Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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p rotectors, and it also say s here thai Harry Ox ley will be re crea ted as a surl go ldfis h . Yeah ? Roger DeCoster (Suzl and Heikki Mikkola (Hus) finished one-two in both motes of the June 15 French 500cc Grand Prix MX. Mikkola will carry a slim six points lead (120 to 114) over DeCoster into next Sunday's U.S. GP at Carlsbad, California. Sunshine Yamaha (714)633-0064 is set up as Orange County Superbowl headquarters. Don't forget, June 20 is also the deadline date for co m ments to the BUI on the EI Paso-Red Moun lain areas. KNBC, Channel 7 in the Los An geles are a, will broadcast Peter Starr's " Champion Spark Plug Motorcycle Classic " film from On tario at 5 :30 p.m., June 22. The California Air Resources Board has scheduled a public meeting in San Francisco for July 15. Subject: Emission controls for motorcycles. You knew it was coming, didn't you? We'll have the exact place and time as soon as the folks down at CARB find it. Seems . they lost their meeting. Signal Hill Fiesta's second annual bicycle motocross is set for June 28 , in the field behind City Hall, Signal Hill, Calif. SilJ'UpS are from 9 a.m, to 10 :30 a.m., Novice and Expert in several age classes, plus sidehacks and powderpuffs, Must have proof of age to register. If we allow those clowns to take carte blanche with our bikes, we 're ALL going to lose it. Mark Williams (Nor) took over the Pacific Region al Expert points lead by winning the AMA Regional IT at Clac kamas , Ore gon. Th e Expert final star ted Mark 's Norton, 10 T riump hs; an d a lone Harley ridden by Bruce Hanlon to n inth pl ace. Resul ts in the Results Sec lion. All you guys out there interested in racing 500cc over head valve and 750cc flat head motorcycles on the quarter mile at Ascot contact John Gibson at 2310 Vista Rd., La Habra, Calif. 90631. Information num ber and addr ess fo r the July 20 Sacr amento Mile (CMC National ): (209 ) 94 8-43 38, or wri te Wildcat Productions, P.O. Box 4 52 5, St ockton, Ca. 95 204. The new Cal-Expo track, cu rren tly running trotters (tha t's horses ) h as never hosted a motorized race. Big indoor swap meet at the Great Western Exhibit Center, Santa Ana Fwy. at Atlantic in Los Angeles. Good place to pick up a bargin or unload some old stuff. Make sure it's just your own stuff you unload, because every third buyer is likely to be a cop, these days. Desert Wheels Me and the Edwards AFB Safety Council will show "On Any Sunday" Thursday night, June 19, at 7 p.m, at A-1 Cycles Supply. Malcolm hisself will be there after the show to bench-race and answer questions. Londo ners take their co mmu ling seriously. In the " Great Commu ter Run " through morning ru sh-hour traffic fr om Pu tn ey to Fleet Street. journalist Steve Hac ke tt wo n hands d own on a Kawasa ki KZ 400, averaging 15.3 7 MPH th rou gh stop-and-go traffic at a total cost o f 40t for the trip. O the r co mpeti tors ch ose car, bus, subway, bicy cle, boat up the Th ame s, and even a horse-drawn carriage. The car averaged 6.31 MPH, cos t $3 .28 on e way. The bus-borne contestant wai ted at the stop 35 minu tes, gave up, an d took the su bway - OOPS9 I mean " tu be", Recession 's co m ing close to home Patty Presti ge getting her pinkslip fr om the Asco t man agement with no warning. Ironically, she was st ar tin g to race cars, an d was begin ning to trophy regularly and pic k up sponsorship. She wants to sta y in th e L.A. area and is seriously lo o king for work, see he r ad in Want Ads th is week. Another downer from a track's management - Pat Manning's CMC road races summarily ousted from O.C,I.R. so they can have Sunday swap meets on the drag strip. Fancy that! Pat's got his June 29 race relocated to Willow Springs. Benton/Owens Valley residents/riders: BLM Open House meetings are scheduled the week of June 16-20 on the Benton-Owens Valley Planning Units. The June 18 meeting is at the DPW office, Big Pine, June 19 in the DPW at Lone Pine. Both these meetings 10 a.m.