Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1975 12 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eye s are streami ng wh ite with tears. T he sun 's gon e now, b ut it has turne d the sky to brilliant pink, giving the whole world an unreal , dreamlike cas t - me an d the T riumph, booming along in sp len did iso lation. Jean at last, the fin al stretch ove r rough , roc ky ro ad wi t h the ligh t fail ing totally and the ar m wi th the p lat e in it st arting to hurt. Pop's Oasis becko ns bril liantly, and I find t he rest th ere war m ing up an d trying to decide if it 's worth it to go o n. All are ac co un ted fo r exc ept th e d oc tor an d his wi fe (who sho w up abo ut a half ho ur after me . she nursing a broken hand b ut sm iling). and Steve. T wo search p arties go bac k to ward State Lin e , and retu rn unsu cce ssful. No w we're worried , becau se St eve 's thumper is har d to st art . and he has no light. Th en we hear it . th e famili ar st acatto ba rk, co ming from th e eas t. He had overshot Jean co mp le tely an d W ·d.S com ing ba ck on th e road. He is half fr ozen. bu t grin nin g, fo r he had made it II mil es farther t han the rest o f us. Fo r all of u s bu t two, J ean is far enough . The Dirt Digger and fri end head o ut with flashl ights tap ed to th eir bars and a four-wheel er with half-a-dozen he ad ligh ts fo r esco rt. Like I said earlier , we never me t th e Duck . Rumor has it that he and two o the rs lef t ah ead o f us and made it all th e way . The po int is, we ro de. We ro de legally , we h ad no hassles, we lost n o o ne , we each ma de it as far and as fast as o ur abi lities and o ur co nc ern for our frie nds wo uld le t us. We pro ve d nothing new. we j ust reit erated an ex isting t ru th: th at the desert is too vast and too tough to ever be destr o yed b y mo torcy cles . o r effec tively closed to moto rcycles. The o nly ones who can " destro y " the dese rt are the o nes with the b ulldozers and the b ig money to toss around . Whe n the enviro nmentalists realize this, there will • (hopefully) be peace between us. Regulation rollback in Oregon On p ress day, Alan Isley, M otorcycle Indu stry Council Presiden t, notified Cy cle News that Or egon officials had agreed to roll back some of the more noxious side-effect s o f th e state 's noise co ntro l program. Speci fically . race bikes may be disp layed for sale, pro vid ed they carry a placard sta ting th ey are in ten ded for compet it io n use only an d that prospe ct ive buyers m ust sign an affida vit certifyi ng th ey will only use thei r bi kes as such. Sam e proviso applies to local ad vertisi ng. The !\IIC, in turn, will co nduc t a public n oise aw arene ss campaign du ring the coming ye ar . The turnabout cam e after MIC representatives m et with state o ffi cials November 21 , to o u tl ine in legal brief th e co n stitu t io n al issues in vo lved in th e as-publ ished regu lations and t o seek a mo re w orkabl e co mpro m ise. The state's Atto rney General decided that the state 's posit ion was legall y indefensible sho uld so me in terested party file suit against the rul es. Upon that decision. the D EQ , worked out t he compromise regula tion . A,C. BA K KEN Team Husqvarna's A. C. Bak ken of Costa Mesa; is one of the coun t ry' s premier' off-road riders. He has won every t itle in sigh't. Most recent ly , he scored a third in Class 22 at the SCORE , World - -Charnpionship Off-Road Race, and was also t hird in the Baja 1000's Class 22., Like so many other top . riders, A.C . asks for Pennzoil. His factory prepared Husky gets w inning engine protect ion f ro m Pennzoil 2-St ro ke Motorcycle Oil (mixed 32 to 1). Take a t ip from this pro , whatever you ride, wherever you go, Pennzoil is worth asking fo r. PENNZOIL COMPANY Oil Cit y. Pennsylvania STICKERS ~ For decorat ing ~ Beer Bo xes, Tool Boxes. Bicyc les, Sc ho ol Bind ers. etc . Fo r a selection from ou r e xtras, rejec ts , and ou td ated stick ers, send $2 .00 to : Kl~StJ.A~Or ---------------------------------FREE 10 point safety check ROB ERT M. LAW is inte rested in help ing you get your YA.\1AHA ' Motorcycle read y for the Fall Season. With this coupon you can save $ 7.50 on th e labor charges for a TUNE & SERVIC E and /o r $7 .50 on the labo r charges for INSTALLING NE W FORK SEALS. ~, Yanlaha Sp ecial ends j anuary 31 , 19 76 o • .-==:::J~ Ro ber t 1\1. Law 239 Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim. CA Phone 714-533- 1309 SAN BRUNO, CA 94066 PLAT"E'S ~~~ discou nt ~ nloneyl coupon _._------------------------------Whats 'New at .. . lt1 ©'IT©I1rn &'! [prn©U£I1'TI''IT CD Bultaeo Sa le 360 Frontera 360 Pursang 250 Frontera 250 Pursang '76350 Sherpa T $1220 $1280 $ 1143 $1097 $1395 CYCLE CENTER 1300 East Edinger Ave. Santa An a. CA 92705 714-835-7821 Cow Palace fandango 7414 Georgia Highway 85 . Riverdale. GA 30274 . 404 /471 -1160 1. Jordan Clutch Kit Wh ile they last · $39.95 . Transf orms y our b ike · no slip · no drag - easy pull; means good sta rts and be tter shifts. 2. Gas Telescos Reb uild abl e . adjustable a nd su per light. Ne w shocks inc lud ing sp rings · $8 1.00 . Con versio n $30.00 ; rebu ilds $1 5.9 5 each. 3. Center Case Rebu ilding S pecia lly d eve loped steel line r ins t a llati o n for worn out ma inbe ar ing bor es. Perman ent fix at half t he cost of new cases . $30.00 each side . SAN F RAN CIS CO, CAL .• N OV. 28 -29 Northe rne rs were treated to two full nights of SRA Speedway racin g at its best at the Cow Palace. On ce again , Mike proved to be the be st of th e Bast brothers in a go for broke sh ow. Roun di ng o u t th e top fou r in the fin als were Steve Bast . Dubb Ferrell, and Steve Gresh am . Gresham , who has been cam paigning his racing wares in En gland fo r two years. gave th e Bast bro thers a run fo r th eir mon ey in the final go. He wo n th e Saturday nigh t Han d icap Main, Consy and seco nd Semi. but crashe d in the final. Th e complete story, results an d pictures will appear next week. • Goodyear is Carroll Shelby 213-538 -2914 Hand Washable ~a~ ,' . . ~. .' ~: ~~ Othman Distribu t in g Co. Bo x 356 San Luis Ob sipo , CA 93406 (80 5) 544-6181 • RKting • Racing • S treet GLOVES Dealer Inq uiries Invite e _~~)197S 360 Frontera's ~~ only 14 left $1179!! \~tQ Check out our new Use our layaway plan Heckel Boots for Christ mas Open 9 days a week C losed M onday "Try us - we can beat any legitimate deal" BUDDHA enterprises th e U't'st \- m ost IJg.~I ·.u il' t' dru lcr 109 6 0 Hoie Av e •• Rovers ide . C A 714-689 -3 166 92 ~0~

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