Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1975 08 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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INSIDE Peoria IT Authorized Lakewood Cycle Distributors 6 Sonny Burres keeps saying h e likes half-mile be t ter. - 8 Secret reed Blowing the cover on Suzu ki 's la test trick. French GP 11 A LA B A M A Down to it with the j ohnny and Ago sh o w Dez Heroes S E L F C YCLE & M A RIN E 516 Jefferson S tr eet Tarrant. Ala bama 35217 T e le p h o n e :{ 2 0 S) 841 -5537 12 14, 42 AR I ZON A Fast people stop fo r a mo men t Write a new boo k AC TIO N ASSOC i AT E S 17 Speedway 3 3 02 N o rth 27 Avenu e Ph oe n ix , Ar izona 85 0 13 Tel ep h one : (60 2) 253 -11 8 1 26 CA L IFORN IA J E R R Y BASES DISTR IBUTOR . Opinion u p your C.A.R.B. Test Bench 113 0 7 Vano w en St ree t North Holl ywood Cali f . 91605 .J 30 Te lePhone , ( 2 13 ) 16 6 · 9 577 ROCKY CYC LE C O. , INC . Red wing h am me rheads North Results "The girls" Calendar Cat 31 37 40 .46 40 ON T HE FRONT PAGE : To ny D. posed fo r th is ' cen terfold th in g, sw ip e d th e b u t w e ne g a tiv e . . . photo by j ody Weisel. 1250 EI k o D r ive Su nn yvale. Cali forn ia 94 086 Te lephone, (408 ) 734 -3750 The four Ws I am in terested in ridi ng in th e Min t 4 00 in Las Vegas; but I can ' t fin d o u t when it takes place , th e entry fee , point of departure or anything else. Wher e do I ge t th is in fo rm at io n ? SHA RON TA YLOR Sacram en to, Calif. For info rm ation on th e Min t 4 00 co n tact, Del Web b's Mint Ho tel, 100 Fremon t Avenue, Las Vegas, N euada 8910 1 . . . Editor Hotdog Sharon Cayton', Publisher Robert L. Nor Velie , General Manager Edna Mewton, Sec retary to Publisher. Advertising Linda Cark, Advertising Manager. Cuis Kel ber, Advertising Assistant. Editorill Q laries C ayton, Editor-tn-Chle f , Lane CampbeU, J eff Peck, an d Bo bi Scott Editors. Art and Production Catherine Lampton , Art Di ~ec tor ; Paul Bu t le r . Lab T e ch ni cian ; Marion Hatash ita , Typ ographer. Cin:ulation Rh e b a Smi th, Manager; Pam Hobbs and Q uis Andrew, Assistants. Accounting Gay lenc Zaion z, Manager: Jud y Fouts, Mik e K li n ger , Jeanne Hammond, Assis tants; Tom Hunter. Rhonda. Van Doren, Credi t DcpartmcnL Sarvi ... 8< Support Bill Runyan, Tom Luchmann; Jeannie Dunivan, Recep tionist. West P.O . Bo x 498, Lon g Beach , CA 9080 l. (2 13 1 4 2 7-74 33 ; L.A. Line 636-8844 . East P.O . Box 805, Tucker, GA 3 0 0 84. (4 04) 934-7 850. Centrll P.O . Box 13 24 5 , Awti";, TX 7871 J. (5 12 ) 444-7548. Do the people wntmg th e articles identify th emselves in any way at the events? I have be en at th e last eight de sert even ts an d have yet to disco ver wh at is a Weenie Bro th er. I have heard that they , it, or wh atever, was in our camp on the Sun day that ou r clu b trop hied in just abou t all classes, an d we received re cogni tion of only two an d not eve n one-liners at th at. BILL ZOLLER Sled Riders MC Yorba Linda. Calif. A Weenie Brother is abou t 5' 10 " tall, weighs abou t 180 pounds, he is of th e Kosh er variety and is skin less. He can be found in th e R over pits and will be very happy to talk with you . . . Editor First the whip, now the carrot On behalf of th e 500 to 6 0 0 District 