Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1975 06 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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C H A MPION FRAME SUZUKI TM2S0. TT & short tr ack set-ups, Barnes wheels. d isc brake . S&W shocks, genuine factory works port t im ing and p ipe. n o ouer, 36mm carb o K&N, 4 00 Ignition. consistent main-eventer at Ascot Pro-AM , $850.00. Also Irish Sette r pups, $40.00. (213) 866·7496. (23 ) '72 Husky 450 CR Curnutts. pl ast ic fende rs. new Go od year ti res, more ext ras . $79 5 .0 0 or be st o ffe r . (21 3) 1973 Husky 125CR, six speed 150 Elsinore E xcellen t condition , never raced . Must see to appreC iate, $ 6 9 0. 0 0 firm. (714) 733·4326. No resleevi ng re quired. Comp le te piston ki t , $36.95. (213) 334-2486. (23) Rickman Weslake 500 Kawasaki enduros New engine, M l kunl, vencua f o r ged piston, ' 7 4 KS-125. 6 spee d , $4 75. '73 F11 2 5 0 w ith new t ires, $800.00. (714) 6 85· 7 8 94 . (2 3 ) DID r i m s an d extras , $425. '72 , 350 F·9 w i th ex t r as, $ 3 7 5. A ll In good condition . M o ntesa " 19 7 3 Y A M A H A 12 5 M X. New tank , shocks, bar s, t ir e s, port ed, and much more. $ 5 0 0. 0 0 o r be st. Al so h a ve size 2 8 le at h er s. Both ex ce llent ccn e ., $ 35 . 0 0. Je ff 1-(2 13 ) 2 5 0. 4 speed, $75. (714) 683-8785. (2 3) 597·7 2 10. (2 3 ) Free Z1 Huskys for desert N ot likely - b u t no d o wn - assume payme n ts of $7 9.33/m o. f o r 32 mos. or p ay p r in c iple o f 19 and a li tt le b it In c l u d es In s. (714 ) I ns talle d w i t h V e sco t ank, 35 0 ·2 1, sk i d pa n an d de sert jet ti n g t o m ake you r ne w b ike t he most compe ti tiv e and de pend ab le. Long tr ave l fork kits opti ona l. Bill Saltzman 's M otorcy cles. B ald w i n Par k (21 3 ) 33 7-681l. (23/ 3 x) '74 Bultaco 360 Pursang Clea n . la y d o w n gas s-ecas. M i kun i. fresh bore p lu s l o t s mor e. (714 ) 6 33-06 7 8 . (2 3) M A YW OO D MOTOR CY CL E CLUB m em be r shi P Is now open. Ca ll (2 1 3 ) ~ 2 7 -1333 Mon .-Fri. , 8 t o 5 ,Tues.eves 8 to 10. (2 3) :'3 04 0 77. (2 3) '73 Husky, very good buy 557·24 0 7. (23) 74 Honda CR-125 '7 3, 400 Suzuk i desert ready F . M.F. por ted and p iped , 3 0 Mikun i car b •• Wh eelsmith Engi neering forw a r d moun ted alum i num Kan i s, ne w tires, sh o wr o om Low er ed f r ame, p lastic t ank , fen ders, & le vers. 2 lb. f1y'",he el, sk id pla te , new ShOCkS, & m an y. m any e x t ra s. Must sell, $47 5. 