Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1975 01 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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INSIDE Case i ll point: On ~I i f) m ile stre tc h of high way we passed :~ 9 5 Cycle Par k , a CRe race , a DR :\ race , a nd of course the D -:li race . .\ ft er asking around, I was told th c Lo st Coyotes race was a relatively small Sanity . . . .. . 6 CRC 's Iron Horse Distri ct 37 enduro Racer's Edge of family and friends. Proje ct that figure to all of Southern Cal ifornia and yo u co me up with a health y number of peop le . .. and yo u mean to tell me Insanity 10 Se lf-watering riverbot torn Hotline Brand-switchers unanimous 14 The messhall lawyer strikes again Theory 16 hitt erly hurling useless epithets Greal R ip Off? Ilow Russian roulette at blind curves is no theory - it's a fact! J) RA Laverda 750 20 The m ost English Italian bike North Results 30 - all he wrong, ca n t hey? Lea n) fro m the op pos ition and organize! ~1.0.R .E . , e l al. is not e no ugh . .. Who di d wh at, with whi ch , an d to whom In theory t he Sierra Club is a good b UP' A ft er all. no b od -y of sound mind 'fO wa n ts to sec the environ ment endangered. Ho weve r , the real en emy is the b ig b'u c k s , lun d-gul ping co rp o ra lio ns, and we all know it's easie r to fight l o .o o n apa the tic souls than an or ganized unit - so th e bikers have become the scapegoat a nd therefore the target. I am not an o rga n izer but some body ou t th crc is - o ne suggestion is lo organ ize through th e clubs - 1)·3 i and oth ers, including tri a ls, ~ IX. and enduro cl u bs. Gel together. form a co m mit tee. a nd assess each member ~, o r wh a t ever, a nd do something - e ven if it 's wrong ! After a ll, if we ca n a ffo rd our mo torcy cles. R.V .s. roIling papers, beer, a n d gas, we ca n cert ain ly a ff o rd a .co u p le o f buc ks to in sure that w e h av e a place. 1 lov e th e de sert. and nearly everything in it. '111e desert has been go o d 10 us, and we ca n co n t in ue to he good to it, if it isn' t too lat e. Please , h ik ers , for y o ur own sake, do so m eth ing! I'.S. I agree with Nan cy Th o mas: T he uue " Powder Puff " suck s! ON T HE F RONT PAG E: Dale Bro wn stopped A.C. Ba kken al the ORA 20 ~ Iule Team 200. That clean sand. "/laJlg (Inset) La ve rda 750 at rest. Oil a minut e . . . he' just came ill." Sharon Clay Ion . Publisher Edna ~lcwton. Secretary to Publ isher. Adver tising Linda Clark. Advertising ~lanagC'r. Gi l Brown. Nati onal Advertis ing ~1anagC'r ; Chris Ko lber. Advertising Assistant . ' Olarles Clayton, Editor; Lan e: Campbell. Assistant Editor. Bobi Sco tt . Secretary an d Calendar. Art & ProdUCtion Ca theri ne Lam pton. Art Director; Nancy Gray , Adver ti sing Art Director; Hector Aguilera . Lab Te chn ician ; Mari on Hatashi ta, Typograp her . Circula t ion Rheba Smith , Manage r: Pa~ Ho bbs and Chris Andrews, Assistants. Accou nt ing Gavlene Zaionz, :'\Ianager ; Twila Wheeler. Judy Fouts, Lane Sienk & :'\tike Klinger, Assist ants : Gary Ginn, Credit Manager. Services & Support ~Iike Colikas ; Randy Davis; Bill Run yan ; Jeannie Dunnivan , Recep tion ist , West P.O . Box 498, Long Bea ch , CA 90 80 I. (2 13) 42 7-74 33 : L.A. Lin e 636-8 844. East P.O . Box 80 5, Tuc ker. GA 30084 . (4 04) 934-78 50. LA UR A hilarious The Big Rip Off On Friday. Nove mber 29 , 19 74 , in the pit area at th e Barstow-t o-Ve gas ra ce, someone decided to relieve: my son "' n d three of his fri end s o f their bik es. a It is' very hard for me to accep t the fac t th at people ca n do things such as this a nd never co nc ern th emselves o f the feelings of o thers . ~Iy so n is facin g a debt o f S 1.500.00 for a b ike th at someone els e is now ge ll in g pl ea sure fro m. or has destroy ed fo r lack o f havin g to work an d earn it . ~I y h ushand and I have o ffere d a reward for th e return o f his bike. as have P.O . Box 13245, Au st in , TX 787 1 1. (5 t 2) 444·7 54 8. vi c timi zed. \\'c would b e m o s t appr e cia t iv e of a n y in formation co nc ern ing the bike. and informatio n COP'I rij{ht Cv cle N~w s . In c I lJH . T r..d e m ark r~lI:isle red U.S . pa len t Office . :\ 11 ril{hl!i rese rved . Publish ed wee kfv ~xc~p t tbe rin t and 1 1 wak 0111 o f the ca len d ar ye ar by Cyclt' Xews , In (·., 1',0 . Bo x 49K, Long Bea ch, c.lifo rni a . Second c1..u POlI (il$t~ p a td al LORI!: Beach , C:\. . Edit ori al . (o ries, car to o n s. p h ll tos. e tc . are w C' knm~ . Addressed, aramped envelope assu rC', return of unpu rchaMed edn ortal ma il er . Reprin tina: in whole o r p.l.r1 o