Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 10 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 47 of 47

- . Coast to coast . . . It was a Husky week-e d! O'l C'I tJ ..0 o .... o . -- o p Heikki Mi kkola showed the Honda Hill s crowd w hat champio nshi 3rd to take the Tr ans fo rm really looks li ke as he scored a 1st and lled AMA event wi n on a Husky 360 . Teammat e Brad Lackey pu . dow n a 4th place overall finish on a 360 hills A former mo tocrosser hi mself, Dick Burleson headed fo r the AMA enduro win this year . Th is 2-time to take his 6th overall Nati onal Champ swears by t he reliabil ity of his 250 WR. I:' race, Whi le Mikkol a was winning th e internati onal port ion of the won both heats in the 250 Suppo rt Texas star Kent Howert on class on a Husky 250 Mag. _Running an out of the crate bike, Hower ton gave notice th at he w il l bear watchin g in thi s series. In the f irst maj or off-road desert race of t he season , A.C . Bakken ine won the Check Chase on a Husky 400 WR and Bill y Valent on another 400 . Thi s w in takes on even more came in second meaning since this was the debut race for many 7 5 models. ' . ls. He See you r Hus ky dealer now for year end spec ials on all mode Don 't has proven w inners on his sa les . fl oor at low 1974 prices. wai t, he's listed in the yell ow pages. H Husqvarna ® 44052 ~ Husqvarna Moto rcorp East /1906 Broadway, Lorain, Ohio Diego, Califo rnia 92111 Husqvarna Motor corp West / 4935 Mercu ry, San ton, Alberta , T6E 3A4 Edmon Husqva rna Canad a/Stee n Hansen Motorc ycles, 550792 Street, RR 10, Televis ion Rd. N, Peterb orough , Ontario , K9J 6YZ Husqva rna Motorc ycle Dis!. E, 48

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