Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1975 04 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Americans lin John Player match races CHE SHIR E, El\GLAN D, MAR . 3 1 Kenny Ro be rt s wo n three ou t of fou r races en te re d . as t he Ame rica n tea m o u t- poin te d th e ' Briti sh, 278-243. T he series was shortened 00 0.. -c to fo ur races. as th e Fri day Bra nds Ha tc h meeting was snow ed. sleeted and ice d ou t of existe nce. Weat her co nti n ue d to plague th e rest of th e series . Ro ber ts crashe d whil e lea ding th e final leg of th e Oulton Park m eeting. Dave Aldan a, Don Cast ro, G ene Romero a n d Pat Hennen were a lso hi gh sco re rs. Compl et e coverage to co m e . Bishop MC is loo king for sponsors to help back its Tri-County Fairgrounds race series this season. Interested? Write P.O. Box 1093, Bishop, CA 93514. Mike Hailwood has acquired a TZ 750 he won't say how - a n d will spon so r Paul Sma rt on it fo r con t inen t al races. The latest 250cc Harley road racer out of Varese has alloy wheels with conical hub integral drum brakes. Heard in th e H-D wo rks paddock afte r the Misan o race: " The power (of the 250 ) has bee n increased as well. b ut th e best thi ng is th at ou r ride r Wal ter Villa ha s lo st almost a stone (about 14 p o un d s ) in weigh t since last season." Correction Steve Stackable, shown here flying his Maico at Houston, was the overall winner in the Super Series not Tony DiStefano as some people seem to think. Tony was the overall winner at the Houston round. A B~I II' road racer sp on sored by Penth o us e rnaga zin c set a re c o rd fo r th e w 0 rI d's longest pit sto p: two and THE LATEST one -half hou rs. Th ose pit pe ts kinda take the mind off racing. POOP April 13 the Ridge Runners MC have their first fling at promoting a Trans-AMA qualifier. The t rack is at the Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds in Watsonville, California. More details in Calendar. BY PAPA WEALEY Dave Th orpe (Bu l) won h is second world championship trials round in Brita in March 15, in a meet some riders called "a disaster" due to prev ious ra ins that were heavy even for England. Martin Lampkin, w ith a fourth, ma inta ins h is po ints lead in the charnpionshin. Al Gun ter has been named chief o f r es e ar ch a nd deve lop ment fo r Yoshim ura. In c. Sarona has been chosen as the site of the May 24 SoCal Round of the U.S. Trials championship . Marty Tripes go t a mail invite fro m the orga niz ers of the Spanish GP. Barcelo na. Un fo rt u na tely. th ey fo rgot to figu re in th e built-in del ay of the U.S. Postal sha m bles. Pap a Geo rge received the invit e th e day entries were du e to be ret u rned. Mayb e next year. hu h? The works 250 Suzukis at St. Anthoni s (Holland) now hav e the ne w leading-axle forks seen on DeCoster's 400 during the Trans-AMA, as well as a revised longstroke engine and new exhaust plumbing-. Barry Shee ne is home in Englan d af ter his Daytona crash , and has alrea dy se t himself a goa l: t o be racing at Cadwell Park Apri l 27. < : All events sponsored by the Sidewinders MC in Clac kam as. Orego n this ye ar wi ll require machines to be fi tted with mufflers. This also appl ies to the :,> Iay 30 Paci fic Region al IT even r, 2 Something bugs 01' Papa. If the BLM was n 't ' s u p p o se d to release its preliminary impact report on the Barstow-to-Vegas run until the state office had cleared it, how come Mr. Bill Flint of the Riverside office leaked it to the media weeks in advance so a barrage of anti-motorcycle editorials could precede the official release? Smells, don't it ? Sources in Sacramento say that William Penn Mott is out as d irector of California's Parks and Recreation Dept. New di rector (and consequently head honcho in charge of Green Stickie money) is said to be Herb Rhodes, formerly of Stanford University. Volu nt eer s from the La ke Co unty O RV Com mi ttee will be help ing in a B L~ I pi lot program for mange me n t of the Cow Mo un ta in (<:.Iif. ) a rea. For the fu ll repo rt on the plan and o n co m m itt ee wr ite Ron Schmitt . 