Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1975 04 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• By' wire fr o m the inscru ta ble- - I'.ifst • Coast: Ha rry Everts (Puc) wo n th e Spanish 25 0cc GP , while our Bim bo crashe d o u t o f co n te n tion in b o th rno tos. Look for co m ple te coverage by J ohn Huetter in a fu t u re issue. On a happier n ote. Brad Lackey go t a sec ond 500 and fourth 25 0 for Husqvama at an April 6 int e m atio nal motocross in Schwanenstadt. Austria. World 500cc O1ampion Heikki Mikkola dominated h is class and took second 250 (behind Gaston Rahier-Suzl as the major Husqvama factory entourage apparently by-passed the Spanish 250 round and will unlimber at the Swiss 500 round next week. Mark Donohue, A.J. Foyt, Don Garlits, Dan Gumey, Graham Hill, Roger Penske, Richard Petty, Kenny Roberts, Johnny Rutherford, Jackie Stewart and Bobby Unser, when you join the S.C. O. R.E. had 48 moto rcycle en t ries in their Ap ril 4 Baj a 5 00 drawing , someth ing of a r e c ord . By past indicatio ns, t hat would p o in t t o ove r 70 m otorcycl e en tries by race ti me, whic h would also be a record for th is eve n t. GOOD1'iEAII HosPITal Stop : Ro n Tobey is de clared o ut of the wo ods and on the way to recovery (see Ascot st ory l. while Tom Warren. involved in t he same crash . is still list ed as critical. Motor Sports CluD The A~I A Regional half-m ile was called o ff at San J ose d ue to rain-soaked tr ac k afte r tw o practice crashes (o ne of wh ic h d estro yed Ric k Ho c king 's b ike and lef t Rick a bi t fu zzy ) m ade it obvious that t he track wo ul d not dress d own. 22 0 riders had come in spi te o f the weath er . Resc hed ule date is April 20. and the TT origi nally sc he d uled for th at da te will be postponed indefinitely. Th ose eleve n rac ing sup erst ars are members and Ad viso rs of the Go od year Motor Sport s Club . an exc iting ne w nat io nal clu b devoted to th e ent ire field of moto r sports . This one-of-a-kin d club has bee n d esig ned fo r both partic ip ants and fan s byTheGoodyear Tire & Rubber Com pany . It takes advan tay e o f Goo d year's un ique invol ve ment in all fo rms of moto r spor t s to help ent h usiasts get on the "i nside" and keep up w ith all the fast-pac ed motor sports de velopments . Jo in the Superstars by jo ining the Club . As you r Boa rd of Ad viso rs , th ey 'll be contrib uting time and knowledg e to g ive yo u an insider' s perspective on motor sport s. Their inv olvement is only one o f many member benefits . ( Member benefits shown be low). If you a re wha t yo u eat. how come Ago stin i ca n d ine o n esca rgo t a nd t h en go so bloody fas t ? To JOin the Good year Motor Spo rts ClUb fill o ut cou pon . cl ip an d ma il to day If c ou pon is missing writ e to ' Goodyear Moto r Sport s Club. P 0 Bc x 428. Tarrytowo. New York 10591. Phone : 914·631 ·5308 Coul d it be ? Ign aci o Bulro , form er Sp an ish trial s cham p ion an d son of Bultaco founder fran cisc o Bulto, has gra d ua ted from a Gi acom o Agostin i ro ad racing school an d pl an s to r id e a ne w Montjuic in th is y ear's Bar cel ona 24-hour . When Ign acio got sto ke d o n trials. Bultaco made the Sh erpa T a wo rld -heat er . Do we di eh a rd Metra lla lovers d are h ope ? r---------------, I I I I ANNUAL ASSOCIA TE MEMBERSHIP ANNUAL FULL MEMBERSH IP MEMBERSHIP With Special OCha rte, "Oisc ount ' thr ou gh (effective Ju ne I , 1975) Your o ffic ial C lub cap . a motor sport s st at us sy m bol. End of the monoshock Yamaha triale r? Mick Andrews showed at a Brit ish championship ro u nd with a new rear suspension - two sho cks mounted in the lay down position. giving equivalent rear t ravel. ANNUAL FUU lamo~ 01 . ........."'" only Assoc . Membef recewes Club Cap Card. thr.,., Club Decals and Club ComPOund pr l\llleges s 10 5500 I I I 5 00 3 (Fi rst pe rso n) 5 1500 Ma y 31. 191 5 00 o Av;Mable to ""medl.'e (Eac h add 'i per son ) Check or money or der - payable to GOodye. , Molal Sport s Club IJ Carte Blanche I] Diner. Club I I M..le r Charge D B.nkArneric . rd n Send Inlormal ion Kit Your month ly Newslett er- an update on Cl ub and moto r sports news . Ceenlln takes Imnla 200 By Chris Carter 1l\IO LA . IT ALY , AP R. 6 Venezuelan teen a g er J ohnny Cecotto, sensat io n of Da yto na and the Fre nch GP, conti nued his wi nni ng w ay s with the overall victory in th e " Da y t o na of Europe ," the Irnola 20 0. Yamaha mounted Cec o tto took victories in both \ 00 mile legs fo r the overa ll win while Pa tric k Po ns (Ya m) p ut together a pair of t h ird s for second o verall a nd American S teve Bake r (Ya m ) placed fo u rth and second fo r t hird o verall. American ride rs di d n 't far e well as a gro u p wit h Kenny Roberts leaving the race a fte r 15 lap s o f th e first leg wit h an i n j ury (susta ine d in practice) tha t affe c te d h is clu tc h ha nd. Steve McLau ghlin didn' t qualify after havin g t ran sm issio n p ro b lem s ; Randy Clee k had engi ne pr o b lems while hold ing 10 t h p la c e in the firs I leg, Bo t h Yvon Dull a m e l a n d J im Evan s suffered seiz ures in th e firs t leg wit h Eva ns a lso seizing in th e sec o nd. Dul la mel was unl uc ki er in th e second as h e sus tai ned a po ssibl e b ro ken sh oulde r af te r be ing cen te rp u nc hed by anot he r co m p et it or. Com p le te co vera ge to fo llow. new low prices ~~ 19 7 5 Air S hock 250 CZ 1975 Air S hoc k 400 CZ $ 1395. $ 1495. limited supply - plus tax & lice nse Coast Mota Cycle 2334 Newport Bl vd ., Costa Mesa. CA 714-645-8008 .1J • : Husqvarna • new - used . par ts - accessOries complete service ~ m:~;i~~~oP · ·- ~W"" ~ • · • • ~\. boots - leathers - helmet s jerseys - soc ks - boot bags ins urance - financi ng arra nged Ban kamerica rd - Master Charge r: (7i4) 89 4.2623 Penton. Monark & T yran & Rupp Fun Machines Sa les Service Part s Accessor ies D& R Cycles ~ Husqvarna \!:!J. International Tra ining Center 1975 Spring Sc hedule April 15 April 29 May 6 May 1:; May 20 Carlsbad , Calif. and Salt Lake City. Ut ah Carlsbad, Calif. and Grand Junc tion . Colorado Carlsbad, Calif. Carlsbad. Calif. Carlsbad , Calif. Carlsbad. Calif. May 26 Morgantown , Wes V ir9inia t April 21 Fo r any student having attend ed one o r more Train ing Cen ter classes, a year membership is available for $250 .00 7 18 1 West minsle r Ave. ann uall y . Weslm insler . CA 9268 3 contact the center : 714-744-2161 . For further inf o , please 3

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