0 0 . ~ust see. Call a fte r 5 :30 (2 1 3 ) 92 0 -2 3 33 . '7 5, 250 GP Maico, li ke new Sh ow r o om c ond i tion , D ID ri m s, nyl on fe n d er s, W h eelsm ith pegs , c ha in ten sioner, al u mi num sp rocket and re ar nub, shop manual and mo re . $ 1850.00 i n vest ed $ 1} Q.. .0 0 t1rm . (213) 585-0573. (23) 0 '73, 350 Bultaco Pursang 1972 CZ 400 , $595 $700.00 o r besl o tter. (7 14) 530·1 8 2 7. (23) J·bar s, M ag ura, Tomasell i, A kron t s, M lkun i, FMS, Arnaco, Y o k o hama 4 .6 0, new p last i c fe n de r s b ro k e le g, must sell. (2 13) 379-51 57. (23) 1973 Yamaha For a plu sh controlled ri de you n eed our l o n g travel shocks. No frame mods , 5 11 re ar wheel 2" travel. O nly $79.50. Works Performance Products, 20970 Knap p St., Chatsw orth, CA 36 0 new en gi ne, m oved -UP Curnutts, Diam ond Cha in, cha in t ens i one r, alumin um bars, fork kit, f i lter, bi g tank, Cheng Sh in . Se ll or t rade f or Malco. (213) 357 -2522. (23) Y am ah a, location . Kawasaki . San Joaquin Valley Start Im m ediate ly . Keener Cycle Center (209) 732·66 7 7 . (23) '73 Husky 250 WR ~ 8 5 -9 0 69 . (23) 250 Penton, 100 Rick man Wor k by E.C. on Rickman '7 4 enduro. Inquire (213) 792'046~:' (23) Pen ton Used 400 monos Perfect m otorcycles at a rock bot t o m p ri ce. L ots o f go o dies Femsa , M l kun l , Kon i , Plast ics, and more. Tool s In c l u d ed , neve r r a ce d . As k ing $600.00. Must sell . ( 2 13) 322 -6122. (23) 3 mon ths old. new c o n d itio n . aoae f orward mounted shoc ks , never been raced. Call for detatts, $ 7 5 0 . 0 0 . ( 213) 324-5449 . (23) '74 YZ 125 Very fast, e xcellent conditio"1. n eve r raced, 1974, 25 0 Pu rsan g, forwa rd m oun ted Shocks, many e xtras, excellent th roughout, $875.0 0. 1973, 125 Al p lna, al most new, $550 .00. SkywayS, 838·268~. down (2 3 ) pi pe. $5< 5. 00. (2 13) (213) 353-5860. (23) Redline Kawasaki F- 81 engine, Ceria nl forks, Kanis, alloy w neets, spool hU b, lots o f spares In c l u d i n g sprockets! 350 barrel . $7 00 .0 0 or trade car or Th is i s for you low rollers! Suzuki TM4 0 0 , 197 3, d e ser t ready perfect con diti on - (21 3) 337-6 811. (23/3x ) $400.00. Days (213) 573-1883. (23/2x) Elsinore 125, '74 '73 PENTON 100, e xcellent condition, many extras, saas .oc/ erre-, (213) 286 46239 . Ported, m illed head, pipe , 32 M l kun l , by F .M.F., forward mount alum inum fi n ned Kan is, f resh engine, plastic levers, yellow & silver paint, Fittron, super fast. $650.00. (213) 324-0138. (23) '7 3 CZ 250 excl. condition Attent ion - Bill Wright Su rp r jset ! You can't b uy this !! ! "Happy Fath er 's Da y ! ! Love, from yo u r wh ole fa m i ly (23) OK! OK! Cheapskates! 427·6598. (2 3 ) Ported, Curnutts, Hon da seals, Petty tool box , 4 .5 0 Cheng Sh in, sprockets, tools, sk id plate, K&N filter ; new points, levers, tenders , Terry cables, silence':! a ir box. Dese rt ready , $700.00. (213) Bultacos 175 Kawasaki, has everyth i ng, very c lean and depen da b le . N eed money, $4 0 0 . (213) 1973, 250cc Pursang Showroom con dit ion , ne ve r rac ed , $790 . 0 0. Kawasak i KX 125 Yamaha MX & enduro owners Trick t o t he max !! Curnutts, po rt ed , de se rt & M X t an k. sk id p lat e. Too m any e x t ra s t o list . Just l ike new , (714) 983·897 3 . (23) XR75,8 1cc 288-8658. (23) Wanted experienced M/C mechanic very mag, sw in ga rm, $800. 