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: :i!:
To every high schoo l kid who's into motoaccessories will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place
finishers in all classes except Expert winners (don't forget,
cross, Saddleback Park is the place to be on
Saturday, November 30th at 9 AM.
they're the ones who get the scholarships).
To enter, all you have to do is qualify at any of the
Because that's where you'll get your chan ce
to compete in the excitingYamaha'High School
races listed below. Entry fee for the State
Motocross State Championship Races ... and
Championship is $15.00.
win a $200.00 college scholarship to boot.
So get yourself ready to boogie, wheelie
You'll have the chance to compete in 5
and blast off at the Yamaha High School Motoevents: Mini, 100cc, 125cc, 250cc and Open in
cross State Championship Races. It's the dirtiest
way we can think of to help you start your colBeginner, Junior and Expert classes (with that college
scholarship money waiting for the Expert winners in
lege education.
Spectator admission is $3.00 at the gate,
each of the 5 events).
with 50¢ discount coupons available at all
Troph ies will be awarded to the top 30%
finishers, and contingency prizes of Yamaha I TAlWtAIIIQISCIIOOLMOTOCROSSCOMPl1ITIClll I California Yamaha Dealers.
Yamaha High School Motocross.state Championship
Saturday, November 30th at 9 am, Saddleback Park, Orange.
Information for the championship event is available at Yamaha dealers, or by calling 213-321-1610.
Entrants must qualify
at an y of th e foUowlng
San Diego area
P.O. Box26
Carlsbad. CA 92008
Ora nge CountYarea
Nov. 21,23
P.O. Box 23
East Irvine, CA 92650
Riverslde /
San Bernardino area
Nov. 23
Corona Raceway
Mt DaleTeubner
P.O. Box7128
Riverside. CA 92503
(714) 687·1510
Los Angeles County
Nov.22, 29
18300 S.\krmont
Gardena. CA 90248
Northern California
Nov. 24
McGill M/C Park
Mt Russ Sanford
112911th SI.
Sacramento. CA 95814
(916) 442·2191