Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1975 06 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Brakes so tough we gave them a Lifetime Guarantee Lucky 13 series By Sue Sykes P UYA L LUP, WAS H., MAY 16 Puyallup Racew ay Park had a giant "face lift" for Friday n igh t Mo to cross. With a sho rt er start ing run before th e first right han der the tr ack was co m pletely d iffe re nt. Ever yone was o n equal terms as far as "knowing" t he t rack. In the 125 Pro cl ass, Gary Potts (Suz) rode lik e he de sign ed the tra ck. Po tt s grabbed the lead o n bo th m o tos an d was never p ushed. Th e first m ota d re w a restar t after several riders tangled. Steve No len - winner at Seattle In te rn at ion al Raceway We dn esday ni gh t - had h is mind o n winning again to ni ght since it was his bi rt hday . On th e restart No len went over th e bank an d got in dea d last. Halfway Nolen was up to six th an d a few laps later saw third un til me ch an ical tro uble. Potts was still o u t in th e lead and by th e last lap hard char gin ' Gary Racca (Ha n) go t by Troy Lu chini (Suz) to ta ke a second. In m ota two th e leade rs sco red aga in with their solid po sitions. Racca p assed Luchini in lap four and buil t up a good lead. The co m bined 100 class w as some kind of race . Kim Lefo r (Han) to ok an easy win in Mo ta one and had t he lead on Mota two until a fall over the drop awa y. Pat J acobson (Yarn) to ok the lead and overall win. No one went h ome empty handed. Participant trophies were awa rde d to riders after regular trop hy awards. This will continue for three more wee ks as part of th e spe cial 100% Tro phy / 100% Pro p ay b ack for four w ee ks at • Puyallup . . Race eight Beck/Arnley Introduces The Imperial Brake Shoe Line PUY ALLUP, WASH., MAY 23 Ed Davis (Han ) put toge th er tw o m oto wins in the 125 Pro class. In ope ning action Davis to ok over the lead whe n fro nt runner s Gary Potts (Su z) an d Steve No len (lio n) to ok a har d tum ble in a turn . Billy J o yce (Han) was on Ed 's fe nder for t he re maining lap s and finishe d sec o nd. When the ga te fell fo r mota two Davis smile d a good-by e as he le ft the Pro s behind. Joy ce was seco n d finishe r again an d Rick Lew is p ut this t hird on the chal kboard fo r th ird over all. Nolen fixe d up the throttle o n his bike , unwrapped his right hand , and d id a little mixin g in mota tw o . Po tt s was side lined wit h a sh ou lder inj ury . 'n le 25 0 Pros Rick Po ulin (C-A) an d Rand y Schweizer (C-A) each h ad one win wh ich p ut them up in th e buc ks to o. Dave Back meir had pro ble ms o n th e first mo ta an d co uld o n ly scoo t by in six t h . But sec on d t im e a ro un d Dave (Pen ) pushed th ose marks up to th ird fo r t hird overa ll. Seri es B poin t leader Mar tin Sy kes main tained his overall edge with a seco n d in the 125 class . Sykes wo n mo ta one an d led fro m th e sta rt of m o to tw o un til the last half lap . Sy kes was set up for a be rm sh ot and fo un d a d own rider smac k in the m iddle so he slid o ut to avoid a tan gle. Th is gave Terry lI aakenso n (li on ) h is ch ance to ta ke th e lead fo r the tro ph y - giving Sy kes a second in m ota two . Th e 25 0 B class re ally turn ed it o n in both moto s. " The Old Man " Bob White (Yarn) rode to a fourth in m ot a one b ut kep t p ounding away o n mo ta t wo to co me from the back to th e top o f t he list and ta ke home to p hon ors. The 100 class motos saw so me fast chargin ' fro m A rid er Bre t Rochest er (Ha n) an d B ride r Brad Hoyt (Suz) as the y dipped in an d o ut of th e turns in th e battle fo r the lead. TIley each h ad th eir class le ad b ut mad e th eir o wn race up fro nt. Bret lo st the sec o n d m ota lead to lIoy t on ce - then lI o yt fell but bounced back up 10 co mp le te th e mota. Who knows more about motorcycle brake shoes than Beck/Arnley? After all. we've been in the motorcycle business for 61 yean a nd ha ve manu fa ctured brakes for the past 30 yea~. And now, we're introducing the finest: The Imperial Brake Shoe line . Precision-lined and ground, t' oe are cVito m desig ned for most current moto rcyclei and y the broke shoes for rood machines have a LIFETIME GUARANTEE! These seme high quality, tough , long wea ring Imperial Broke Rid e rs : See your " ~E C''f': {} ' "'" '1 '(.E;.\I / +~-(ORCJt.. "'f~~ (:-'.J, Beck/Arnl ey Dee ter . Shoes ar e also avoilable for most Japanese off rood and competition moto rcydes but do not carry the lifetime guarantee. In addition , Beck /Amley has a full line of sta ndar d brake shoei for most Japanese, British a nd American motorcycles. All brakes shoes are sold in po irs . . . Impe ria l Brake Shoes a re skin pack ed . Ride with the winner: The best in bra ke shoes from Beck/Amley. Beck/Arnley Corp . 548 Brood Hollow Rd . Md ville, U . N.Y. 11 746 Beck/Arnley Corp . 3130 East Mo ria Street Compton, L.A., Col. 90 221 KK MotorcycJe Sup ply Co . 431 East Third Street Dayton, Ohio 45402 f a y Mye,.. 2015 ~1 Alameda Denver, Colo. 8022 3 Nichol~ Motor cycle Supply, Inc 4135 We1t 126 Chicago ( AI~j p ), III. 606 58 P.O . 80", 11 Azu ~a . Col. 91702 Gene Shilli gford & Sees, Inc. n Gree n Lane and Ra dcliffe Street Bristol, Po . 19007 Montrea t Moto ~partl , ljee 270 Beaubien W,; O . Montrea l. P,O., Ca na da f lorida Cycle Supply 4227 Ctinton Avenue Jac ksonville, Flo . 32207 Dealers, See you , vtor Beck/Arnle y Distrib ~.....,SDliI£oS'- it PAR & ~~ TS ~ BECK/ ARNLEY CORP. moving? Milne AcCe1 \Orie1 ... Well, HOT OOG! That mea ns you've got another coupon to fill out. After all , we have to send your Cycle News somewhere and what better place than your new address? So don't delay, do it today. --------------------------------------Fill out and mail to: Cycle News, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801 old address new address You may stick on your mailing label here. name _ address state _ zip _ address _ city I name city _ state _ _ _ zip _ 41

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