3 7 racers who ride every wee k, I would like to co mp liment you on your desert co ver age in the August 5th issue. It was nice to see some pictures larger than a p ostage stamp and a good size arti cle for a change . Keep up the good work and the district riders migh t start buying yo ur paper again . :>IARYLIN GRI EWE Desert Zebras Riverside, Calif. To DRApeople I would li ke to than k th e D RA people who stopped to help me when the bearing went out on m y motorcycle trailer. Thanks fo r br inging m y cy cles and my trailer to my doorstep. Subscription On e year, seco nd class mail 512. 50 ; 2 yean. seco nd class mail, 522.50 ; 3 yean. second class mail, 53 0.00 ; Single co Py price . 50 ce nts . Hot Chat CopYrigh t t,.;ycle News. Inc. 19 75. Tud e m;"r k. regi ste red U.S. Paten t O ffic e. A ll r ight rese rved . Publish ed weekly ex cept th e firs t a nd las t we ek of the calendar year by Cycle News. Inc.• P.O. Dear David Marshal, Fire ro ads are not made for m o torcy cles , they are m ade for Forest Service people to co ntrol fire . Get it? Fire road ll C. WALTH ER Los Ange les , Calif . Box 498 . Long Beach. Califomia. Second ct... " po stage p.Jid .il l Lo ng Such, CA. Edit or ial nones. car t oo ns, ph oto •• et c. u e welcom e . Add rcssm . s cam ped envelope .J.uurt's recur n o f un purchased ed it ori al ma tter. Reprintin g in whole or p ut only b y permasion o f the publishers . Ad vCTt ising raIn and c ircu la no n Ulformat ion will b e se nt up on reques t. Sec 2 S.R_ D.s. .. DAVE ADAMS Ge o rge AFB, Calif. Skills pool followup I re ad yo ur article on The Nebraska Kawasaki factory with great interest. The main point about crea ting a talent pool is exciting and, I might add. ch allen gin 1':. I've sol d Kawasaki s, an d slo wly raced in 35 0 pro d uc t io n ACA eve n ts in 19 72. Right now I' m selling Cadi llacs, (Yes, those o bese w onders. ] However, for 14 ye ars I was part o f thi s n ati on 's fo rmerly great Aerospace Design Group. E le c tro-mech an ical p ac kaging, servo m e ch ani sm s , c has s i s a nd stress co ns idera tio n s are among th o se ab ili ties in m y bac kgroun ds. A. E. (ED) FARR Holl ywood. Calif. Round and round Could you give me the squeeze on th e Bar sto w t o Vegas run ? I've heard so many different th ings abo u t the event that m y head is spi n n ing . F RAN K H. FORCE, USN Oxn ard, Calif. To be perfectly h on est, no body knows what is happening with th e Barsto w to Vegas run. Stay tuned and we will keep you inform ed . . . Editor Consu-mer ripoff In june, I co n tac te d Cy cle News regarding m y difficulties with Horizons Un limi ted, Woodland Hills . In sp ite of m y difficulties. and without attempting to ve rify an y of my allegations, Cycle Ne ws co n tin ued to provide advertisin g sp ace to Ho rizons Un limited. In view of th e above, I m ust question whether or no t the so-called journalistic integrity of Cycle News is wo rth any more than th e cost of a co m m ercial advert isemen t. I feel th a t you have done a great di sservice to y o urs e l ve s , yo ur a d ve r t isers, and -yo ur readers by a Il owi ng Horiz on s Un lim ite d to advert ise in Cycle News. DAVID E. HOLLEY Salem, Or e. David's fi rst letter was sent to ou r edito rial de