1'. 0. Box 964 . Luce rne. CA 9 5458. Schools worried about HSMX insu rance should check CMC's Student Motorsports P rogram . Year -round practice insu rance for practice areas on school property runs as low as $594 annually . Some localities are finding that nearby cycle dealers are willing to foot part of the, bill, too. Call (916 ) 481 -4488, CMC Sacramento for details. Ent ry d e a dli n e f o r S . C .O . R ,E.'s AC-Delco Baj a 500 is 6 p.m . April 4. Draw ing for start posi t io ns is set for April 5 . 4 p.rn.. at San ta Paula Boys Club. 140 0 East Howard. Santa Paula. CA. Sounds like the wh ole town of Santa Paula is turn ing out to host the drawin g, too. While the Dunlop probe into the Daytona t ire failures goes on , Ago copped a 500cc win at Misano, Italy on a pai r of similar Dunlop slicks. Big surp rise o f the Misa no m ee ting. a tun e-up fo r the wo rld cha mp ions h ip ro unds. was t he spe ed of th e n ew 500cc Harl ey /A ermacch i twin. Walter Villa led through lap fo ur. th en retired sud denly with sh ifter woes. He had set top ti me in pract ice. As to what M.O.R.E. does for you, call them at their new number (916) 444-6680 whenever hassles strike . You'll be amazed at the results. Accord ing to M.O. R. E. po lls and official so urces. th er e arc over 2 .2 m illi on hi kers r i d i ng 1. 9 4 mi ll ion m ut or c y cles (reg is te red a n d u n r e gi s t c r e d ) in Ca l i f'o r niu. And 56 % o f the m arc regis tered vo te rs, Ca n y o u im agin e th e clo u t wed have if th at were I OO% ? The French f ilm festival winner "Tribute to Saarinen" is one of the fl icks that will be shown continuously at the Cycle World show April 18 -20 . The Gripsters MC are doing a First Annual TT Scrambles thing at Perris April 13. Sounds kinda 01' time and down loose. St eve Fortune had his Yam aha twin flat tr acker an d th ree tire s ripped off from h is ga rage -a blo w to the season's aspiration s o f th e cu rre nt 0-3 7 No . One scrambles rid er. He's loo king for a ride now. to try to salvage somc~h ing . It seems there is a battle shaping up at the Great Bear Grand Prix between Dave Aldana , A.C. Bakken , and Jim Fishback. H o st s of the 13 th annual Chic kcn Enduro . the Pat hfi nd ers ~I C of Fre sno, a re p red icting a rea l we t run this ye a r. Brea k o u t th e swim fins. Th ree sta te parks in the Santa Cla ra Mo u n t a in s w e re scen e s of a conc ent rat ed cl e a n- u p e ff o rt by membe rs of four whee l dr ive clubs on the first weekend in March . Range r Dennis Doberneck was quoted as say ing, "The recreational vehicle user s have pe rformed such a valuable service that we plan to invite them to return next winter to complete the cleanup operation ." Husky will be using Penn zo il lubr icants a ga i n th is yea r in all the ir racin g m achinery. Wow th at 's a rclie f. Featured at the Cycle World International Motorcycle and Bicycle show will be; Evel Knievel's Sky Cycle, Don Vesco's World's Record Holder, latest MX bicycles, custom car show in the l o w e r arena, rac ing celebrities, antique bikes, racing films and much, much more . Th c BI.M ha s cited the " ou tsta nd inl( co opera tio n" i t received from the race sp onsors, th e SGV MC. and t he A ~ IA in at te mp ti ng to im p lemen t an d en fo rce all the re q uir ements th ai we re p la ced on th e Bar sto w to Vegas race this year. Let 's hope t hat m ean s the re will be a ra ce n ex t yea r.

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