Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1975 09 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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do, I'll see to it that a speaker or representative from the Orange County chapter of M.O .R.E. is made available. Please con tact me. MARTIN MAEDlNG 2 244 Judith Ln. Santa An a, CA 92706 (714) 542-8964 INSIDE Syracuse Nat'l. ... 0 •••••• 6 Keen er lead s th e frei gh t tr ain S.C.O.R . E. .... 0 •• ••• • • • 7 Right on Martin. We need m ore regio nal w orks at th e grass roots, and less bitchin' and wishin ' . .. Editor Runnin g Riverside wi th th e ca rs 8 10 Can-AM MX Speedway, Ascot . : Where are the night endures? Ro und 'n round wi th th e gassit and tum left crew I have just written letters to my Congressman, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of Transportation. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, B.L.M., etc. Now who or where do I write for those good cool nigh t enduros? 12 Nat'l. MX 500 and 125 t itles linch ed TT 500 pee k. Opinion 0 •••• • ••• • 14 16 Savin g the land with Mom an d Pop BOB ASHLOCK Van Nuys, Calif. Hot line 18 Dez ••• • .• • • . . •• ••• •• •23 DRA douhle Hi ho silver Part II - running and training the do-it-yourself way Calendar 40 ON THE FRONT PAGE: Hai l to the Jammer! Photo by Charles Mor ey . Sharon Cayton, Publisher Robert L. Nor Velie, General Manager Edna Mewton, Secretary to Publisher. Advertising Linda Cark, Advertising Manager. Cuis Kolbe t, Advertising Assistant. Editorial Curies Cayton, Editor-in-Chief; Lane Campbell, Jeff Peck , and Bob i Scott Editors. Art and Production Catherine Lampton, Art Director ; Barb Mizuno. Advertising Art Director ; Paul Bu r l e r , Lab T e chnician ; Mari on Hatash it a, Typographer. Circulation Rheba Smith, Manager; Pam Hobbs and Quis An drew, Assistants. Accounting Gay lenc Zaionz, Manager; Judy Fouts. Mike Klinger. Jeanne We're a bit in the dark about night enduros too . Keep an ey e on the Calenda r Section ... Ed itor 26 33 36 North Resu lts Tune your bod Hammond. Retu rn with me now to those th rilling days of yesteryear when the f 0 u r stroke BSA, Harley-Davidsons, Triumphs, Nortons, and Yamaha Twins used to battle wheel to wheel on the mile. You can't say that the hand writing isn't on the wall, because the two-strokes have hit the mile. In the capable hands of Kenny Roberts the first mile race by a TZ-750 was a win . It was a close race, but it was only the first. Once they get th at thing dialed in it should be easy to shut down a 30hp shy four stroker. Bill Boyce and the other members of the rules committee remind me of the bureaucrats we have in Washington. They are so slow at making decisions that once it is in effect it is already obsolete. They have successfully ruined road racing and are now out to do the same thing to dirt track racing. 1 have read the new rules for 1976 and they are a jo ke, The four inch square carb throat restriction is not going to slow the two strokes down much and it is not going to encourage fo ur strokes to get back into road racing. A more lo gical approach would have heen to give four strokes a 1000cc maximum on ro ad co urse and limit the bikes that ru n on the dirt to .t wo cylinders. The privateer will also have a tougher time of it. Instead of being able to buy one bike to race TT, half-mile, and mile , now he has to buy a two-stroke to be co mpe ti tive on the mile. So th anks a lot Bill Boy ce an d fri ends, you've on ce again shown how inept you ar e by ruining a gre at sport. Assistants; Tom Hunter, Rhonda Van Dore n, Credit Department. Service s & Support Bill Runyan, To m Luehmann. West P.O. Box 49 8, Long Beach. CA 9080 I. (2 13\ 427- 743 3; L.A. Line 636-8844. East P.O. Box 80 5 , Tu cker, GA 3 00 84 . (4 04) 934 · 7850 . Central P.O. Box 13245, Austin. TX 78 71 1. (512 ) 444-7548. Subscript ion One ye ar . sec o nd class mail $1 2.50 ; 2 yean , second class mail , 522.50; 3 years, second class mail. S30 .00 ; Single co Py price. 50 cents. . 4 ~ Copy right Cydc New~ . Inc. 197 5. Tr ade mark registered U.S. Patent Offi ce. All rights reserved. Published wee kly ex cept th e first a nd last week o f the cale n da r ye ar uy Cycle New s. ln c., P.O . Box 49K , • Lon g Beach , California. Second clas s pos tage p aid a t Long Bea ch, CA. 9 ()~O I. Edit orial st o ries, carto ons, ph otos, e tc, arc welcome. Addressed , st amped envelope ass ures re tu rn o f un p ur ch ascd e di to rial matter . Reprint in g in wh ole or par t o nly U }' pe rmi ssion of the ra tes and p ub lishers. Adv ertisin g circu lation info rm at io n will be sent upon re quest . SCC' S. R. D.S . PETER BEADER Lom ita, Cali f. Right to be stupid As a libertarian and an avid biker, I would like to m ake th e following o b s e rva t i o n s on S t eve McQueen's helmet law letter. While I agree with Steve 's co ncl usion o f urging opposition of th e federal bl ackmail , I di s a gree with h is implication that th e law would be OK if passed by the State Legislature. The issue is not which group has the right to make us wear helmets, but whether any group does. What the Constitution is all about is the protection of the individual, not state 's rights. Riding a motorcycle sans helmet is (in my