·2 p.m. and 6-8 p.rn , June 20 meeting is at Benton School, Benton, Ca. 7-9 p.m, Now an upper. June 28 -29 is a giant two day road race fiesta at Kent, Washington Seattle Int1 . Raceway, topped off by a FIVE HOUR MARATHON for street and cafe bikes. Farrr out ! Call (206 ) 8 39-253 6 or 243-8584 for info, Th o ugh cancellation notices on th e July 6 Stoc kton Regional Mile may hav e been mailed out, Wild cat and Tri p le C Productions have asked to pic k up the sanc tion to run the race as scheduled. Call (209) 948-4 338 for detai ls. Los Angeles County Sheriff Pitchess drew applause from a jo int Chamber of Commerce meeting when he announced that a group of his deputies were being trained on motorcycles to chase dirt bikers (working in concert with cars and helicopters) in Santa Clarita and Antelope Valleys. The guys who applauded (bus inessmen all) should know that dirt bikers spent $116,000 in California City over a tWo day weekend th is year. Now applaud the Sheriff some more. Pitc hess , in a ligh t-he ar ted mood, asked the local lan d owners no t to sho ot at his b ike-rid ing depu ties. Gee, She riff, we tho ugh t anybody on a m o to rcy cle was fair game . We note that while the L.A. County Supervisors are agonizing ove r budget cuts, including a swipe at the Rap id Transit District which may torpedo the highly successful 25-eent fare , Pitchess will probably get carte blanche to play cowboys and Indians with his motorcycle/helicopter/prowl car task force. Ain't government wonderful? Oualifying info for the Coliseum HSMX Championships (set for Friday, July 18 the night before the Superbowl) is being broadcast in the Los Angeles area on KEZY -1190 AM. Quoteable q uo te fro m Mike Gerald: " When I was a kid I was so u gly my m o ther had to han g a po rk chop aro und m y neck so the dogs would p lay with m e. " While som e Cham bers of Commerce favor chasing away dirt bikers, other b usinessmen like the color of our mo ney just fine . Won der what (o r who) th eir Special was? July 1 has bee n se t for a meetinl/ between AI Eames and man ufacturers leam reps to select the American ISDT ride rs. girlfrien d and wen t into the fairin g business. Today he emp loyes 2 I 2 people, ma kes fairin gs, bu ilds the world's most sop his ticated side ca r an d imports Ric kman chassis. Who knows, the G.A .l\I. may be his nex t projec t. The AMA has requested 40 slots for Ame rican riders in the 1975 ISDT. Competition Development Manager AI Eames admits we'll probably not get our full request. "I anticipate that the ACU (Britain's "AMA'" will accept approximately 30 American entries, but we won't receive official word until July at the earliest." The Los Angeles Times devoted 14 column inches (includinQ photo) to a st ory about three French daredevils who rode a minibike across Niagara Falls on wires that normally carry a cablecar. Neat. Wonder how many inches they'll give the USGP at Carlsbad? (m ore or less) 80 fro m his Bates Leathers is providing Superbowl pro riders with " Powered hy Olv " chest m There ;.. be exhibition sidehack motocross at OCI R June 20, and at Irwindale June 27. Resu lts fro m th e Yugoslav 25 0cc GP : I. Harry Everts (Puc) , 2. E. Riba lts chenko (KTl\I) , 3. Zde nek Vclky (CZ) , 4. Hans Maisch (Mai), 5. J im Pom ero y (Bul), 6. Adolf weu (Mai), 7. J ocl Rober t (Suz), 8. Willi Baue r (Suz) . Bimb o wen t 6-4 on m ote s, Some yo-yo who lifted a motorcycle over the fence at the Intaglios (ancient tracings of animal shapes that can be seen from the air) near Plaster City and obliterated them, couldn 't have done the EDF and their like a bigger favor. Anybody with knowledge of this action should contact Cycle News, 0·37, or the AMA, as there's a lot of people whose years of work maY go down the tubes on account of this who are hot. Very hot.