Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Terry Kinzer has captured the 1975 AMA Fo rmula A Grand National Championship on a Hi Ilclimb fuel-injected 750cc four-cylinder, Honda. Kin ze r edged Lou Gerencer by a scant th ree points in the fin al tally. WHERE IS CALIFORNIA'S MOST EXCITING NEW MOTOCROSS COURSE? TADIUMI Of the 110 AMA Experts who earned National points th is year, 40 of them (compared to runne ru p Texas' 11) were from California. Yo u Georgia hog farmers listening? Under AMA's revised pr o fessional road race structure there will be one class of production raci ng called Superbike Production, open to Expert riders only on mac hi nes of 351-1000cc displacemen t. Th us at AMA National and International events, this will be the only class of production bikes on the card . Some num be rs from th e recent Rand Area cleanup: over 400 volunteer workers from CORVA, M.O.R.E., and the grassroots; 48 tons of trash, ca r bodies and gene ral .debris; 43,000 ac res scored by the highly mobile cleanup crews; nine m ine shafts marked and fenced. The BLM seemed we ll·ple ased with th e coordinated effort. A Remember the $6500 MV we featured an issue o r so ago ? Well, a tester for one of th e o the r motorags grabbed to o much brake in a fast turn while testin g th e same mach ine and rolled it into a ti ght , expensive: wad. Folks who have had the Yamaha TT 500 on th e dyno already say that stock it is putting 26 HP max to th e rea r wheel; and by breathing a little f ire On it, th ey are getting 36. The Mint 400 is on for ' 76, with th e bikers racing on Sunday , April 25 . Entry fees h ave been lo wer ed to $200, in order to ' attrac t enough entries to divide the ra cers into three displacement classes . There will be a 60 % p ayback. For more info con ta ct Min t 400 Raci ng Headquarters, c/o Del Webb 's Mint Hotel and Casino, PO Box 2160, Las Vegas , Nevad a 89101. Stevie Wise, t he McAllen Flash , is back on the Kawasaki te am and will p robably concentrate o n th e 125cc class after th e Stad ium races. o o NOW .. . . 'A FULL WIDTH, LONG; TRUE MOTOCROSS (:;0 COURSE DESIGNED BY JIM WEINERT, ROLF TIBBIN & JIM ELLIS IN THE BEST STADIUM IN THE WEST. THERE WILL REALLY BE SOME FANTASTIC RACING AS ALL THE TOP RIDERS GO FOR THE OVERALL #1 PLATE. <: December 14, Valley Cycle Park: The Dirt Diggers M.C. will hold the last D-37 motocross points event of '75 . ,Chec k the calendar ne xt week for all the details. Sightseeing on Fas track's bac kside : " Well, I've seen two rabbits and a snake so far ... it 's so p retty out t here I almost missed a turn" - Jeff Steele, 125 GP. .." LJ o The AMA made a move to p revent Steve McLaugh lin f rom ru nn ing for the AMA ' Board of T rustees. However, after consultatio n between lawyers, Ed Youngblood re instated McLaughl in's name on the ballot. The apparent . justification fo r the AMA's action was th at Steve's sponsor, ' Armor All, may become a Class "B" member in the fu ture. Harley-Davidson will debut two of their tricked out 250 MX'ers at the American Motocross Final s, December 13. " Rocker " Rex Staten will commandeer one, the other is as ye t unconfirmed. . Bryar Holcomb is interested. = = America's Loco Ciento club team of Malco lm Smith (gold), Dick Bur leso n (gold ) and Ed Schmidt (bronze) placed fourth among 42 club teams entered in the 1975 ISDT. Also in the top 10 (sixth) were the Silver Lake Enduro Riders. The Dirt Diggers will hol d their Hopet own GP trophy presentation in the saloon at Hopetown "sometime before Ch ristmas." We'll d ial you int o the action as soon as th e DDMC tu nes us into the date. = = TICKETS ATSEARSITICKETRON. WALLIC HS, MUTUAL, LIBERTY OR: (••Eall••. .I'IIRI.. FI•• LI!• 'lI"jdI' . - • • ANAHEIM STADIUM , SATURDAY· DECEMIER 1:1 • 1:11 PM: PRIME RESERVED SEATS AVAILABLE NOW AT: ANAHEIM STADIUM , SEARS /TICKETRON ,: WALLICHS, LIBERTY & MUTUAL AGENCYS,: PACIFIC STEREO, MALIBU GRAND PRIX OR BY: MAIL TO ANAHEIM MOTOCROSS, PO BOX 4021 ,. ANAHEIM , CA 92803 IN F O R MATI O N 714.635.5000 : PRIORITY SEAT MAIL ORDER FORM MAIL & MAK E CHECK/MONEY ORDER TO: ANAHEIM MOTOCROSS: P.O. BOX 4021, ANAHEIM, CA 92803 INFORM ATION(714) 635·5000 _ _ _ RACE LEVEL _ _ _ UPPER VIEW LEVEL GENERAL AOMISSION 10 • 0 _ 7 _ _ _ _ VICTORY CLUB LEVEL . • •( AV~~~~~It'f' ) • • • 15. 00 • •• _ _ _ CHILDREN UNDER 12 V, PRICE ALL SEATS @ _ . .. TOTALENCLOSED . . .. _ _ NAME - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ADDRESS CITY- - - - - - - - - ----..,.- - - - - -'-STATE ZIP_ _ PLEASE ENC L OS~~~EyL6uA."f,~~~~'.;'R~TE':.M PEO ENVELOPE PRO 250cc AND HIGH SCHOOL QUALIFYING NOW AT LOCAL TRACKS ESCAPE CO UNTRY . CARLSBAD·RACEWAY • INDiA DUI'fES • CORONA RACEWAY· VALLEY CYC LE PARK· SPILLWAY PARK M 5S N MI [![!OU'RE NOT ADVERIISIN& IN CYCLE NEWS... YOU'RE LIINO HIINESSI I [Jj(J)[fi~~ . STICKERS CALIFORNIA ~~~~tl~~ ~ ~ 1!!'IJ~~ I I For decorating I Biker Jewelry Shop by mail and save !! Rin gs, p ins, war Beer Bo xes. Tool Bo xes, Bicycl es, School Binders, etc . Fo r a selecti on fro m our e xt ras, rejects, a nd ou td at ed stickers. sen d $2.00 to: medals, co kesp oo ns, r oach cl ip s, · b uck les, pen dants. earri ngs, wri st b ands, et c ., etc. Send for y o ur free ca ta log lsorrv, 25t for po stage & handlinq l . A huge select ion of products in stock at all times. All rings & earr i ngs are go ld.-sterl ing or surgic al ste el. All orde rs ai rma i l within 24 hr s, N o de lays or b ack ord er s. We ship o r sen d a fu ll refu nd . Chopper Bob Writ e to PO Box 39865 Los An gele s, CA 90039 Deal ers inquire on letterhead A·N DY K 1121 SAN MATEO AV£ SAN BRUNO, CA 94066 PLATES (415) 583 -7294 MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE If you are interested in savin g money on y o u r Motorc ycle Insurance we suggest y ou p h on e (213) 295 -2054 or write to CALIFORNIA MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE AGENCY, P.O . BOX 9 2867 , LOS ANG ELES, CA 90009. We wiIl be plea sed to give you a quote on the phone or mail current appli cations an d rates to you. Dianne Fogar ty, Un derwriting. See our ad in " Wan t' Ads" 3