Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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• • IlII ~ t t he Kern Plate u Un it of Sequoia Na r' l. Fo res t. Publi c mee t ings with o ppo rt un it ies to respond are sched uled fo r 7:3 0 p.m. at the lollowing place s and dates : J"ne 25 , Mo n ac hc IIigh School Cam pus Cen ter, 960 W. Newcomb, Porte rville ; June 26, Bakersfield High School, Lib rary 2 n d Floor, Bakersfield; July 2. Kern ville Elementary School, Kernville: July 3, Burroughs High School, Ridge crest, Ca. TH >.!') Mot or cycle Safe ty Foundation and the Federal D. O.T . _have signed a " letter of understanding" whereby D.O .T . will co n d uct a mu lti-year safety demonstration project, using education and licensing guidelines developed by :\IS F. The Feds will contract an as-yet unnamed st ate to run the pilot program. California and Arizona we re amo ng those submitting bids. Final selection is due June 30. f' O'l ...... Note for the future - BlM staffers seem w illing to d iscu ss so me sort of procedure for " respo nsib ly " p ioneering ne w trails in "ex istin9 roads and t ra ils" areas . Hope t o he ar more on th is in future. Of the list submitted, (Altern ati ves A, B, C, D) Papa tends to favor " C". ,....., :>- The British have a neat trick. They allo w t hei r national clas s road racing champions to pai n t a one-inch go ld border around the edge of their num ber pl ates . ;:l ~ That July 20 Sacramento CMC Mile National will carry a $ 15,000 pur se for Experts and Juniors o nly. Silencers will be req u ired . For en try in fo , ca ll (209) 948-4338 o r (714) 675-7098 . After w inn ing the Scottish Six Days, Mick Andrews got a telegram saying, " Co ngratulati o ns on your brilliant w in , Michael - from the Queen, Duke of Edinburgh, Duchess of Kent, and all the other pubs in Bradford." Think about it . Late bulletin: To all Penton dealers from John Penton Ma Bell is inte rested in motorcycle safety. It seems AT&T, and other large corporations, realizing that more of thei r employees are commuting on bikes t o save gas, have asked the Motorcycle Safety Foundat ion to prepare safe ty presen tat io ns for them. LORAIN, OHIO,JUNE 20 Nex t m on th you may begin seeing MS Fsproduced public service spots on your favorite local TV station, featuring public-spirited appeals for better ed ucation and better attitudes on the part of both bikers and drivers. Negotiations have been finalized for the sale of the Western distribution rights of Pen ton/KTl\l parts and motorcycles. The rights have been so ld to the manufacturer of Penton cycles, KTM of Austria. Th e reason for this, is KTM's desire to not be dependent u po n one individual for U.S. sales. The effective date of transfer is J uly I , 1975. It is expected that KTM will anno unce a new dist rib uto r at that time. Until the ne w distrib utor is established, p ar ts an d cyles, effective immediately, may be purchased on a COD bas is fro m : Pen ton Imports Compan y 30709 Wes t Erie Avenue Lorain , Ohio 44053 Pen to n Cen tral P.O. Box 2327 , Amarillo , Texas 79 105 Phon e : 806-373- 105 1 I have been assured by KThI th at all exis t ing Penton dealers will be absorbe d by th e new KT M distributor. We will furnish the new dis tributor a co mplete dealer list ing from whic h you w ill be con tacted wit hin a ver y few days . We are very t hankfu l for p ast co ns iderations you have given us. With your help the Pen to n nam e has been establishe d across the coun try as o ne of the fin es t dirt bikes available . I am certain each of yo u wi ll continue to work with the new distributor to mainta in what you have' established. We will co ntin ue to service you with th e Hi Poin t line of competitio n accessories. In fact, with no cycles to worry abo ut, our West Coas t emphasis will be 10 0% o n fu rther development of our