Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1975 01 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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u.s. JSDT Trophy Team to hold trials seminars Arrangements are underway for the Penton mounted U.S. Trophy Team riders to host Trial Seminars priorto the start of each 1975 2·0ay ISOT qualifier trials. Speakers at ' , theseminars will include three-time U.S.Trials Champion and veteran of five 6·0ays, " Jack Penton. Tom Penton with six years of ISOT experience. Dane Leimbach, four , THE LATEST OP BY PAPA W EALEY Los Angeles County until recen tly was spending its Green Sticky money for everyth ing except ORV accommodations, which is aga inst th e law. They've stopped doing it now, but it doesn't look like they'll e ver put back what they took. Rathmell has left Bu/taco for Montesa, while over here the Viva crew lo st Marland Whaley to Honda . Now, when the music stops . .. Carnegie Cycle Park, near Livermo re , . Ca lifor ni a, is open se ven d ays a week now. Afte r Feb ruary o ne , the rates go to $4 per d ay pe r b ik e. Lo s A ngeles City Councilad y Pat Russ ell n ow s a ys tha t " c onfuse d news accounts" gave th e wr ong impression of he r po sit ion o n - using vacan t a irpo rt property for a mo torcycle park . ':M aybe a m i n i- b ike p a rk, bu t n ever m oto rcy cles !" says she. Would a m o tor-h ike b y an y o ther name so u nd as sw eet ? The commuterbike of the future may have a toothed Gilmer belt drive inst ead of a chain . Some enterprising types in SoCal ar e testing a belt driv e on a 750 Honda that 's expected to go 10,000 miles. The belt draws about three fewer horsepower at sp eed than a chain, too. Poor Dennis Poore really has h is problems with Norton V illiers Triumph. Looks like the British government m ay soon t ake over the operation: Compared to recent NVT history, Alice's adventures in Wonderl and seem like logical progression. Ma ico \Ver ke. th e Inn lo rcydc fac to ry do esn 't m a ke Maico h earing aid s a nd vi ce versa. as we th ough t. Having recently passed the California so u nd test with th e new 25 0 GS End uro, h o wever , th ey ma y ge t into the co p d etect o r bu sin ess (po rt a b le, racing, n o warrant y ) acco rd ing to Eck art Sch orn . t A Ka wasaki ro ta ry engi ne m o to rc ycl e is in the U.S . for prol o t ype t esting an d is ex pected to re ach th e m ar ket fairly soon. Also' co m ing is a 75 0cc twin fou r-stroke fro m the hi g K. 2 ROSTER CHANGES FOR '75 - Pierre Karsmakers w ill be rid in g a Honda a nd Jim Weinert has signed with Yamah a, as did Tim Hart, aga in . In th e feet-up game, F .I.M . champion Malcolm years of IS OT experience. Carl Cranke '74 Trials Champion and three time Gold Medal· ist at the 6·0ays. Paul Oanik, two year ISOT medalist and Joe Barker, two year ISOT medalist. Times and locations of each trials seminar will be announced by the organizers and posted at the tech inspection"areas. All trial riders and aspirants are welcome. ABC Wide Wo rld of Sports ex pe cts to air the U.S . 500cc MX GP at Carlsbad from last year on January 11. , Ar e drill ed b ra ke dis cs really go ing 10 be illeg al in Califom ia road racin g this yea r? Whe re 's th at leave the 19 75 llMWs? And th e Los Angeles T imes p rin ted another editorial favor ing mandatory seatbelt inter locks, but then is that news ? A budd y of Pap a's was sitting o n h is bike at a stoplight, min d ing h is ow n business. whe n a coup le of yo-yes in a gre y-prirn e red Chevy shot hi m in th e leg wi th an air pistol. Wonder if it 's so cia lly accep t ab le to shoo t back ? Eve!'s famous diamond hooch-cane was ripped off while he was in Las Vegas ove r the holidays. J .C. Whitn ey 's latest ca ta lo g sh o ws that inflation has ca ugh t up with th eir pr ices , to o . Migh t as well go back to yo ur motorc ycle dealer, it co sts th e sa me . Back or der o r ma il order , what's th e d iff? Maico has Rex Staten back under the fold for 1975. And Bry ar Holcomh is o ff Maieo and lo okin g for a ride. Yamaha is firming ' up it $70,000 Superseries of Motocross this Spring. Venues will be Dallas, Texas, Daytona, Florida and Houston, Texas during the first three weekends of March. Kaw asaki will debut a 250cc two-stroke tw in at Daytona this yea r, alo ng with a wate r-cooled 75 0 . Su zuki co un te rs with a six-sp eed gea rbo x for their 750 , an d Yamaha punch es the TZ 700 to 750cc. En gardc! The AMA has approved a Triumph 350cc four-stroke single (punched out from the old Tri/BSA 250) for short track. It see ms that David T ay lor outs marted him self last wee kend. A CMC Pro moto cr osser, h e sti ll had several transfe r rides left t o b ecome a DRA Expert. But he signe d up as a n Expert for the new yea r a nyway v Tay lor then had to watch first Am ateur money ($50) go to an oth er rider th at finished be h in d h im. t l .. ''1

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