr aham Sheet Meta l Hatch Impor ts. Inc . Spar k Plug Paci fic Specialt y Weld ing Sp o rt rider S port T ract s Co . Ta kahashi T arget Prod uct s. Inc . Ter ry Ind ustr ies Torco O il Co . Town & Countr y Cycle Tri ple A Acce ssor ie s Twin A Tro phy & Le tt e ring UNI Fit ter s. Inc . Van Lee uwe n Ent .• In c. Vic tor Pla st ics . Bill Walt e rs Leath e rs Wheelsmith Engine ering White Horse Inn Wh ittier Ka wasak i Windsor Prod ucts Ya nkee Mo to rs ~rr»~. Leather Shop 660West 16th Street Long Beach. CA 90801 Tele chone (213) 435-6551 Near l ong Beach Freeway and Pacnc Coas t HIghway Up your shocks! SAMM Y TA NN ER DIS T R IBU TING WIHI-TECH 213 92 4 211 1 2,9

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