accessory line and dis tribu tion methods. Thank yo u again fo r your p ast business and frie ndship . See you down the trail. John Penton We pred ict that Harley-Davidson's new MX team rac ing je rsey will be a collector's ite m. Alo ng with Griffi t h Park Backslider buttons, which alre ady are. The last points pay ing 0 -37 MX before the regio nals will be t h is wee kend, Ju ne 29, at Raw h ide Par k in Elsinore . There will be two 20 mi nu te mo tos and all classes are inclu ded . Fo r more info call (71 4) 595-4676, or (2 13 1 333-3156. Everybody origi nally p re-en tered for the Stockton Regional Mile ' is still conside red pre-en tered by the new promo ter of the off-agai n, o n-again even t. Registratio n op en s 7 :3 0 a.m . on July 6. There's to be a gap from 10:30 t o 12 Noon at the Stockton Mile to accommodate a nearby church. A local rock . group will fill in while the motorcycles shut down, and some snea ky dude's go ing to sp read "On the Seve nth Day, God Created Motorcycles" stickies around the church parking lot. Kevin Lavoie has wo n h is second ISDT quali fier, lead ing t he Yan kee-Ossa "A" team to the manufacturer's title for the Hannibal, N.Y . event J une 14-15. Amid jokes about runn ing the event Ha t lo w tide " o nly 49 out of 183 starters finished the rain-soak ed event. Meanwhile " King Richard" (th at 's Burleson, not Nixon ) knocked down the Porcupine National Enduro at Harrison , Mich ., h is fifth National in a ro w. The U.S. Trials Championsh ip standings afte r t hree rounds: Don Sweet (Yam) 254.172, Bo b Hopkin s (Yam) 240.79 6, Mike Mar kle y (Bul) 193 .0 8 5, Marland Whaley (Ho n) 19 2.25 7, Mar k Eggar (Hon ) 188.916, Lan e Leavitt (BuI) 187.414, Bru ce Ry hti (Suz) 180 .639, St eve Dar ro w (Yam) 17 2.360, Bernie S c hreiber (Bul) 170.46 3, Joe Gu glielmelli (Hon ) 159. 3 2 1. Don 't as k us how th ey figu re th e points to ta ls. We know, but the answer would blow your tube s. Along with extending the mail entry date to June 30, P.U.R.R. has changed the narne of the Powder Puff National to the Yamaha Women's National Motorcycle Championship. Rounding out the top 20 in U.S. Tr ialS, in order, are: George Sm ith (Hon], Bill Schaaf (Kaw), Joe Mascul ine (But) , Martin Belair (Mon), Jay Terry (Po w ), Mike Griffitts (Monl, Ron Busch (But), Greg Sturm (But), Ed Kessler (Kaw), and Andre Plouffe (But). Harry Oxley as a surf goldfish ? I don ' t know, man. The U.S. Forest Service has rele ase d a list of "m an agement alte rnatives" for Suzuki team ride r Tep i Lan sivouri broke his collarbone in t hree places in a practice crash at I mola. The June 14-15 Two Day IS DT Qual ifier saw overall honors go to Ossa mounted Kevin LaVoie (1178 1. Class winners, in addition to laVoie - 350cc, were Ted Leimbach (1637) - 10Occ; Gary Edmonds (12311 - 125cc; Dennis Vandicar (1190) - 175cc; Barry Higgins (12 19 ) - Ope n . The promoting club, The Silver lake Enduro Riders, lost perm ission to use over 100 miles of the course jus t a da y and a half prior to th e event, but still ma naged t o put on the run. 13 Gold, seven Silve r and 29 Bronze medals were aw arded. Sadd leback Park, begi nning J une 23 will prepare the In terna tional race Motocross Course every Monday m orning so tha t (it says her e ) ., .. . you can practice o r play under ideal, full y prep ared trac k conditions". At least un til Monday afternoon. Team Vista Sheen has ta ken o n two more riders to make a total of five that the Farmington, Michigan T-shirt prin ter supports. New membe rs arc J unior Ted Boody (with Bart Markel doing the wre nc hing) an d Novice Ran dy Goss , The San Bernardino County Board of Superviso rs voted 4-0 to reject the E IA p roposal for county cont ro ls on motorcycle events. One key factor, apparently, was the realizati o n by the Supervisors that the BlM already pre-empted much of what the county