Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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S- fIiii- ---- --- = ITHELATm ~I p -. § 'B PAPA WEALEY Y The Victorville (Californ ia) Daily Press called up to ask Cycl e News' view o f th e Duck's highl y publicized , Desert Barstow-to -Vegas trail ride. Editor Clayton (th e Desert Turkey ) told them there was nothing sinister ab out th e Duck's motives. Environmental cases are trying to m ak e it sound the Moroccan invasion of the Sahara, but we don 't have to do that . The Mojave is already o ur desert. too. If the Sierra Club lawyers ha d just left it alone, the Barstow t o Vegas race would have died away in the no rmal course of events, just like th e Big Bear Run did. Now they've forced AMA dirt riders to organ ize our own legal fund, t o fight fire with fi re . Donations to th e Legal Defe nse Fund can be made c/o John Townsend, AAA Cycle Center, 1300 E. Edin ger, Santa Ana, CA. . .J Ul CIl Ul ~ > C C .., Ontario Raceway may be the site of the 1981 World 's Fair if plans now in progress go through. The road ra ce course would still be usable through 1978, but after that , no more. Bureau of Land Man ageme nt announces that it is extending the period for review and comment on its manageme nt plan for th e EI Paso-Red Mountain are a t o January 15, 1976. Keep those cards and letters going to the District Office, 800 Truxtun, Room 311 , Bakersfield, CA. 93301. According to the Sierra Club newspaper, Century Ranch, all 2,750 acres on the comer of Mulholland Drive and Malibu Can yon, should be a hiker's park - no motorcycles allowed. The huge movie ranch would also make a first class recreation are a, and even has a fin e road race course. California State Parks and Recreation Department already owns the property, an d they've been pro mising us a Green Sticker riding area here for years. Check it out and post a note to Herbert Rh odes, Director of Parks and Recreation, Box 239 0, Sacramento, CA. 95811. Ask him to Recreation Area r e c o m mend classification for Century Ranch. The ORA will keep poi nt standings for dubs and shop teams in 1976. This sport also needs kids to peddle Cycle News at races . Following Yam aha's withdrawal from European racing, look for Jaak Van Veithoven on a KTM. After most of the squ irr els went home ARRA promoter Steve Riley got treated to a two-lap pla yri de on Phil McDonald's TZ700. Wottagas! Ken Maely, the steel·shoe dude, is setting up a speedway school . Twelve luck y riders will be able to pick the bra in of instructor Mike Bast. For info, call (714) 735·0540. It'll be a two-day affair, November 22 ·23. 2 Entries are now op en . for DRA's 20·mule Team 200 Hare Scrambles J an uary 4 . Entries are $200 for Pro class and $I 00 for Sem i-Pro . The Semi-Pro class will be restricted to riders holding an AMA or DRA Novice card at the time of entry and riders must send a photocopy of the card. Entries close December 20th. Post entries will be availab le for 10 percent extra cha rge. Looks like Motocross Cat got hisself a ride at Lake Whitney . What this sport needs is a motorcycle down to entertain at races du ring the lulls. And I don't mean pitracers. Escape Country will be holding the 125 High School and 250 Pro qualifiers for the American MX Finals. This all happens December 6 and it co uld well be a preview of the big night in Anaheim Stadium. KEZY will broadcast live reports from the track, just in case you can't be there. Ascot Park is up for grabs, last we hea rd. Previous management fo rgot to pay the ren t, so the landlord is loo king for a new tenant. It will still be a raee-plaee, though, he tells us. J .C. Agajanian gave up active participation in Ascot management when h is health failed recently . NBC T.V. will cover the American Motocross Finals at Anaheim Stadium, December 13 . The T.V. showing will be the very next day, December 14. Check your lo cal guide for time schedule. Mo to rcy cles are owned by 6.6 percent of U.S. college students , whi le over half (5 6. 