0 0 . (714 ) 493-79 77. (2 3 ) co n diti o n . $ 69 5. 0 0 . (714) 8 9 7· 9 1 68 or (2 13) 596·7 8 9 7. (2 3) 2 2 m m car b & m anifo l d, J & B cam, J&H p iston, LB. PiP e, We b co H.D. valve kit , n ew valve j o b & bore. Man y sp ar es, $ 3 3 5. 0 0 . ( 213 ) 91 311 . (213) 998-1977. (23) Exce llent c on diti on, 4 0 0 cc, fast, d epe ndab le, H oo k e r pi pe , Curnutts, (23) **** Maico 450 radial **** (21~) 7 ,00 p.rn , (213) 941· 1966. (23) WANTED Late mode l 250 Penton enduro gas tan k. Ev es. ( 7 14 ) 98541567 . (23 ) 964·0355. (23) . '75, 125 Elsinore Porte d , f o r w ar d shocks, bosters o n f orks, red p a in I, $75 0.00 or best. (916) 878·1762. (23) 2 - '74 XL350 50 0cc b y F ishbu rn - Betor fo r k s - Kon i 7" rea r t r avel - dual spa rk ar reste rs - Mlkun l cam - sk i d p la te - Maguras. $1200.00. Afte r '73, new ti re s, Rahm Plas tic, D.I.D.s, f orw ar d mounted shocks, Bil ste in s, Wheel sm i th chain gu ide, rootceas, p ipe, small tan k. Many more EXTRAS, excellent cond ition, not ridden bike. 1975 YAMAHA MINI EN DUR05. 1. New k n o b bi es, so rcckets, Filtron, YZ rear shocks, ' 7 6 st icker. asking $255.0 0 . 2 . Stock. new pa in t, ' 7 6 sticker. extra t i res, p ar t s, manual, askin g $ 230.00 o r $460.00 fo r bo t h . ( 2 1 3 ) 927·8265. (2 3) 1972 Honda SL175, $200 Unbreakable fende r s, k n o b bies, Maverick shocks, PP 9 r lp~, w ide bar s. D irt only. (213) much, $895.00. (213) 324-0138. (23) Excellent '74 Yamaha 250 YZ Yamaha 125 CMC pro b i ke , cantileve red elephan t Kon is, Terry fo r k kit, po r ted w i t h 38 M ikun i, Twin A i r, custom p ipe, f ast and rel iable. Ju st t a k e over paymen ts . Days (213) 83 2--6844. (23) cond ition, $ 950.00. (213) 442·8979. (23) 250 Ossa Pioneer '73, 250 CZ MX Endu ro - rebu ilt eng ine - au to lube - new electrlcs. Fully street legal, d i rt b i ke fo rces sale. $ 2 5 0 or best o tter . (2 1 3 ) 679-4423. (2 3 ) Bultaco 360 Pursang ' 74* Pu rchased sect, 22 , ' 7 4. Like new, new 450 Cheng Shin, new desert t u be, Barum 320 f r ont, othe rwise stock b ike. Pu rchased from 370-8609. (23) " 7 3", e xcellent condi t ion . Mu st sell, $ 52 5 .0 0 or good of fe r. (2 13) 377·2 207 after 6 :30 p.m. (2 3 ) Bay Area aunaee , $1200.00. (213) 391-5876. (23) '74 Husky 400 WR '74 works XR8 1 M int ccnc., j u st rebuilt , g Icc, p iston kit , h igh H .P. cam, needle be ar ing cam tower, p orted head, lightened c r an k , 22mm carb , Lockha rt all cool er, button mag, J &B p ipe, moved up Boge sn cc k s, fiberg lass tank, lightened r o c k e r s, racing valve Springs/ and many more x -t r as, $65 0. 