Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 11 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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In addition to the full AMDRA/NHRA program at Irwindale Drag Strip's Hot Bike Nationals, November 8 ·10, riders may run their d irt/street/anything by paying regular admission and passing a simple tech inspection. Sponsors have put up over $5000 in cash and merchandise in addition to the posted $7000 purse for the Pro class drag races. Argyll Park, Dixon, California, will host the first NorCal qualifier for the 19 75 Super Bow l "Schoolboy MX" championship. Entry is open to all senior and junior high students, with a pre-entry closing date of November fifth for the November 9·10 race . Call (916) 4814488 for more poop. Yup, that's the same date and place for CMC's motocross Nationals. The warranty on Laverda motorcycles will be extended from six months/6000 miles to a full year and 12,000 miles, according to the impo rt er, Continental Motorcycles of Norwood, N.J. The overall supply of Laverdas will increase, especially in the West , now that Mota Lavcrda has completed a new factory and Bob Hansen has set up extensive su!>port facilities in California. Clubs be on the looko ut for yo ur Club Gu id e response letter - it's yo ur ticket to th e Cycle News 1975 Club Gu ide . If yo u don't get one by next week, clip the Club Guide blank (we'll publish one next issue) an d send it to us with your current address and information phone. You're not in the book, y'know. It 's official. The Mex ican government has appointed Mickey Thompson's S.C.O.R.E. as the exclusive promoter of Baja off·road events for 1975 through 1977. Ace Cycle News spy came raman Harley Hashi moto snapped this pic of the top-secret new alloy Har ley -Davidson in prototy pe testing at the factory's Milwaukee test grounds . In development for over a year, the new alloy V-twin features d ouble overhead cams, 880cc displacement, two 36mm Mikuni carburetors and 5-speed transmission. Cylinders an d heads are identical; o ne faces fore, one aft. The new H-D is expected to be availab le sometime in 197 5. THELATm p BY PAPA WEALEY Bill Frederick (Husl broke his throttle cable at the housing in the Fool's Gold Enduro. He finished by tying the end to his front brake lever, after disconnecting the brake cable. Pull to go, push to slow down. Downhills were a bit ha iry . .. Rain-out Reverbrations Part Two: The Never Turn Right Racing Association (NTRRA) Speedway Riders' l\IX set for Irwi ndale November 15 is cancelled. Weslake's new 500cc grass track and speedw·ay engine garnered a first and a second first t ime out at a Brit ish grass track meeting October 20 . Rider Don Godden says it makes no more power than any existing engine, but has so much low and mid-range response it is easier to use. Word keep s filte ring back tha t the Georget own and EI Dorado National For est area is Hassle City for biker s. What gives up there? Are the redneck hunters getting totally out of co ntrol? 2 Though Bryar Holcomb qual ified for Number 13 in the AMA's national mo tocross points sta ndi ngs, he elected to retain his old 84 for . the coming season. No one's sure whethe r he's superstitious, or adv erse to repaint ing nu mb er plates. Do you realize that if Al\IA had twice as many members it could afford to hire a legislative rep rese ntative fo r every two districts? Look for a big, new idea in publish ing being tried out for the first time on dealer retail copies of Cycle . News' · year-end issue INo. 50). See it at you r . dealer's over the holidays. The Dutch arc certainly stoked on Daytona. Their big daily paper, De Telegraaf', did a lengt hy article on the race, and they've already filled two chartered 707 jets with fans to boost their visiting team of road racers. Heikki Mikkola, still bothered by a nagging foot inju ry, returned to Finland after the Husqvarna new-model press party. The Al\IA Handbook to Community Relations and Club Activity is a new title out of Westerville, available at $1.25 the copy for activist folk intent on boosting the sport. It's a freebie (we think) to all AMA clubs as they renew their charters. Rob Edwards shocked th e opposition, . beating Mart in Lampkin by two marks in the Diamond Jubilee Scott Tr ial in England. The grand old timed tr ials event is considered the ancestor of both present day trials and motocross, Mumm cha mpagne company of Rh eims, France, is te nderi ng an "Oscar Cordo n Rouge " for th e b est 19 74 film on motorcycle sport. Entries should be sent to: Oscar Cordon Rou ge, Prornocourse 74, ruc Lernercier, 750 17, Paris, France. All films will be return ed . Even with rounds sched uled for America and Canada, the F.I .M. tr ials series may still not have official world championship reco gnitio n fo r 19 75. Yama ha m a y r efu se t he F Il\I Manufacturer's Championship for 500cc road racing, since po ints from the boycotted Nurburgring ' meeting were figured in to the winning total. Some definitions, according to the Stainslaus Trail Bike Association's newsletter: PRODUCTION RACER helps to keep the manufactu rers in production. KNOBBY - refers to the k nees of ce rta in riders. HARE SCRAMBLES - race to see who gets the comb f irst after helmet removal. SCAVENGER HUNT - done at th e end - of an enduro, usually requ ires a bag to pick up the parts. California off-road vehicle registra tion is really starting to payoff. Cerritos, Stanislaus County and Playa Del Ray are in line for Green Sticky money to set up public motorcycle riding areas, Playa Del Ray's city council voted unanimously to parlay their $47,000 ORV rebate, through 3/4 matching funds from the state, into $200.000 for a rolling, hilly site west of L.A. In tern ational Airport which was cleared of houses because of airplane noise. Robert " Bob" Harris, formerly with the Maico team, has jo ined the Rokon motocross raci ng team and will be competing in the Trans·AMA on the new Rokon MX·340 Cobra. The world's f irst automatic transmission motocrosser. Our impecably British sources say that a Piper-developed eight-valve head could become a 1976 Norton Production item, if Doug Hele can come up with a lower end that doesn't break up under 85·plug horsepower. As with the Weslake/Triumph, the old bugaboo is, the head ma kes more po wer than the big-ends will stand. Seen at Saddleback: Roger himself (he's wearing his pants, it must be hi m) playing/testing new adjustable geometry forks on his practice 400 Suzu ki. More rain-out repurcussions: The Ascot long track speedway has been slid to November 15. Nu mbers time. Al\IA h as (claimed) 150 ,000 members, whic h on thei r graduated fee system, translates into a yearly gross of $ 1.2 million to $1.8 million. That's with the support of about one percent of America's 10 million riders. Now tran slat e that do llar take into lan d purchases, ge t the real grass-roo ts suppo rt of all of us, and consider the possibilities . .. Lane Leavitt, by way of thanks, held an invitational t rials school for all those who worked on the Red Dog Round of the U.S. Tr ials Championsh ip. And a tip of the Wealey sombrero for good measure. SRA member riders who want to go to the Speedway Riders' Banquet November 16 should call Bruce Flanders for reservations and info at (714) 635-3760. Academy of Defensive Driving, Irvine, Ca l iforn ia, a n n ou n ces a Basic Motorcycle Training Course to begin November 13. Spending about 80% of the 14 hour total on the motorcycle, the $80 course is aimed at getting the beginner over the hump in skill and confidence. Call (714) 832·9363 to see how many openings they have left. The U.S. Speedway Championship is still on for No vember 8 at Costa Mesa, af ter th e original date was washed o ut by a frea k th under sto rm . Th ere arc abou t 200 tic ke ts available, going on sale at 6:30 p .m. race night at the gate - first co me firs t served. All p re-sold tickets arc good for the rain dale. After hassling over a contract, Scott Autrey is not expected to ride the long track speedway at Ascot. That's show biz for you .

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