Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 01 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 47 of 47

.- ; III • ~ t \D r- Ol '"""" ~ rN :>ro :- :::l c ro ... ~ 250cc SUPER PION EER . n ow '76 performance at '74 prices OSS A motorcycles are distributed nationally by : If you're a serious trai l ride r, you owe it to yourself to check out the ligh test an d the best 250 enduro bike on the mark e t at your OSSA dealer. Ou r winter Sup er Pion eer Sale will make it easier for yo u to trade up to an enduro bike with tru e ISDT heri tage and performance: , Where the trail ends, OSSA beings. NORTHEAST REGION NEH Corp or at ion 780 Main St. Holden , Ma. 01 520 (617) 829-6556 MID-ATLANTIC REGION Ossa East, In c. RD 2, Box 266 Glenm oore, Pa. 19343 (21 5 ) 94 2-3935 SOUTHEAST REGION Vince Thigpen Dist. Box 888, Rebel Road Tift on :Ga. 31794 (91 2) 38 2-1396 MIDWEST REGION ACE Dist., Inc. 20 3 Earlvw ood Dr. Franklin ; In. 461 31 . (3 17) 738 -35 35 NORTH CENTRAL REG ION Ossa Central Corp. 810 - 31st Ave. S.W. Cedar Rapids, la . 52404 (319) 363-9642 WESTERN REGION Ossa West 46 31 E. Sunny Dun es Rd. Palm Springs, cs. 92262 (7 14) 3 23-474 1 '

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