Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1975 06 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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for second and third overall. Firing first off the line in the second moto was Nick Barrick (Palm Springs, Pen ), and bat tl ing for second was Fudge and Bau er . Lea d ing every o ne out of the h ills w as Baue r, b u t Fudge slipped past him on the tum before t he fin ish line wi t h one lap to go . Fudge had the track to him self after th a t. Th e third moto of th e 500 Sen iors gave Fudge so me t rouble , when Callaway passed him on th e sec o n d lap , and stayed out fro n t for the remainder of the rac e. Fudge claimed the overall first , Call aw ay took second, and Dean • Wilkin son (No rt h , Su z ) go t th ird. Sidehacks battle it out at Valley MOORPARK, CAL., MAY 18 With the 10 race series hal f over the Sidehack Associ ation had a good tum out of 10 hac ks for th e competition at Valley Cycle Park this Sunday. In the first of two 10 minute motos the 750 Honda hack of Stevens /Sanner, Jr. grabbed the lead at th e start and held off the hard charges of the Palfreyman /G ardner 650 Triumph Wasp . Blasting along in a very close third pl ace was the 750 Norton Wasp piloted by Sanner, Sr./Sanner. Back in the lightweight class it was the 500 Yamaha of Lucchese / Morgan leading the small bor es . Foll owing close behind was the special construction 500 Yamaha of Immken and so me unknown passenger. In third was Brown /Jones pushing aro un d a 360 Bultaco that had some problems making it up the uphill and was passed by the 4 50 Honda Wasp of Huntley / Ritchie. Imm ken had som e problems of their own a short time into th e first moto and had to retire wit h a seized m otor after running in second pl ace. Meanwhile, up with th e b ig bores th ey were all sta yin g in place until Stev ens j'Sanner, Jr. lost a fuel line at the bottom of th e uphill then it was Palfreyman /Gardner taking over the top position and San ner, Sr. /Sanner pulling up for second. . On ce again th at Bul was having problems p ulling that hill so the passenger got o ff to help p ush t he hac k up the h ill, ab out this time t he driver disco vered the wo nders of slipping the clutch to get the hack up t he h ill. This left t he passenger at the bottom, so the driver sat at the top of the hill burning his clu tch waiting for his pas senger to catch up. As he was sitting there he noticed that the big bores were starting to come aro un d so he pulled off to the side of the track and turned it up on its side, but then it turned completely over. These two finally got their act together and finished third in their class. Th e old t imers talk about the da ys .when they wou ld ride their bikes to the t rack, tape up the headlight, and win their heat. You can st ill do that now....excep t forget the pa rt about winn ing! You know that to be compet it ive now, it takes a whole lot more. If yo u want to win nowad ays, you have two choices : CHOICE No. 1 Buy a super trick eng ine, expensive frame , spool front wheel , qu ick change rear wheel , d isc brake, f iberglass seat /tank combinat ion , hand lebars, . special tires , exhaust pipe, switch the shift lever over, and hope it all comes o ut right. . ..or CHOICE No. 2 Buy an ASTRO because it comes race ready! Professiona l short track racing has felt th e presence of the 36 0 ASTROS for year s/ all over th e United States, the most respe cte d na mes in short track racing have depended o n the ASTRO for thei r consistent h igh placings . Riders like Ter ry Poovey , Guy McClure, John Gen nai, J ay Sp ringsteen , Ken Sp ringste en , Bubb a Rush , Roger Crump, Mike Eades , Freddy Spencer and Gart h Brow have added th eir names t o the ever growing list of ASTRO winners. Fo r 197 5, the " ultim ate" ASTR O is available in a 250cc version fo r t he Sportsm an rider with 35BHP at t he rear whee l and on ly 188 Ibs.; it is plain t o see that th is liule bro the r ca n stan d on its own! Yo u've seen Bultacos winning short track race s for years and if you plan so me serious short track racing in 1975 you just can't affo rd not to be on a 250 ASTRO. 250 ASTRO SPECS "35 BHP at th e reer wheel • Re inforced I. , . d iameter chrome mo lly swinprm "Light weight chrome molly frame "Dry weight only 188 Ibs. -New mod ified .at/Uil section for easie r we ight t ransfe r -New relr shock absorber valving fo r better t ract ion *New air filter for better engi ne protection " Lerll" diameter cr a nk sh aft fo r high RPM reliobility "Reinforced right side foot peg ·Carlisle di rt t reck t ires "Sp ool fr ont wheel " Quick chenll" roor whee l "Knock·off ..or sprodcet " Hydraulic .... d iK b'-e "Right sicIo shift "Bo...t ifu l styling BULTACO INTERNATIONAL LTD., P,O. Box 62547, Virginia Beach. VA 23462 Am~zin~. Palfreyman/Gardner rode a fine race to take first in the heavyweights w ith Stevens/Sanner, Jr. pulling down a distant fourth. In t he second round it was a drag race to the first co rn er between a 650 Triumph, a 750 Honda, and a 750 Norton. The Triumph ca me out on top with the Honda close behind. It was neck and neck through th e first lap with the Honda taking over on the second go round. Stevens/Sanner, Jr. held the lead un til the fourth lap when an oil line came loose and the big Honda ale a rod. The Triumph was once again on top followed by the Norton, but this was not to last as the Norton pulled off with a : broken battery wire . After some assistance from a spe ctator with z knife the Norton was ro llin g again only to lose a seat a half of a lap la ter, On ce again in the lightweights it was the 500 Yamaha o f Lu cchese /Morgan out in fron t an d nobody co u ld ca tc h him. Huntley /Ritchie pulled down second and Brown /Jones de cided to spectate after trying to conq uer the uphill and not making it . • Resu lts in Results Section. Look Over The Horizons to Suzuki 01 Van Nuys Suzuki RM 125 $749.00 WHITTIER HONDA Motorcycle Tra ilers Bell Helmets Full Bo re Prod ucts 14324 E. Whitt ier Blvd . 1 31 698.()()65 21 Com plete stock of parts and accessories for st reet and dirt. DSS~ [ a d v e rtis e (7i 4 ) 89 4·2623 • I * S UZUKI Suzuki of Van Nuys IGI 44 Sherman Way Van Nuys, CA 2 13-994-2800 Penton, Menark & Tyran & Ruop Fun Machines r- , Sales Service P;:r!s Accessories D&R Cycles 71 81 Westminster Ave. Westm inster. CA 92683 II 25

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