Scholastic Assn of
Motorsport sets
HSMX classes
Th e rid er classes
defi ned as fo llo ws :
' 75 are
Beginner: Having
n ever wo n a
t ro phy.
J u nior: Having won atro phy, b u t
not havin g an Expert rating in any other
motocross associatio n .
Expe rt : Having an Expert rat ing in
any MX assoc iati o n .
Senio r: Holding a curr en t A.\ IA
Professional MX license.
In 1976 any rider who hol ds a
profession al
MX license in any
mo t orcy cle cl ub o r associatio n or wins
an y m oney as a prize. purse, or awar d
shal l be co nside re d a professional and
assigned a S.A.M. Senior license. This
shall b eco me effe ctive for an d after
1976 onj anuary l st, o f 1976.
IN as inve stments, followed closely in
appeal by Griff ith Pa rk Backside Slider
buttons. The 50 cent goodies are
commanding upwards of $5 from
collectors, a ba re three months after t he
originals we re issued .
GMC's ro ad race se ason o pen er at
Orange County International Raceway,
Irvin e, California was rained o ut .
Reschedule date is February 16 .