2%1 own bicycles. Shou ld be a moral there for m/c sales exe cs. Th is is fro m National i nf orm ati o n Educational Advertising Serv ices, Inc. Through various mean s, So Cal M.C. raised $5,200 to help defray Alan May's medical expenses. Chief among their ways was the raffle for the Honda 250 CRM, which went to Bob Adams of Simi . But the phone number he gave has been disconnected. All NML riders must have an NML competition number assigned by December 31, 1975. Applications can be obtained at any NML race facility or write to NML National Office, 1179 ·S.W. 1st Way, Deerfield Beach , Florida 33441 . All non·Florida riders must reserve their numbers for the 1976 Wintemational Series by December 31, 1975. CZ has announced a $ 1800 contingency program for the 1976 NML Florida Winternationals. Those CZ riders in the 250 and Open class wh o fini sh first or seco nd overall in any o f th e six races will receive $100 or $50 resp ectively. BMW has a new limited ed ition R90/6. It f eat u res performance-oriented suspension, Dell' carbs with acce llerator pumps, lower gearing than th e "regula r" R90/6 model. Some sources report better ~ mile t imes than th e R90/S mod el . So ld without a fa iring, the limited ed ition still has an instrument-cluster electric clock. The Cycle World track in St . Peters was really excellent for a man made facility. A light rain turned the loamy sand dirt into a beautiful tractive surface for racing, with deep high speed banked berms. Steve Johnson used a stock KX 400cc eng ine in Gary Semics' GP Kawasaki in St. Louis to overcome the transmission problems the GP 400 engine has been . having almost weekly. Around the circuit, Steve's called the AAMCO man because he spends so much time repairing defective trannys. Husqvarna will field a three rider " World wide Team" nex t season on new GP b ikes. Heikki Mikkola will campaign the 250 GP circuit in Europe. Brad Lackey will have his h ands fu ll racing the Florid a Winter·AMA Series, the 500 GP circuit, and as many Ame rican as possible. Kent National races How erton has been resigned for next year as well to race all the Nationals, and some GPs in Europe to get him read y for 1977. Husqvarna should have some of their new au to mati c:four-speed 360 WR bikes available for sale in February. National Enduro Champion Dick Burleson will defend h is t itle next year with the 360 automatic. J imm y Weinert wasn 't on a Honda as last week's Omaha Trans·AMA results listed hi m. He says he still loves Cathy, Bill, and Yamahas. Rumors have it that Suzuki wants J immy Weinert to race for them next year in Eu rope. The 1975 Camel Pro Series pu lled a total of 369 ,4 00 attendanc e for th e year , a 10 percent inc rease over 1974. A. IA's Dave Despain co mmen ted , "A \ num be r of th e .. . even ts thi s year were ab so lute sellouts. With the availab ility o f m ore seating at some fa cilities, the figures would have been even higher ." International Cycle House, th e Bilste in Shox di stributors, among othe r th ings, is sponsoring a Dart Co ntest at exclusive dealers' stores in December. First pr ize is $500. Call Kim Kimball at (71 4) 558-9543 any ti me fo r full info. Interpart, on e of th e faste st rising new cycl e goody distribu to rs, recently bought Filtron, Inc. fro m founder J ack Krizman and plans to market Filtron filters for autos and vans. Their Mulholland Shox department will be announcing a do -it-yourself gas sho ck update their co nversion kit to rebuildable suspenders. Fo rmer World Motocross Champion (n ow Bombardier spe cial projects manager) Jeff Smith rode for his fourth ISDT gold medal on a Can ·Am, 25 years after winning his first gold in Italy at the age of 15 . Bet you didn 't know this one. The first motorized rac e ever held at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway site was a motorcycle race. Th e winner of the lO-mile " natio nal cha m pi onshi p "? Cannonball Bak er on an Indian. My, how th ings co me full circle, huh, Brock? After attempt ing to reschedule the Daytona Lightweight 250 race from Saturday to Fr iday (leaving the motocross as the only Saturday event) the speedway management moved the event bac:k to its trad it ional slot, under a storm of p rote st from regular r~oers . Straddlin g the Day tona Motorcycle Classic week (March 1. 7) on the calendar will be a Southern Winter Trac kin ' Seri es o f half mile s and short tracks. Th e sch edule, as anno unc ed by the AMA: Feb . 27 Holiday Downs, Atl anta, Ga. HM Feb . 28 Ocala , Fla. ST Feb . 29 Vo lusia, Fla. HM Mar. 12 Hialeah , Fla. ST ST Mar. 13 Orlando, Fla. HM Mar. 14 Tampa . Fla. KTM p lan s to assault the 250cc MX World Champion sh ip with a team of Russians: Yevgeny Ribaltchenko, Gennady Moisseev, Vlad im ir Kavinov , Anatoly Ouchnikov . Moisseev, who wo n the t it le in 1974, spent most of th is year o ut with inju ries.