Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1975 10 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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r--~ (lJ ..0 o ..... u o Is this the all-new 1976 Kawasaki 750cc road-burner .. . . Real estate agents call us up all the time lately to ask if we know any bike r clu bs th at want to buy their own dese rt. Land prices have taken a tu mbl e recently. Any cus t omers o ut there? Sup er Hunky (Rick Sei man ) has take n over Street Rider monthly and it m akes Biker look like a family magazin e. Which it ain't. BY PAPA WEALEY Te chnotes from Georgia Trans-AMA: H 0 n d a 's ex pe c t e d new f actory supe rbikes didn 't show . . . Gary Jones d id some developmental riding on the Jones Islo bu t d idn't score. . .Pomeroy rode his factory Bul with a production top end after sticking both fac tory cyl inders in practice .• . Lackey's Husky had tricky air forks . .. Team Suzuki campaigned fresh RNs , ba sically unchanged from their 1975 European configuration. HosPITal STOP : Mark Williams, h urt at San J ose, has a percentage chance of recovering from waist-down paralysis after surgery ... Frank Gillespie. also hurt at San Jose. is described as "figh ting to live " as after-effects of a concussion turned his condition critical t w o days after the crash . . .Danny Hodde. following a crash at the Ascot National. apparently did not sustain permanent ear damage. but is under treatment for a bruised spine. which has him hurting allover. Sgt. Harshberger, in charge of Air Fo rce traff ic safety programs . reports mo torcyc le registration among the m ilitary is up , acc ident rates down considerably over the past five years thanks to rider train ing. If you can get ahold of a street bike Oct. 19, by all means ride Jim Manning's Lion Country Safari Tour. Call 714-559-0199 for grins and growls. Next weekend all you depraved desert destroyers ought to make it out to California City for the ORA Grand Prix. Cherry picker's class is o.200cc. Fiftieth overall and th ird in class won $50 last year. Post entry is $21 :Have fun wh ile the Sierra Clunks suck their teeth. 2 Rex Staten got his nose rebored Monday after a misplaced crescent wrench interrupted his air flow . Rex has offers to rocket for Yamaha, Suzuki and D & G. Loo k for an article on his in CN West soon. Harry Klinzmann broke two toes when a bike he bo rrowed for the AF M September 21 race seized in practice. Harry say s his doctor has agreed to cut off the plaster the Friday before the Ontario National Novice race . The foot may get re-cast the Monday after the race. Harry KIinzmann saw his one -point lead fade into a 16-point deficit. He plans on riding the last AFM points race next mo nth "just in cas~ I get luc ky and Rudy breaks or something. " Wally Karpynec broke an ankle and fractured a wrist in a 250 GP crash at the AFM September 21 race . Best known for h is very fast Suzuki X-6 250 Prod uce bike , Karpynec will be sidelined for fou r months. According to Cycle's Cook Neilson, the Ron Woods Norton, flowed by Axtell. is now making 77 dyno horsepower. enough to help AI Jorgensen set fast time at Ascot, but not enough to hang with Roberts, Aksland and crew for 10 laps as the groove firm ed up in the Na tion al. Mike Kidd's Harley for Ascot sported cast alloy " artillery wheels" at both ends, used Kon i GP alloy body rear shocks (o r a good facsimile thereof). Some poor motorcycle dealer who 'd left his shop wide open in his rush to get to the Ascot -National was red-faced when announcer Roxy Rockwood paged him to please go back and lock the place up. Vista Sheen wrench wizard Ji mmy Clark saw h is first speedway meet the night before the AsCot National, was properly b I own away . .. AI Martinez is sponsoring a "Huffman Hop " contest. Englishman Andy Baines wrote his frie nd Mike Murphy th at he was going to introduce trialsrnaster Sam my Miller to the Murphy Muffler. Something to keep Super Sam puttin ' - quietly, as it 's the only accessory muffler than can compare to Honda's gemongous huge stock unit for quiet. or is th is? And why does th is rider look seasick? A special area will be set off in the On tario infield fo r an exh ibit ion of classic GP bikes du ring th e National Road Race . Confirmed so fa r. six Man x