Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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so far . There are nearly 10 million bikers in the country. Get the hint? The 1975 American Motorcycle Drag Racing Association/National Hot Rod Association (whew!) Rule Book is now available. All curre n t and 1974 members will receive their books shortly. The book is also available to individuals, as wdl as to shops who wish to sell it for $2 each . Write AMDRA/NHRA Rules, P.O. Box 150. North Holly wood, Cal. 9160 3. In the lineup fo r San Jose Mile: Don Castro on a second Erv Kanemoto Kawasak i 750, Steve Bake r on a defrocked TZ7 00. and possibly AI Kenyon on a Champion-framed Yamaha. The all conquering 125 Yamaha tw ins, wh ich have dominated the small GP road racing world for Years, have a new and fierce corn- pstitor, the Ita lian 125 Morbidelli twin (above) in the han ds of Pierro Pileri. Current 125 World Champion Kent Andernon lIeft ) finished second to Pileri at Ja rama . Spain . Word is that t he Mori · delli has more bean s and more bra kes. but t hen again, it cou ld be that Pileri has more. uh, ahem , intesti nal fortit ude? Real bad vibes for the day carne when track owne r Gerry Burto n got handed a paper fo r a lawsuit of one million dollars , yeah, a cool million by some wom an who got hit by a bike back at last years Mothers Day scrambles. Riders were tr uly sympathe tic and from what I heard, there is one lady who won 't be very popular anywhe re she may go from n ow on ! A new Moto-AMA Sidecar MX series is forming up . Any sidehack team wishing to participate in the European-American challenge races should contact Bertus De Jong at (2131 336-4656. The City of San Diego and the county board are rep orted to be exp loring joint development of an O RV par k within city limits. To dial in, call th e Environmental Develop me nt Agency. (714) 236-2 005, and ask ab out the OR V Citizens' Advisory Committee. Here 's a trip - literally . Amtrak is looking into allowing train p.sengen to carry their motorcydes along in the baggage car. (No, you don't have to ride in the baggage car with the bike.1 To encourage this deve lopment, write National Railroad Passenger Corp., 955 L'Enfant Plaza North, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20024. Killer Deke is now Killer Hercules, acc ording to new dis tributor, Rotary Cycles of USA, Cleveland, Ohio. They st ill make unlikely but fast road racers, despite the name change . If you pop a mast er link, it's Hercules Unchained right? Jim King will again be organizing the biker pit crews at the AC-Delco S.C.O.R.E. Baja 500 for max use of min imum manpower. That's good news, along with the $30,000 in contingencies lined up for bikes alone. Big Dum-Dum Lame Turkey has to apol ogize for the lack of Diggers' Dinosaur pix, breaking in on a borrowe d camera is no excuse, but it 's the only one he 's got. Contrary to a circulating rumor that says Johnny Cecotto is an Italian - not a Venezuelan - he was born in Venezuela. His parents emigrated to that South American country from Italy in the early fifties. .The year the Caracas Kid was born, 1956, his dad won the Venezuelan road racing championship riding a Manx Norton. Mick Andrews (Yam) tied Sammy Miller's five win record in the Scottish Six Days Trial at Edinburgh, Scotland May 5-10. Andrews dropped 38 marks on his way to his fifth Scottish vict ory in the last six years . U.S. trials champion Lane Leavitt (Bul) finished top American at 2 1st . ou t of 24 0 starters in the world 's lon gest (and oldest ) observed trial s. Team West, led by Honda riders Marty Sm ith and Pierre Karsmakers, staged a runaway victory over Team East at the May 11 East·West Invitational Motocross at Badlands motocross track in Belpre, Ohio. Smith and Karsmakers scored one-one and two-four to take the top two places in a race that had to be stopped after the first 250cc moto until water trucks arrived to quench a dangerously heavy dust problem. Transplanted easterner Jimmy Weinert (Yam I fin ished th ird ahead of Tony DiStefano (Suzl and Gaylon Mosier (Mail. Jim Turner put his Monocross Yamaha on top of the 125cc Support class. Complete coverage next week. Next year the Diggers may have to tighten up on the term "dinosaur" with all the Hondas and CCMs turning out. One suggestion : make it a two-day bash, then let the true oldie