0 0 or b est o f er . Pho ne (714 ) 1974 Rickman SO 125 Se ll o r trade - 400 m t., f u ll stree t lega l , shocks, p ipe, Skyway . Trade f or LARGER Vesco desert Sk inny- Fat, V.D.O ., Boge sh o c k s, o r enduro, 950 miles excellen t condil ion. $1125.00. (714) 745.7985. (2 3 ) '73 0 KW 4-strokers-look-read Curn utts, Hooker pipe, Pettys, Be t or forks, less than 1 000 mi les, fast & clean, $495. 00. L eav i n g country. must " sell. (714) 644-2694 . ' 72 , 650 R ickm an Tr i . Set up for track , onl y 4 races on it . Sl ,OOO.OO or bes t offer. (7 02) 599·7054. (23) 3 2 3-4 5 8 9 . (2 3) '72 Yamaha 250 OT2MX Collectors-attention E xcellent condit ion , st ock, $5 00.00 firm . (213) 398·93 81. (23) E xcellent con diti on, like newl P.P .s, levers, M X pegs , off road Ii c . (A85W6b).r w ith ex t ras, Late '67, 36 0 Husk y , originally 4 so c, V ik ing. Excellent co n d it ion , ultra -reliable. $ 4 0 0 .0 0 or '73, 250 Yamaha MX, muy rapido $ 3 7 5 .0 0 . Rive rside (714) 686-50 <8 . (23) Or ig inal owner, n ew 5 " Cu rnutts, chain, sprocket , t i re, t o p job. QHV license, b ig tank an d st ock. Must 5811, $5 50 o r o ffer. (714) '7 3 Suzuki TM 125 987·5373. (23) M ust sell! Gong to move, $375.00. (213) 675-5192. (23) (23 ) 1 - 3 0m m Mlkun l , 1 - 3 0mm Amal, 2 H o nd a 45 0cc C. V ., 2 40 mm & 2 33mm K e n d l c k ex c 's., 2 D H reed val ve s, 1 Penton H . B. et- nox, 1 Penton or Sachs d o w n p i p e. Much mo re! (213) 349·3751. (23) HO DAKA 1 00 B, 450, well ma intained, $595. E ve n ln 9s (71 4 ) 442·3126 . (2 3) 125 Elsinore ' 7 3, 1st knob bies, Curnu tts . $450 firm . (7 14) Husky 400 WR 277·5980. (23) New In January,S spee d, excellent cond i tion. Best a lte r. (714) 847-5402. (23 ) '73 Maico 400 etc. G.P. or M.X. N ltes (7141492.2634, (714) 752-7216, days (7141 752·0 60. (23) '73 many F MS, A k ronts, plastic tan k , e xcellen t cond it ion. M u st sell . (408) 374·9 154 after 6 ,00 Perfect f or a Baja Bug CZ 400, new engine, many, m any , extras . Sacrifice $6 95.00. (7 14 ) e.m, o r days (408) 374·05 25 . (23 ) '6 3 Vo lks eng ine, trans. good, fen d e r s burnt but main body good, '75 tags, $300.00. (213) 25 0 M O N T E S A Cap ra, fast , Curnutts. extra '73 BULTACO ALPINA 250cc. Supe r Clean, l o w m ileage, never raced . Must see to acceeerate. $590.00. Call B il l day (2 13) 6 21-5851, a lte r 6 ,00 (23) e.m, (71 4) 524-61 21 . ' 7 2 MAICO 250 Forward mounted Kon l s, Andres, Rah m s, Akront , F lItron, PMC tan k , new ti res, new engine, not broke n i n, e xcellen t , no lie. $70 0 or ? (2 13) 889 41580 . (2 3) CQM M I E PLOT CZ - Genu in e E x -Prac t ic e b ike of Ru ssian "S " MX T ea m ! We igh t - 2 8 7 .. Ibs. , o r igi nal shocks, ccna cseete f orks, " Po li sh B end" b ars, n o ctutcn, sq uare wh eels, no saddle, no tenders . (714) 427·7433 . 