Nortons. two Match less G-50s . two AJS 7Rs. a Gree ves Silverstone. a 1939 KTT Velo , a 1934 Morgan three-wheeler. a 1948 Guzzi. a 1960 Parilla, a 1936 Norton Internatio nal. a 1928 racing Scott. and a 1917 e i ~t-valve Harley :- all of 'em encrusted with h istory. Th e Harley 'was ridden at 100 mph over the Brooklands board track in England by Freddy Dixon. f' rinstanee, Wottagas! Guess what? Crashes. mechanical failures and all, spectacular little Danny "Magoo" Chandler actually made the cut for the Can-Am Amateur MX Nationals, coming up 14 th out of the top 15 in th e Pacific Region 125 Class who will go to Baldwin, Kansas for the Nati onal Final. In an effort to cope with the deluge of small -bore entries, the Dirt Diggers MC will try re-orsan izing the 125 CIass by divisions at Hopetown. The idea is to run several divisions inste ad of heats. About o ne hour befo re o f fi cial Hopetown en try opening time. a sheaf of en tries from an in famous MX orga nization mysteriously appeared on Digger Pres. Sam Crook's doorstep , along with a bottle of Sangria. Sam filed the m in the "Pre-entry No-no file, says the club can co me pick up their wine it's not his brand. Along with the Hopetown race s, the Diggers are raffl ing off a Honda XR -75 as a benefit for the late Frank Ryan's fam ily education fund . Collar your local Dirt Digger for a tic ket. Everybody has a friend that cries at sad movies. right? We know a guy who cries at the end of "On Any Sunday ". Weird. San Gabriel Valley MC has decided to appeal the BLM B.-ta-V. permit denial. and carry it to the top if necessary. They've already begun collecting donations to meet anticipated legal fees . Kenny Ro be rts' Ascot win leap fro gged hi m in to second in both overall Cam el Pro pain ts and in th e second leg payo ff. Sinc e second leg poin ts lead er Corky Keener p ro babl y won't have a roa d race ride. Roberts could co me ou t on top after On tario , a couple thousan d doll ars richer. Ital ian privateer-bu ilder Guiseppe Pattoni has a 500cc two stroke V-4 set up for a home-country race debut. Sachs has an ex temely co mpact seven-speed 125cc engine with low, flat radial h ead fins ready for 1976 production. British press says a 175 and a 25 0 are to follow in development. That nearly unbeatable lo ng-distance t e am of God ie r -Genoud won the 24-Hour Bol D'Or at L..e Mans. France. September 20.21 at 124.5 kph average on their Kawasaki. The Butler & Smith BMW with Gary Fisher/Reg Pridmore up blew an oil line whi le ly ing e ighth. Yvon DuHamel teamed with Frenchman Jean Francois Balde on a 1000cc Kaw to finish third. Billy "Sugar Bear" Grossi missed the opening Trans-AMA race (and will have to p ass the rest) after breakin g his left leg in a club motocross at Wats onville. California not far fr om h ome. Adolf Weil. 4th ranked World 250 Class Rider of 1975 broke his shinbone at the Motocross des Nations. elminating his hopes of campaigning the Trans AMA again. The accident occured in a 10 bike pile-up. where Adolf's legs got lodged in Lackey's rear wheel so badly that the wheel had to be removed to free the leg. BLM meetings up and down th e West: Ariz ona Multiple Use Advisory Board. October 28 & 29. BLM Conference Rm . . 2400 Valley Bank Center. Phoenix, AZ. 85073. Written comments to Chairman. State Advisory Board. same address. o r caII ( 602) 261 -3873 . . . Utah State Advisory Board, October 6 & 7 in St. George. Utah. ORV use in on the agenda. Call (801) 524-5311 . .. Idaho Falls Distri ct Advisory Board. October 2. 9 a.m. at BLM Bldg., 940 Lincoln Rd ., Idaho Falls, Idaho. Info phone (208) 522-7460 • .• Vale Multiple Use Advisory Board. October 14 - 16. Vale District Office. 365 "A" St. . Vale. Oregon. Inclu des field trip, call (503 ) 473-3144. Thought you 'd like to kn ow. Oops. here 's another one. Oregon Dunes Recreat ion Area Advisory Council, October 18 & 19, beginning 3 p.m. Saturday at the Douglas County Office Bldg., Reedsport, Oregon. Call (503) 271·3611 to attend. Morris Industries in San ta Ana is coming ou t with a plastic mo tocross wheel. Kawasaki will be usin g Morri s mag whe els on all of thei r Zl Lim ited Edition machines. Who was the fastest qualif"ler at every Nat ional Mile this year? Rex Beauchamp.

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