Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 03 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 19 of 47

e. -= •• ~ broke a front wheel while doing sky jumps over the giant "Bert's Jump". Second went to Luke Messer and Dan Barnes was third. • E c..o Perris ST & n: A lesson in sportsmanship l'- O"l ,...., ~ c..o ,...., ..c u By Brad Miller I-< PERRIS RACEWAY, FEBRUARY 2 2 co;: ~ All t o o o fte n so m e riders forget that racin g at Perris is a sp or t for trophies, -n os a professional race. But not J oe Steffen , Bobbi Hunt- fiiiiLiil.1lirGRliopiTilr I 'ttfI,.. ~ Of MINICrCLERACING'-' APRIL 9.10-11,197~ THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP !~.~..~ ! N'. . . . _ iam'~' Of! tJ.,y~,~,~.r.~~~. ~\\1-\\~;:;1-l J~~.I.~.~ "'(JpAiel&P"izel~~* *~* ~(~~ * *~s i * * *.* * * * ** * * * • CLASSES FOR AU BIKES & . : RIDERS,ENTER YOUR BIKE! • * • • • • • •RIDER• CLASSES* BIKE • • * • AGE GROUPS • • * * . • * • SIZES : •••••" : • puw u • . '." ' " • NO VleE : 'R.eTeL E • : 1 2 & 0 .,., • : MOTORCYCL E * FEATURING "THE RACUfJ.HAMPIONS" _ THE 12 TOP RIDERS IN THE WORLD

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