goodies and all the more modem thumpers each have their own class. An embellishment on Maureen's Dinosaur report - Dwayne Brothers didn't just go into the pond, he did a WFO full-lock swan dive, after attempting an outside pass for the lea d in his heat._ What a splash! mo tos of the May 11 Polish 250cc GP MX an d mo ved into secon d place in the po int stan dings behind lea der Willi Bauer (Suz), who failed to score in the first moto, but co pped seco nd in the final moto. J im Pomeroy (Bul) failed to score poin ts . AB 1809, Assemblyman Carpenter's motorcycle safety and education bill, may die in committee if not revived. Even if it's too late, write your California assemblyman and ask what happened to it. Nothing keeps legislators on their toes like evidence that the voters are watching them. Utah 's legislature allowed a ma ndatory lights-on law to die after receiving AMA's in-depth report on lights -on ineffectiveness. That's what the due s of 150,000 AMA members have bought us A call for help - the MIC Sound Committee needs to lay hands on 200 motorcycles representative of the top selling street legal models over the past six years. They're doing exhaustive Harry Everts (Puc) scored wins in both testing in Huntington Beach, California to develop reasonable noise test dat a as a counter to some of the stuff the Feds and the EPA have been spewi ng o ut. If you have a clean, stock, street model with a tight exhaust system that you could loan ou t for a day or so, call (714 ) 75 2-7833, ask for Mike Vancil. Dealers, you can really hel p on this. Phil Briggs, of Phoenix, AZ, phone (6 021 258-8175, is your representative on a citizens advisory panel for ORV use in all of Arizona's national forests. Get in touch if you need help or want to help. The Viewfinders GP will offer a guaranteed purse of 125, 250 and Open classes in addition to the D-37 points. The course has been completely redone with no back secti on to contend with . (Hell, that was the good part . . . ) National Motorcyde League in Aorida has found something to do with old moldy Go-Kart tracks - min icycle road racing. They're setting up a first year program at South Florida Kartway, Hollywood, Florida. The Pennzoil true k will be at th e big-buc ks hillclim b May 10-11 on DeAnza Cycle Park's Big J ohn Mountain, dispensing goodies and contingencies. Vic Wilson o f Saddl eback will MC the gig. AMA's Board of Trustees examined the books and reported the association solvent, liquid, and probably well-oiled also. October Board meeting is set for R uidoso~ New Mexico to key in with the Aspencade road tour. At least one insurance com pany , Universal Underwriters, has begun to rec ognize the AMA membership card as qualification for a 10% "Experienced Rider" rate premium. That alone ou ght to make AMA dues cheap at the price . Write Universal Underwriters, 511 5 Oak, Kansas City, Missouri 64112 for details of the disco unt program. Reminder from AMA: the top 20 riders from 1974 and the current top 10 points-eamers are exempt fro qualifying motos at National Motocross events. The Harry Gaunt/Rolla Adams team, top American s in last year's Sidecar MX Series, are heade d for a seven-race to ur in Europe on a Nort on-Wasp. The AMA helped kill a bill in the New Hampshire legislature that would have lumped motorcyde races in with rock concerts and required promoters to post a prohibitive bond. The Sidehack Assn . has a new meetin place - the Samoa House, 159 03 Ventura Boulevard, Encino, California FITSt and third Mondays at 8:30 p.m . . the time for the chair pe op le. May 15, the U.S. Army Corps Engineers will hold a public mee ting discuss opening lands around Lak Isabella to motorcydes. Call the Corp office, (7 141 379-2742 for time an place . San Diego area speedway riders - if yo need help or info, call Kevin Schm idt a Pacific Suzuki (714) 488-7988 . H wants to help out. Starting May 1, reservations for selected high-use campgrounds Forest Service lands in California m be made through Ticketron outlets Reserva tions are on a first-eo first-served ·m is through the he summer season. Lists of affecte campsites are available at any U. Forest Serv ice office. Mark Burgess, a Junior d irt -tracker fro Wyomi ng, Michigan, is this year's Rust Bradley Memorial Scholarship reci pie n Mark is studying Arts and Sciences Western Michigan University. {Continued on page 3