693-6639. (23) STOCK HONDA 250 ELSINORE. Ridden '74 King Scorpion Montesa ta nk. $275. (213) 831 -16 27. (23) (neve r race d ) 4 ti m e s, exce ll en t. Hurt kn ee , must sell , $795 o r bes t o f fe r. (213 ) 375·7805. (23) Powe rful motorcycle that makes a good c o wtr a il e r. 74 COl un it, 3 1/2 gal . desert, st ock tank, fork k it, new Kan is, ru ns e xc . L ooks shar p, $690.00. (71 4 ) 7 81-0634 . (23 ) '74 Honda CR 250 Moved-up sn cc k s, T&M p i p e, D&G swinga rm, Kon is, p orted, great co n d i ti o n . $750.00 or b est offe r . Call after 1 :00 p.m. (714) 998·5006. (2 3 ) !! Super t rick min i ! ! '72 Steens H o d a k a Rat 100, $ 250.00 i n vest e d , new Cerian is, FMS , radica l port i ng , . PMC, 24 carb, racing p iston, great cond o 60 $2 75.00 or best oller. (213) 446·2623. (23) tors ion bar, 4' x8' bo x, All si zes available . Boots, $59 .95 . Leathers, $85.00. C.O.D. anywhere . Call : 5 & L Yamah a, 5938 Pac ific Boulevard, Huntington Park. Calilornla (23 / < x) 90255. (213) 587-7244. Let the elves at our work shop straighten it f o r you. Sa tisfaction guaran teed with o u r t ri c k (paten t pending) p rocess. Elsinore and Bu ltac o pipes a specia lty. Average prices, $7.50 th rough $12.00. Sh iP to us , we'll straighten and return prepaid with in 48 hours . Y am ah a o f San Lu is Ob iSPO. 1357 Monterey, San Lou i s oesme, Cal ifom la 93401. (80S) 543-6723. (12/2 x) Pursang - 7 1/2 for ks - 6 1h FMS - 2 tanks Twin A ir - Magura - G.P. p i pe mod. Ports clean and matched. E xcellent c ondition. very fas t. $895.00. Konls and many other ex tras. e.m. (714) 995·7774. (23 ) New piston and r ings, ex . chain and sprocket, Not tem permental , very depen da ble, $6 85 ! w he e l. $400. (714) 522-0847. (23) (213) 2 46-9 2 5 5 . (23 /2 x) . $65 0 .00. After l ive (714) 531 ·4038. (23) '7 1 Husky 250 MX, $500 1971 4 ,30 (213) 638 -1447. (23) MAICO 250cc, DIOS, e xtr a front (213) 3 6 3 -7 3 4 4. (23) Honda sealS, V D O soeedo: reuabte an d fast e n d uro finisher , $5 0 0 .00. 1973 HO DA K A Wombat, knob bies, low miles, good condit ion, $400.00. (2 1 3 ) 548-1702. (23) Speedway 2 Hago n J.A.P.s, new 1974. Bu y both and w ill throw in spare en~ine complete. Call anytime. $1250.00 each With spares. (114) 729-4030. (213) 359-1884. (23) 175 Yamaha enduro, Cumutts Excellent c onditi on , "1971", Pl astic fen ders. 1-(714) 54 8~989. Newport, $350. 0 0 o r best XS 650 Yamaha, low mi les alter. (23) 3 ,200 m iles, sh o w r o o m condit io n , no dings, $9 0 0 .00. W ill take X R- 7 5 or similar small b i k e as p ar t i al payment. FUllerton (714) Parts man - Honda Maico 50 1, $595 /offer (23) 990-0675. (23) Great buy, fast, repeat winner . Ne w Kon ls, H o n da seals, raced once after $300 comple te reconditi oning . Must sell , jotne d Navy . After (23) Norstar/Munari '74, 250 Elsinore, $685 Clean , standard bore, O ury, T ric k -It , P.P ., sk id p l ate & to o k bo x . New ti re s, ri n gs & trans. No j u n k . A ste al at $ 6 0 0 f i rm or ? 