n ly by pe rm isaic n of th e p ub li.hen. Advntilina: u te. .. nd circ ul..lion in(ormal ion will be sem upon request . SC'~ 4 ~ IA I) I)OCK , 15 1A Hern er , Calif. Central SUbscri pt ion One ye ar , sec o nd cl ass mail 5 12.50 : 2 years, second class mail , 522.50 : 3 years, second clas s mail. 530.00 : Singl e co py pri ce , 50 ce n ts . the ca n Because not enough peop le really give a dam n . If we di d , we would be orga nized. A ft er all, 10,000 bi kers can' t 22 stuff is n o t at Bar stow-t o -Vegas , the wo rld's largest m ot o r race, h e in danger... of ext inction beca use so m e misguided. fru stra ted environmentalist s deem it so? Ho w ? Dez . .. ......... .. •18,29 and mo ' d ez, courtesy of appro xima tely we're go ing t o let a few h an ncr wavi ng, mad-do g Sierra Cluhhers c o n vin ce a n agency o f th e Federal G ov ernment to steam-r oller us ri~h t o u t of existence? And all lo .oon (?) o f us arc going 10 j ust stand there. w h in ing a nd sniveling, 13 Opinion of mororcvclcs, pill.'. the usu al con tinge n t 'Snore? S.R.O .S. tnno vicinit y 9 TT Editorial of o nly :100-400 8 Oily armpits in Russian 101 wh it e turnout folks b ecause Harstow-ro-Vegas w as on c week a w av. O .K . ..:. figure that o n this small stretch of h ighwa y we wer e in the the o th er fell ow s wh o were can be mailed or phoned to C.L. Searle, 9 31 Tulare St.. I' ismo Beach , Ca. 93449. 805/773-1424 . The hike in question is a 19 74 250 Husky Mag, F ra me No . ~IK I 7 51 3 . ID No . 044 171'\" Eng . No. 18 2 7. BARBA RA SEA R I.E Pism o Beac h. Cali f. Woods on target In rega rd to th e le tter w ritten abo ut Rick Wo od s bein g o n th e cover of Cycle to put R ic k o n the co ver sho uld th in k ba ck when h e won th e U.S. National Ch ampio nship th ree times. BR.\N:->O:-> ~ III.LER Woody. Calif. Pride Th e Oakland ~IC ; ho wed th at it was proud of its J ackhammer Enduro by the fin e trophy pres entation. T o o b ad more d ubs don't have tr oph y presentations. as it's a warm way to c o m p le te a n end uro . Th ey ' may be puuing on a National next yea r. I hope so , the y have th e pride to p ut on a go od o ne . LARRY T UR:"ER Santa Clar a. Calif. Desert trash run trash as in t he Jun io r ra n ks a nd to me, sp ray is an avid reader. of a cy cl e a s it accelera tes. A t so me tr a cks I find it a real dan ger facto r, whil e at others barel y not icab lc. Racers Do something! o ur riding rights taken a way fro m u s, we art· on ly get ting w ha t w e richly d cscru c, a lso lo t of tim e beh ind so me of the fast gu ys at best not m uc h fun. Spray, as I see it, is that di rt o r clay o r ro c k. th at is thrown o ff the rear tire opinion, it showed muc h app reciat ion am Scott. I pondered on how his accident occurc d , Now, I have spent a hen ce th e clean -up on our part . It will be J anuary 11 th , there will he a prize dr awing . Th anks. C. O . IIYTT EJ\; L A~I C, Su n Valley , Ca lif. of one of speedway's to p supers ta rs . . . Mavbe these people who think ir's I subscriber and speedway fan. In my Gary th e excuse. so On my way to a D-:l 7 d es er t race a t Red ~ Io un tain, I becam e kee n ly aw are of one sim p le fac t - Biker s, if we ge t News, Let's start a trend Afte r readin g yo ur latest article on The Lost Angels and Dirt Digger s a re having a clean -u p in the IIi Vista/ EI ~ I i rage area . There is talk o f closing 1;1 :\Iiragc with R ig/ll o n, Laura. tl'(~ do n eed an uli-cmbra c ing clu b co u ncil, n o t to compet e or confl ict wi th M.O .R. E.• b UI 10 co mplemen t M .O.R.E.:, efforts wit h a quick-rea ct ing volu n te er ncturo rk , Yo u sa)' y o u 'r e Hot all o rgan ize r? D'on '! be su rp rised if a whole b unch of p eople te ll yo u thai y ou ju st volunte ered! Seriously, th ough, yo u club president s and cl ub secre taries o ut th ere in So ut h ern Calif ornia call Lan e Campbell ot (2 13) 427-7433 (work) or 439·8239 (ho me). fl,' yo u A MA , dir t or pauem cnt, independen t . eve ry body from trials to road racer, your inp u l is needed . A regional club co unc il f or polit ical action can b e a powerful fo rc e. if it .. don e righ t: lYe can b e al' independe nt as we wan t in our co mpe titio n act ivities , but in politics, we hang togcth cr or Wt' hang separately . . . L. C. secm to e nd u re it along w ith so me of the o th er problem s as everyo ne kno ws th at ra cers h a ve Grit. If spray w as gone I for o n e wou ldn' t m iss it. It do esn't ad d to the excitment of th e ra ce, as th e spec ta to rs don 't really sec it. But it does disco urage close

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