Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1975 10 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Association. He succeeds Aub LeBard o f Le Bard an d Un derw o od Co . who ' has served for two years. Rick Hocking and Patrice Kenyon plan on joining two-well-known family names up in District 36. That means they're getting married, dummy. Here's a switch - replacing Mikunis with Amals. In this ' case it's the square-bowl Mark IIs being fitted to TZ 2505 by Burak . Bye ·Products. Ontario 250 winner Steve Baker and second Novice Mike Baeder both used the conversion. Steve J o hnso n wo n 't say how much development has gone into the KR 2 50 road racers, ju st lo ts of hard wo rk . Oth er so urces say t hat the Kaw 250 is up seven horsepower from Laguna Seca, and th e Big K h opes to have the m suffi cien tly de-b ugged to offer as a producti on ra cer to priv ateers by next ye ar . On tari o bravery award has to bc fo r Gary Nixon. , He had three p artial seiz ures in th e first 100 mil e heat, and t he w ater temp er ature that n orm ally reads 8 0 degrees Cen tigrade was pushing 95 . Th en t he clu tc h beari ng went. So he was riding the last half of the second heat o n a t w o-stroke that had already seized three tim es, was runn in g ho t an d no clutch ! Th in k abou t it . Tip to ' co rrespo nden ts and race repo rt writers : " Incred ible" is an inappropriate adjective in a race report. Use it o nly to descri be the gove rn me nt. recent ro ad te st. One way to help elim inate some o f it is by fitt in g a 55 0-4 rear wheel o n th e 5 00 T win, says J ohn, ' o f Hun tin gton Honda. Idaho's BLM Multiple Use Advisory Board meets October 10 in Owyhee Plaza, Boise, Id aho to beg in to get its act together. Excellent opportunity for bikers to express their views. Call Fred Cook, Public Affa irs Officer, at (208) 342·2711 , X 2291 for more info. In spite of all the hassles, one of the best things Californ ia bikers could do in the nea r fut ure is support the November 1·2 Rand area cleanup. Remember, the razo r cuts both ways. We can show our good side at the same t ime we're knocking heads with BLM and the eco-freaks over the legitimate uses of the desert. It makes our case st ronge r if we turn out in fo rce to do some good. Another Idah o BLM meeti ng, this o ne t he Bu rle y Di s t ri c t Multiple Use Advisory Board o n October 23 , BLM District Office , 2 m iles sou t h on Hwy . 27, Burley , Id aho. Open to the p ub lic , con tac t th em at (208 ) 678·5 5 14 five days ah ead of time if y o u wan t to ma ke a st a temen t , Your turn , Oregon. Coos Bay Dist rict BLM Advisory Board meets October 21·22 at the District Office , 333 S. Fourth St., Coos Bay, OR . Fie ld trip, too - bring your own wheels and lunch. The Rive rs id e BLM Disri ct (where a lot of the ac t io n is in the Dez, th ese da ys ) h as anno unced appoi ntment o f a 10-member District Advisory Boa rd . A p p ointees are: T rav is A. Clark , Mineral ogical Soci eties (roc kbound}; E. B. Ho lden , Jr, Sierra Club ; Ray Moo n, CA4WDC ; Dr. Wilber W. Mayhew , UC Rivers id e Environmen ta l/S cie n ce ; Dr . Loren Lut z, So ciety fo r Co nse rva tio n of Bigh o rn Sh eep (Fish , & Wildlife) ; Pet er Dan germond, Directo r River side Cn ty . P ar k s ; Bri an W. Fa rris, SCAG ( P lan ning); Ed Eldri dge , Livestock Ran cher ; Dr . David S. Cahn, Minin g; George A. Bishop , San Diego G & E (Energy) . So und a bit sta cked ? Note th e r e' s n o rn o t orcy cl e i nte res t represe n ted as su ch . Ray Mo o n will have to sp eak for fo ur-wheelers and b ikers tog e the r. Notes on the Rand cleanup - , California City has donated land for a campsite that volunteers may use the night of November 1. Reynolds Met als , which will be h au ling away recy cla ble materials (cans) will donate free liq uid refreshment for the workers. Mak e min e Coors - in th e alu mi nu m ca ns, of cour se. Th e day after th e U.S. Army issued specifica tio ns for their n ew co m b a t m otor c ycl e s i n clu d ing auto matic transm ission an d off-road ca pabilit y , th e Ru ssian Army ordered tw o Rok o ns, acco rding to Sales Manager Don Graves. A p rog ra m en a bling i n su r a n ce comp an ie s t o provi d e premi u m di scoun ts for rid ers w ho h ave completed a n ap pr o ved motorc yc le safe ty educati on course has bee n developed by t he Motorcycle Safety Fo undatio n . Hon da 's new 500T· has a lo t of drive -tra in sn at ch . as we re p or t ed in a As to the kn oc kin g head s - t he d raft pl an for the a fore m e n tio ne d Rand area an d EI Pa so are a is o u t , and advanc e word says it 's a b ummer. St ay glued , we'll have a fu ll ana lysis com in g. The AMA Pro Rules Comm ittee Sunday passed on to the Board of Trustees the following for their consideration : That there be no change in the current system of awarding National numbers; that 2 cylinder limit be imposed on all dirt events (th is would effectively ban the mult i·cylinder Yamahas and Kawasakis and could be imposed as of January 1, 1976 since it is a conf iguration ch ange 'and not a displacement rul ing); that a new AMA Grand National Championship point system be established awarding poi nts to 14 places in all eve nts on a 20-16-13-11 -10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 basi s and th at a displacement lim it of 250cc be established for short track events effective January 1, 1977, These are o n ly propo sa ls and should be considered as such. Th ey , will no t become binding until final approval by the Board of Trustees. The coming AMA six-speed rule is seen as no hassle for the KR 250, wh ich is already subject to a similar restraint in Europe. A new six-speed gearset developed for FIM rules weiltls less and carries similar gearspacing to the seven-speed, so powerband requirements will also be similar. Roxy Rockwood asked Steve McLaughlin in On tario 's vic to ry circle, "How's it feel , racing a big re laxing stree t bi ke in comp ariso n to your racer?" Steve : " If you co uld h ave seen th e tan k-slap pers it was doing goi ng into tu m .one, y ?,u wo uldn 't th in k of it as relaxm g . . . Pit bits: Ontario announcer Larry Huffman ; "What do you think about when you're suddenly 45 degrees to the ractraek?" Kenny Roberts: "I wish I was back on a dirt bike ." . . . Gene Romero; "If my t ire looks wider, it's just because ' we're trying a wider rim" . .. The Goodyear slicks showed none of last year's tendency for the tread compound to melt and flow unde r prevailing conditions at Ontario, only a little feathering away at the edges. They are so tacky, however, that they seem to pick up track su rface dirt and tiny gravel like flypaper ... Dunlop development chief Tony Mills brought over some " t all profile" slicks for testing, found them at their be st on the infield but at a disadvantage on the banking. "It will be good on actual road courses," he told reporters. There was an interesting H-D 250 with a GP car monoshock that stayed parked in the back of the Villa garage most of the time. If yo u liked Takazumi Katayama as a Yamaha works racer , che ck him o u t as a potential roc k star as we ll. He has a reco rd out o n the Tosh iba label cal led "Rider Blues " - J ap an ese of course so m ethi ng of a road racer 's lam ent. No, we have n 't heard ' it ye t, but we'll star t bugging o ur lo cal DJ . Pre -entries have been extended un ti l ra ce day for the Carlsb ad Four St ro ke motocross bash Octo ber 19 . Signature noted on expansion chamber of Yvon DuHamel's KR 250, signed in weld bead : "Mack the Knife ." Tentative 1976 AMA Grand National schedule JANUARY TT ST ] Ioust on, Texas Houston , T exas 1/ 7 Dayton a Beach , Florid a Dallas, Texas 10 14,000 MI Ill\! H1\1 1 7,000 14 ,000 18,000 TT ST Hl\! RR 11M 14,000 14 ,000 15 ,000 25,000 18,000 MI HM TT TT 16,000 14 ,000 15,000 15 ,000 RR ST lI M TT 1\11 MI 32 ,000 15, 000 14,000 16 ,000 18,000 18, 00 0 ST 1\11 11M 1\11 14 .000 17,00 0 15,000 17,00 0 H1\1 RR 15,000 42,000 MAY 16 23 29 San J ose , California Okla ho ma City , Oklaho ma , Louisv ille , Kentu cky JUNE The Check Chase post entry has been dropped from $20 t o $13. The 150 mile Arizona point-to-point run will featu re 90% virgin territory and there's plenty of room for late rider entries , 4 10 17 24 Alb uquerq ue , Ne w Mexi c o San J ose, Californ ia Cas tle Roc k, Wash ingt on Ascot, Califo rn ia A Laguna Seca hal f h our C BS Spor ts Spe ctacu lar will air Sa turday , No vember I. Pr oducer Ken Sq uier claims it 's the " Best t hing ever done, a d ynam ite show." Do n 't m iss it. 7/ 8 13 15 Dudley Perkins , J r.. of the San Fr an c is c o ba sed Dudley Per kin s Company, has been e lec ted President o f the C alifornia Mo torcycle Dealers 5 7,5 0 0 APRIL Po n tiac. M ichigan Pon tia c, Michi gan Harring ton , Dela ware Lo udon, New Hampshir e Colu mbus , Oh io Back by p opular dem an d: High School Motocross qu alify ing for t he Wor ld Motocross Finals. 125cc sch olastic experts will be highlighted in the Decembe r 13 event at Anaheim Stadium. RR MARCH 4 5 12 19 /20 27 J oel Robert h as q uit the Su zuki te am an d will cam pai gn a Puch next season w it hout fac tory assistance . $ 18, 000 20,000 ST 23 24 JULY ;.. AUGUST 28 29 Lag una Se ca , Ca lifornia Hinsdal e, Illinois Terre Hau te , Indiana Peoria. Illin o is Indian apolis, In diana Indianapol is. Indi ana 4 12 19 26 Ta llade ga, Alabama Syracuse, New York To ledo, Ohio San J ose , California 2 9/1 0 Ascot , California Ontario, Ca lifornia ~2 SEPTEMBE R OCTOBER 3

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