proposed to do. The audience at the J une 16 meeting was about 80% bikers and spilled over int o two adjacent rooms. Sketchy resu lts from the AAMRR's openin9 Can -Am Challenge road race round ind icate th at Kurt leibmann took the Kon i Challe nge on a super san itary Ducati. Ron Pierce , aboard the factory Kawasaki, took the 250cc GP event before swit ch in9 to a Yamaha for the big bore GP win . Gary Fisher crashed in practice suffering a reported shoulder separation while leibmann took a fall during · a later race and sustained reported leg injuries. British sources report Laver da ab out to go into product io n wit h a six-speed 500 twin wi t h fo ur valve head s. DOHC. Sounds lik e a Yamaha, alm ost . And j ust when t hey 'd sta rted to live down th e " pregnant Super Haw k" j o kes, too. On e or t wo o f San Berdo 's Supe rviso rs have poss ibl y begu n to run out of patien ce with the environmental frin ge. As one of them remarked, "You as k for th e controls, the BLM works for sever al years to give you con t ro ls, th en y ou sue the BLM because the ir co n trols are n't goo d eno ugh fo r you. Why shou ld we put ourselves in the same boat ?" Mike Gillman, an Orange Co unty , Cali fornia mo to cro sser who was inj ured at th e Baldwin National , is still in Lawre nce Mem ori al Hospital, 325 No rth Main , Law rence , Kan sas 66044, Ro om 326. Bet he's home sick eno ugh to app reciate a ca rd abou t no w. Anyone who is inte reste d in he lping send American riders to the Isle Of Man for the 50th ISDT should be interested in knOWing that the st ick ies are avai lable for $1 and patches for S3 from the AMA. Contact the ISDT Support Fund , c/o AMA, PO Box 141 , Westerville, Oh io 43081 . Mitch Mayes will give a desert racing school Saturday, June 28 at California City the day before the regu lar ORA race. He'll bear down on maintenance, preparation, mental attitude, and general racing skills. Fee , $10, the way to the "class room" is limed from the Cal City golf course. The " Last Chance" Superbowl HSMX q ua lifier will be at Saddleback, J u ly 13, the wee ken d before the b ig 'un , Haw9 Body got invited to a five-day course entitled, "Why Weight Behav ioral Mod ification and Weight Control " . Is that a h int or somethin9 ? Call (2131 938-6874 for info . At a loss for a little publicit y ? T ry parades. Honest - Hope Englan d and t he cre w out a t 395 Cycle Park go t up a unit th at has the race officia ls march ing in th eir uniforms surrounded by wheelin g circles of riders representing TT, flat t rack and mo tocro ss. Th ey go t a first place a t Adelanto Days parade and have been invited to two more, Russ Darnell is donating a free motocross school to the ten slowest at the Superbowl HSMX and the 20 slowest at the Powder-oops, Yamaha Women's Nationals. Now, girls and guys - EVERYBODY'S got something to race for. I I The 19 75 Record Trials for Mo to rcycles o n t he Bonneville Salt Flats ha ve been sche d u led for the week of August 17-23. Bonneville Na tio nals, In c., will be o rganizin g speed t rials and record runs in ope n co mpetition for all 158 AMA classes a t Wendover, Utah. Pierre Karsmakers, who was the victi m of the incre asing cr ime rate when his helmet and boots were stolen following a get·off in Kansas, received his helmet at the end of the day. It probably d idn 't fit. The boots must have, cause there is no word on their Whereabouts. " 1lI Prernio De La Am istad " is the title of this year 's gian t Mex ican flat trac k, m ot o c ro s s , and road racing ex travaganza. Th e races arc scheduled to be hel d o n Sep tember 13, 14 , 15 (Satu rday , Sunday an d Mo nd ay) with an announced 100 ,00 0 pe so p urse. That tran slates in any language to $8,000. Wyman , St ack an d Kasson won abo u t eve rythi ng to be had last year . Maybe it . can be you this year. (Continued on page 36)