1 972, 360cc H USKY EN DURO - (213) 869-5147. (2 3) Alter 5 Sears ceu alte r e.m. Dese rt tank, B aru m t ire, fork kit, $750.00.4 b i k e t railer wi th 15 gal. gas tank. $15 0. 0 0. $1 5 0 .0 0 . (2 1 3) 69 1·0119. (23) '73, 250 Yamaha ,6 Must sen, (714) 962-8 976. (23 ) '73 Cheney B.S.A. J.B.R. 8 28-2600. (23) '73, 3 60 MX YAMAHA, goad cond it ion , ' 73 Yamaha SC 500 Li ke new w ith Pelton torque p ipe and Skyway spark ar restor. Must sell, $850. (7 14 ) TRAILER , 125 YAMAHA MX. Trick Yam ah a, S kywa y crce , 30 M lkun l , Bage shockS, laid down A kront r ims, Gyt k it and many ext ras. '74, 250 Bultaco 827·2345. (23) '70 SL 100 HONDA. Bored to 12 5cc magneto operated , MX bars, la rge sk id p late, d i rt t i res , seeeec. (Di rt b ike) $175.00. ( 7 14 ) 1972 HUSKY 450 CR. Very well kept, lots o f e xlras , $ 8 0 0 .0 0. (714) 840-1531. (23 ) Squashed pipe? Factory 125 Husqvama Late 1973, 125cc HUSky , new eng ine set -u p by Nils A r ne-N l tsso n , new tires, Vesco , cables, 6 23-5625. (2 3 ) 197031. OSSA STILETTO, tr ick high p i pe , n ew t ires, n ew bottom end & trans. $335.00 o r trade for t rials b ike. (714) 546· 0719. (23) LEATHERS AND BOOTS . clean and street lega l, $280. (213) 831·1627. (23) HUSKY Bi ke Is cherry . ri d d e n le ss than 20 hrs. M i kuni, neve r raced. Must sacrifice, $575.0 0. Must see to believe ! (213) 336-0268 . (23) '74 Yamaha 360 MX, like new Carbureto rs and reeds, cheap! be st offer. (7 02) 323-4589. (23) '73 Yamaha 100 MX STREET EN DURO , X L, MT, DT, TS, etc, o r seil $4 75 .00. (213) 662 -2638. (23) '74, 250 Husky mag Pre-Fab swi n gar m , ri d d en very little, e xcellent Mikuni, A k r o n t s, Wh eel smith peg s, n ew b otto m e nd , RS an d stock p i pe d ese r t tank , Need e xperienced parts netc - Call or sto p b y Long Beach Honda. Sa lary o pen. 5115 A t l an t i c Ave ., Long Beach. (213) 423-14 33 . Bultaco Pursangs soil d b a rs . t o p sh a p e . (213) 793-8866. (23) ' 7 4, 360 - X R75 - X R75 frame with SL100 engine, excellent conditi on $350.0 0 . Call afte r '72. Stored over yr . ' 74 rid den 12 times, ve ry litt le u se, e xce llent cond ition. L o ad ed with extras. Call afte r 6 :30 p .rn . (213) 291·7592 7 , 00 p .m .• ask l o r Don (714) 528-9172. (23) ' 73 , 250 - (23/2 x) '72. 350 - . ' 7 3 and ' 400 CZ '73 750 Yamaha TT & flat track New Cu rn u t t snccks, Pro fab moved u p , custom seat . d ua l reed val ve. b ig M ikun l , PMC tank, custom pi pe, c lo se t r an s. Good rubber , new chain , supe r cond it ion - fast! $850.00 . Ch ampi on frame, Cerianl f orks, K onis, Mikun l , Barnes wheels, shell r o dS, p is ton s, ba rrel s, cam and va l ve springs, B a rne t t c rutcn, fresn motor. Q Ui t ti n g. First $2, 000.0 0 takes. (714) 525 -1775 even ings. (23) (2 0 9) 781 -2641. (23)

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