Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Folks who've seen it are a bit mind·blown by Kawasaki's upcoming "Limited Edition" KZ 900. It has the Morris Mag wheels, as reported earlier, dual front disc with trailing calipers, rear disc, four-inte-two exhaust, and a really different dual seat. It will carry the Kawasaki-distributed Boge shocks as standard equipment. Tank's too little, though - snivel, sn ivel. Mike Hin shaw, form er 0 -37 Co ngress man and cu rrent preside nt of the California AMA District Council, has joi ned the Marubeni/ Red Wing crew as West Coas t sales rep. Mike, who still Open Expert desert carries his classification, . will be th e man to buttonhole for info on in tegrated aftermarket suspension systems. The National Motorcycle Patrol , whose life-saving efforts have briglltened many an otherwise-grim racing incide nt. is scouting new members. Call Ivy Bridgers at (4 15) 392-6101 if you want to get in on the good work. What a purrfect combination - a bike tour to Lion Country Sa fari and a pair o f cute kittens for tour guides. Don 't let the sign scare you ; see what it's about on October 19. ITHELATEST I I OP BY PAPA WEALEY Speaking of North, indoor short track season is almost upon the Oregon/Washington troops again, with races scheduled at four or five locations. More later. Talk about yo ur trouble with credentials - Jack Milne, the American erowned World Spe edway Champion at Wembley Stadium, England, in 193 7, was refused en try to the post-race banquet this ye ar . But he wasn 't alone; th ey tu rn ed away Barry Briggs and two other ex-world cham p ions. British League's Halifax team has made overtures to Bruce Penhall for next year. Contacted on this side of the pond. Bruce said. •...d like very much to ride in England. but nothing's definite, yet." Hi, Jan Newman. Glad to see you back with us in the "No rth" section again. 2 De Anza Cyde Park was completely encirded by a recent 20,000 acre fire which jumped the higllway and was driven througll the brush covered hills by Santa Ana winds. Most of the vegetation and abundant animal life that thrived in the back trails riding area is gone. However, the main motocross track facilities were saved from damage by a crew of park personnel and several local young men. The park is open for business with racing scheduled as usual . Outdoor Nation has adopted itself a new name, "National · Outdoor Coalitio n'" (Lo rd knows why, the old nam e was neat ) and is having an all-day skull session Saturd ay , October 18 on th e Ra ndlE I Paso /Rd Mtn. area BLM plan. It's at the Ho liday In n in Buena Par k, b ut th e hoo ker is, to get in, y ou've got to RSVP by Thursday, Octobe r 16 at (2 13) 361 -8530 so they'll know h ow many fatte d calves to kill, or wh at ever. Is Speedway going to the dogs? Egon Mulle r, the West German who couldn ' t ride Costa Mesa because it was too sho rt, ble w awa y a star-studde d field to re tain his World Long Track Championship on a 1,0 00 me te r tr ac k in Yugoslavia. Pat Evans and Phil McDonald will be coming back west from Omaha to play at the Phoenix AMA Amateur Road Race Qual ifier, October 25-26. The Fasttrack circuit itself, little known to .bike racers, is the site of the Phoenix 150, part of the USAC Indy-car championship trail. The road race circuit wh ich indudes part of the oval is described by visitors as "lots of turns, fun place to race ." BLM meeting tips for Ore gon and Montan a: Th e Oregon State Mul tip le. Use Advisory Board mee ts Nove mber 11 at 9 a.rn. in th e Bonneville Power Admin . Bldg. , Rm. 852, 1002 NE Hollada y St., Portland , Or egon. Ope n to public, written statements to Oregon St ate Director, BLM, P.O . Box 29 65, Portland, OR 9 7208 . . . 0& C Multiple Use Advistory Board meets 9 a.m., Nov em b er 13, sa me loc at ion, sa me mailing address . . . Montana State Mul tip le Use Advi sory Board meets November 6-7 in Billings, Mon tana at the Rama da Inn . Open to pub lic, written statements to State Director (912), BLM, 316 N. 26th si., Billings, MT 59107. Your tum. Idaho. The . Sho sho ne District Multiple Use Adv isory Board meets to discuss ' planning for Bennett Hills and T immerman Hills Planning Units at 9:30 a.m., October 30, at the district office, 112 S. Cherry St., Shoshone, Idaho. Info number is (2081 886-2208. Bry an Farnsworth will be on a 45 0 Moto Villa at Hop etown, and possibly J im Odorn , as well. The ne w series Villa 45 0s, with th e high pipe and stretched suspension, arc available on the west coast, no w. HSMXers, start gearing up for another banzai qualifier series. th is one to pick the field of 60 that will compete as a su pport dass to the international stars at the Anaheim race . Escape Country, Corona Raceway, Carlsbad. Indian Dunes and Sp illway Park at Santa Maria will be the tracks invol ved. Call John Smith at (714) 586-7976 for details. What 's a "dabless trials school?'" Find out Sa tu rday , Oc tober 18, the day before the Earth Trial, then ca mp out at the Gulch. Far out . A threat of bubonic plague has called dosure of the Grasshopper Flat and Grizzly Campgrounds in Plumas Nat'. Forest, California. Plague is spread by fleas that feed on diseased rodents; is curable if caugllt early. The AMA's Professional Rules Committee h as passed and sen t to the th e followin g t r ust ees reco m mendations: Th at sho rt track mach ine ry be limited to 250cc across the board ; th e Novice dirt track and road racin g m achinery be limited to 25 0cc across the board; an d that di rt track mach inery be limited to tw o cylinders m":,,. B'y~:b'ye .T.Z ~~l:~ . • According ' to P.I .T. Stop, Den nis Schreiter is working on a set of magnetic trials boots in an effort to make it hard to take those pesky "convenience dabs." Science marches on. It turns out that the October 19 Earth Trial is in neither the Tribune Tower nor at Frank Raines Park, but at Murderer's Gulch. Fooled yal Buco Helmets has moved - they're now in Sy lmar, California at 156 59 Roxford Street . In a more serious vein, California's ABC Unified School District is offering continuing courses in Motorcycle Awareness for car drivers, Beginning Motorcyde Riding, Advanced Riding, and Motorcycle Maintenance at various sites in Artesia. Bellflower, and Cerritos. Call (2131 926-5566 for info. Here's how th e top lO in the Road Atl anta T rans-AMA stacked up for n oise: 1. Jim Pom ero y (Bul) 104 d B(A); 2. Ro ger DeCoster (Suz) 115: 3. Mary Smith (Hon) 1 15 ; 4 . Gerritt Wolsink (Suz) 115; 5. Bra d Lackey (Hus) 11 1: 6. To ny DiSt efano (Suz) 115; 17. Kent How erton (Hus) 115: 8. Gaylon Mosier (Mai) 113; 9. Gilbe rt De Roover (CZ) 11 5: 10.Jim Weinert (Yam) 11 0. Two things stan d out - you can be quiet .and win, after all; and is it co inciden ce th at so many " nam e" ri der s just passe d under the wire at 1 10 dB (A) plus-minus five? Engl ishman Jack Findlay (Yam) aced out injured Barry Sheene by one point for the world Formula 750 Champ io n ship following the Hockenheim round in West Germany. Ontario 250 winner Steve Baker is credited with a tie for sixth place in the series. Th ough adver tising for th e " World Moto cross Final s" at Anaheim Stadium December 13 carries AMA an d FlM lo gos , the AMA has stated publicly that the even t ca rries no AMA or FIM sanctio n. Coul d be the symbols just rep resen t th e card-carrying ride rs who are expected to attend the winter stadium race. J • • _ j ~