part ment, where it was fi led fo r inve stigation. By th e tim e we discovered that Horizon s Unlimited was a fraud, n ot on ly had this reader been ripp ed -of f, but three others that we are aware of, as well as ou rselves. Monthly magazines are still printing fu ll page ads for th is co mpan y. Please readers, wh en you have a co mplaint or a suspicion regarding th e integrity of an advertiser, contact th e advert ising departme nt or th e publisher. We hav e started pro ceedings against Hori zons Unlim ited with the U.S. Postal Service Fraud Department. Anyone having furth er evidence of mail fraud by Horizons Unlim ited should contact Mrs. Pat Hall, Fraud Section. U.S. Postal Department, 601 West 5th Street, Los Ang e l e s , CA 90030. (2 13) 688·2 180 . . . Publisher The views expressed in this column and o th e r columns appearing on the fo llowing pages are sole ly those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Cycle News West or Cycle News, In c. Q!lalified read ers wishing fre e and equal rebu ttal space should con tact th e Editor. COLORADO KENZ & LESLIE 19 6 5 w est 13 A venue Denver. Colorado 80204 Telephone , (30 3) 62 3· 11 7 8 CONNECTICUT D.S.S. WARE HOUSE 26 5 Pre st ige Par k East Ha rtfo rd. Con necticut 06108 T elephon e , (203) 2 89-1 5 6 1 FLORIDA PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 1173 S. W. 1st Wa y De erfield Beach . F lori d a 33441 Telephon e : (30 5) 4 2 1·44 22 ILLINOIS NICHOLS MOTOR CYCLE SUPPLY 4135 We st 12 6 Street Chicago, Illinoi s 60653 Tele p h o ne : ( 3 12) 5 97·3340 MAR YLA N D D.S.S. WAR E HOUSE 1716 W h itehead Road Meadows Industri al Par k Baltimor e. M ary land 2 1 20 7 Teleph one : (3 01 ) 944-5 222 MICHIGA N M E RI D IAN CYCLE SUPPLY 1605 Ha slet Road Has lett . Mi c h igan 48840 Telephone : ~ 5 1 7 ) 33 9·8958 NEW JERSEY A.D_I. 175 Fa i r St reet Pal isad es Par k. New Jersey 0765 0 Telephone , (201) 947·820 0 0.5.5. WAREHOUS E 180 Whitman Avenue Edison, New Je rsey 0 8 8 17 Telephone : (201) 287·52 0 0 NEW YORK WILCO SALES CORP. 66 6 Un ivers it y Av enue Ro ch est er . N e w York 14 607 Tel ep hon e : (716) 442·705 0 OHIO RACER'S WAREHOUSE 5 505 En t erp r i se Bl vd . 'r e tee c , Ohio 4361 2 Te le ph one : (419 ) 729-970 1 ROSE CYCLE DISTRIBUTING CO. 204 0 T iffin Aven ue Fi n d l ay, Ohio 4584 0 Tele ph o ne : (419 ) 422-96 06 PENNSYLVAN IA ES I·FULL HOUSE 1011 cedar Avenue Croydon. Penn . 19 0 20 Telephone : (21 5) 6 39 ·6500 TENNESSEE SPEED DISTRIBUTORS WAREHOUSE 108 Honest Street Chatta nooga. Tenn . 3741 1 Telephone , (615) 892·2114 TEXAS FOX D ISTRIBUTING , INC. 723 109th Street Arl ington, Te xa s 76011 Telephone : (817) 265·111 8 ED TUCKER D ISTRIBUTING 925 0 K i n g Arthur D allas. Texas 75 247 Te lephone: (214 ) 634· 1840 WASHINGTON WAREHOUSE WEST 9 09 Th o mas A ve., S.W . Renton. W ash ington 9 805 5 Teleph one : (2 06 ) 772·191 0 WISCONSIN MOTOR SPORT SALES 12 419 W . Sliver Sprin gs Rd . Bu tle r . W ise . 53 0 07 Te le ph o n e, (414) 781 ·31 33 CANADA CLARKE SIMPKINS HONDA 7 60 Alderbr ld ge Wa y R ic h m on d, B.B . V 6 X 2 AZ Can ada T e le Oho ne , (6 04) 2 78-6221 DI·JER INT E R N AT IO NA L 11 2 9 Van ie r Sarnia. O n t ar io Can ada Teleph one, (519 ) 3 36-420 1

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