Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1975 06 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Nutter in a wheel-to-wheel duel that lasted t wo full laps . It all st arted after Larry Shaw was disqualified fo r breaking the tape, being replaced by Larry Moon. The duel finally broke up when Bast eme rged the leader in turn two of lap t hre e and he held on fo r th e win . Th e Bast Bro thers, riding like a te am, too k th e Scratch Semi, with Mike up fro nt. The second Semi was a superb race. Bill Cody. like normal taking to th e o u tside, battled his way into th e lead with So nny ' Nu tter try ing to close in second. Lap af ter lap he tried to catch Cody , who was as close to th e crash wall as possib le , h olding him off. Then, in the fina l turn, So nny slipped underneath an d pulled alongside. It was a fero cious race to th e checkere d whi ch Sonny won by abo ut a fo o t. Bob Sch wartz claime d th e Scratch Consolation win over Mike Cur oso. Th e prime sto ry, it seem s. was th e deft riding of Bru ce Penhall . Not o nce. b ut twice . he nearl y lost it. The secon d time. as th e fro n t wheel looked like it was about to climb the wall, Bruce was looking beh ind him while saving it . Unrea l. In th e Scratch Main , it was no co n tes t as Stev e Bast t urned it o n an d won all th e way . So nny Nutter held back Mike Bast for second while Cod y , losing the traction t his time outside, finished fourth. The Feature Match Ra ce pitted th e two Bast Brothers where th e toss of th e coi n placed Steve on the crash wa ll an d Mike on th e pole. It was th e crashwall starti ng slot th at paid off and Steve outpaced Mike t wo-o ne . Costa Mesa, Californ ia June 6, 1975 Bud Anderson, oo p s, I mean Bill Gray of the Father Knows Best T .V. show , repaid all of his fans for their support by winning the Handicap Main . He took over the lead in th e first lap holding off the rush of Merk Cherf, Dubb Ferrell and Sonny Nutter. Dave Simes', Bill Cody 's faces (what you can see of them ) tell it all. There is a running war between Mike Curoso, Mike Bast, Rick Woods, and Steve Bast to see w ho can win th e most Scratch Mains. Woods p icked up two more th is week with his win Tuesday night at Ventura and again at Cost a Mesa. Fr iday nigh t 's Scratch Main saw Woods jump to the lead at th e sta rt over Sonny Nutter, Bill Cody, and Dan Beck er . Becker drilled himself in to th e wall for the second time in one n ight and was out of the race. Cody and Nutter worked each other ' over as Woods str e tched out his lead. This win moved him into third place for the season. behind Steve Bast and Mike Bast. Bakersfield , Califo rnia June 7,1 975 Wild Bill Cody lost the Purple Helmet Match Race. The best two o ut o f th ree wen t to Bru ce Penhall. The you ng star reserved the trophy , then went to the ann o uncer and public thanking Cody for th e ch ance he gave him the sec o nd race wh en he fell down. Cody co uld have take n th e even t by default but chose to m ak e a race out of it. Two gre at sp o rts me n in a great sport. Bruce Penhall was to rese rve even more aw ards th at night. The young man won th e Scr at ch Main over a top field, Mike Bast, Steve Nu tt er and Mike Cu ros o. This was the first Scratch Main win of the yea r for Bru ce . Troy McK ee picked up his first win of the year in the Handicap Main. lie worked his tail off fo r the gold. riding with a spe cial brace on his wrist to give him added strengt h to it after Xvrays showed a hair line crack. Is that why they cal l it a Handicap Race ? • Results in Results Section. Troy MeKee doe s a hap py jig for th e fol ks afte r winning his first Handicap Main at Bakersfield. You should feed that th ing more ofte n, Mike. It 's sta rti ng t o eat it s own tires. . Inland Motorcycl e Speedway, opening June 18 in San Bernardi no, wi ll off er second and third divisi on riders a guaranteed purse of $1,200 or 30% of the gate (whichever is greater) for the coming racing season. This is the first and only track to date to offer t op dollar for the lower divi sions. Trophies can't buy new t ires! ! This decision underscores I.M.S.'s determ inati on to stage speedway racing under the sanction of the Am erican Moto rcycle Associati on (AMA) regardless of t he recent S.R.A. board decision . First come, f irst served! App earance agreements are available guaranteeing riders a minimu m of three rides. Deadl ine for sign-ups for opening night has been exte nded unt il Sat urday, June 11 . If you have any questions or requi re further informat ion, contact American Raceways by calling (714)884-4092 or (2 13 ) 446 -0969 . American Raceways GmcdcGft rGCcwayl 15

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