opinion) a stupid act, but our co nsti tu tio n guarantees us the right to be stupid as lo ng as we do not infringe on other people's lives or property. So let's all join in writing those letters, basing our co ncern on the rights of that sacred entity - the individual . WALT BALES La Habra, Calif. Power of the pen I saw the letter from Steve McQueen and I wrote to th e people that he talked abou t. I would like to know of some people that I can write to about opening 1an d and how the money that is collected from the green stic kies is being pu t t o use. Co uld you supply me with a list ? GARY Mc PHEE Huntington Beach, Calif. Join M.O.RoE. and ask for a copy of the M.O.R.E. legislative guide. That, plus the monthly newsletter, keeps you up on the issues and the people to write to. lt's th e sourc e of mu ch of our inf o . . . Editor Gross inaccuracies The statement in Papa Wealey about the Sierra Club getting most of its money from investing in firms like General Motors, Exxon, etc. is grossly inaccurate. According to Kent Gill , President of the Sierra Club only five percent of the clubs' monies are invested in those companies, the other 95% are tied up in government bonds. If this is a sample of what is to come in Cycle News you can cancel my subscription. Any time I want to read B.S., I can pick up Super Hunky 0 CHARLES WEBSTE R El Macero, Calif. Gee, we read it in th e Times and if it was in the Times it must be tru e. Before we cancel your subscription though, how about sending us the 612 you owe us. Seize you on the trail . . . Editor A word from the King The amateur motorcycle enthusiasts, form erly associated with Styrola Incorporated wh ich does business as The United R a cing As s oci ation (U.R.A.) , hav e ad op t ed a new name. Our n ew name is The United Enduro Association (U.E .A .). We are members of M.O.R.E., chartered by the A.M. A., and san ctioned by District 37. Th e U.E.A. is no longer associa ted with Styrola In corporated (U. R.A.). We are operated as a non-profit club dedicated to the improvemen t of th e sport of Enduro riding and to educating the public to the merits of motorcycles and th e people that ride them. Proceeds from ou r events will be used to defray expenses and to support o rgan izat io ns like M.O.R.E. and the A.M .A. The U.E.A. will sponsor at least one Family and one District Enduro each year. This year our District 37 run will be the Tuff E'Nuff on Saturday, October 18th with our trophy presentation on Sunday the 19th. The Family Run will be early next year inj 'ebru ary or March . I . personally take pride in being part of the U.E .A. and sin cerely believe that with yo ur help and the support of other enthusi~ts we can and will improve the sport. TOM KING, President United Enduro Association Action line There are many clubs and groups that are tired of not bein g represented in the de cision making and action of the go vern men t agencies. For those who realize that it is time for positive action but aren 't quite sure what th ~y should Where is Deke Houlgate? In the September 17, 1974 issue of Cycle News West, an article was published co ncerning Los Angeles sports co lumnist Deke Houlga te . Denouncing Evel Knievel's unsuccessful canyon ju m p, Ho ulgate boasted that he would attempt a similar feat o ne year later . September 8, 1975 is here. After ~u~h a claim, where is Deke Ho ulgate h iding? MARK KNOWLES Port Arthur, Tex. Thank you I want to thank John Gregory, DoR.A. Senior Amateur number 30, his son, and Ron Burpo 's en tire staff fo r coming to my assistance when I was knocked unconscious at the Lucerne Valley European Scrambles August 17 . As it turned out I only received a broken hand and a super headache, but these people were there when I needed them and I'll never be able to thank them enough. Desert people are super . .. Thank you all. 1 KEITH JENNINGS . Woodland Hills, Calif. A letter to Steve McQueen from a motorcyclist Just got through reading you~ letter in Cycle News, Thanks for getting me off my ass . 111 be sending a co uple of le tter s today. Whe n the war's over, I' ll be glad to buy you a beer. DANA DRISKEL Goleta, Calif. Answer to Engel Contrary to Mr. En gel 's expert opinion, sidecar racing in the U.S . is very professional. In the midwest, road ra cin g and motocross draws large cr o wds and pays large purses ($1500 to $2 00 0 ). At Laguna Seca I think 15 rigs showed and an average of about $9000 a unit, th at is about $135,000 worth of racing equipment, not in clu din g racing apparel for two p eople, trailers, tools , and etc. I don't know how much more professional you want to get. So Mr. Engel, we know there is n o thing between your ears, but if y o u have any male organs, please contact the Sidehack Association. There will be some one who wi ll give y ou an " am usin g" ride around any track of your ch oice, dirt or asphalt. LANCE BROWN Moorpark, Calif. • The views expressed in this colu m n and a th er colu mns appearing on the following pages are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect th e of ficial po sition of Cycle News West or Cycle 'News, Inc. Qualified reader s wishing fre e and equal reb uttal space sho uld contact th e Editor. • 1

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