Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1975 06 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 45 of 63

DIAMOND 1st AGAIN! ~" \~ ; \ THE LATEST PO P BY PAPA WEALEY (Contin ued f ro m page 3) San Jose Mile 5· 18·15 Greg Sassaman used DIAMOND to wlnl Rider Rex Beauchamp finished 3rd with DIAMOND. Ask Jour dealer for DIAMOND"THE CHAIN OF PROYEN PERFORMANCE" " Keep an eye on the entertainment pages of your local newspapers for the rece ntly released film " Sweet Talker." Among the "movie stars" featured in the film is "They ca ll me Charlie" Seale. SAVE A group o f fin an cial ba ckers is talking to Pat Manning about CMC holding another ro ad ra ce in Las Vegas . It will pr obably happ en in November. f AFRIEND'S LIFE. FOR $2.25. $2 .25, the average cost of a cab rid e, could sa ve your friend' s life. Your friend ha s a drinking problem. But it's noth ing compa red to his driving problem . Every time he driv es drunk , he's risking his life and the innocent lives of others. Every time may be the last time. Sp end a few dolla rs. Send him home in a ca b. T ha t's a ll. If you can 't do th at. dr ive him yourse lf. O r let him s leep on vour couch . We're not ask ing you to be a doctor or a cop. We're sim ply ask ing you to be a human being. Napa Speedway opener will be June 14 at t he Town and Co u nt ry Fairgrounds. With this , S RA North possibly has as full a circuit as their SoCal compadres. If y o u do noth ing el se, writ e th e BLM River side o ffice (see BLM Ope n Ho use rep or t, p. 7) and give yo ur suppo rt to the bi ker s' propo sats given in th e El Paso an d Red Mtn . units. Th e peop le who did t he homework o n these th ings need your help . DE ADLIN E: JUNE 20. I DR UNK DRIVER A· I I I BOX 23 45 I I ROCKVI LL E, MA RYLA ND 20852 I I I I want to sa ve a fr iend's life. I Tell me w ha t else I ca n do. I I ~ l y name is _ I I Address _ _ _ I State _ Z ip_ ~ I Cit ·\' L _ JI WHEN APR~BLEM DRINKER DRIVES, IT'S YOUR PROBLEM. 0 U S D EPART MI:J','T OFTRANS PORT" T ION . N.... ON.... tIl GHW .... y r RAFFl e S.... ET y .... MI N ISTRATlON n L F D can-am & c.1 X Eilc!U IOS Al l mooe .s 1'1 stock competition serv ice. inc. 2 13 ·831 · 12 7 9 Hand Hodak a Wa shabl e _ S lay Soft h. . ,, ~ i( ". .. .. .. .' ,- . .. R id i n g .. S t reet " Raci n g se- ~ GL OVES • ~~ ' O, " D ls \f tt:lu t lnC) CIl . 18 :?2 7 Ludlow 51. N o r t rtrod Qe . Ca. 91 3 2 4 D ealer tn Qu . rI "'s to vn eo (2 1 3 ) 3 6 3 ·6 2 30 Mike Patrick 's YAMAHA 01Coro na, CA ._. CORONA 110 } E. 6t h Street, 46 Goodyear is Carroll Shelby 213-538 -2914 1244 N . G .af f e y , San Pe d r O, C A 90 7 3 1 (714) 735. 772 } ~:i1 Maico Ro ger DeCoste r an d Ake J ohnsson shared moto win s at th e Russian Grand Prix to tie for overall honors wh ile World Ch amp Mikkol a too k two third pl aces . Brad Lackey put together a fourt h and seventh pl ace finish and pi cked up 12 points to edge into fifth pl ace in the sea son 's point tally. Mikkola still leads Roger D. by a scant 12 points and Suzuki 's main man could easily pull out the numbers needed to take over the championship lead at this week's Fre nch GP. The top five in the 500 World Ch ampionship go as follows: Mikkola (Hu s) 9 6 pts., DeCoster (Suz) 84 pts., Johnsson (Yam ) 75 pts., Wol sin k (Suz) 44 pts., and Lackey (Hus) 39 pts. By carrier p igeo n fro m th e North, res ults of the Pac ific No rthwest U.S. Trials Champion sh ip round May 3 1: 1. Lane Leavitt (Bull 4 6, 2 . Bob Ryhti (Bu l), 3. Do n Swe e t (Yam) 52 .1, Whaley (Hon ) 52.2 , 4. Marland 5. Bernie Sch re iber (Bul] 59, 6. Mark Eggar (Hon] 59 .1. Again, t ime was crit ical. Now if t hat fershl ugginer b ird will just get back wi th the pict ures, we'll ha ve a repo rt . Rath me ll (Mon) ne atl y Malcolm leap frogged Mar tin La mpkin into the lead of th e F.I.M. tr ials ch ampio nship by winning the Polish round May 25, over Benn y Sellman (Mon ), Char les Coutard (Bul), Yrj o Vesterinen (Bu l], l\l ic k An drews (Ya m) and Rob Ed wa rds (Mon) , in th at order. The Sa n Bernardin o Co unty proposed lan d closure o rd in a n c e (di scussed by Leslie Richa rd s in t he Op in ion section) is sched ule d to co me up for te st imony at 2 p.rn, June 16 before t he Boa rd of Supe rvisors. Bum me r about th e t ime of day, alm o st as if it wer e pla nned t o excl ude large numbers of bike rs fr om respond ing, huh ? Try to be t here, any way. Expert winn ers at Mammoth MX Sunday, J un e 8 : Dave Williams (Hon) 125cc , Danny Turner (Bul) 25 0c c, T om Rapp (Bu l) Open . We 'll h ave pix an d story ne x t we ek. In an apparent effort to get bac k at th e Arab s, Yama ha ha s opened a plant in Egy pt to produce 200 0 of their 100cc bikes a mont h. Nex t Ren o P.I. T.S. tri al is J une 22 at Peavin e Mtn ., Nevad a. Call Hawley Slayton at 702 /359-8963 to confirm it before tr avelling, however.

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