Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Peopl e who received " Gr een Stickie " cita tions at th e Chec k Chase near 29 Palms, CA for violation of Veh icle Code Section ~802 0, yo u may have the citation voide d , according to Russ San ford of M.O.R.E. Qu ick wor k by M.a. R.E. ob tained a legal opinion that. in effect, voided most of these citations. If you have not already gotten official notifications that your ticket was in fact voided, call the California Highway Patrol office in 29 Palms , or get in to uc h with Russ San fo rd , (9 16) 442·2 191 , Sacramento, California. Amon g the sideways stars enlis ted to show us all Sp eedway racin g on th e Ascot Half-Mile Friday night November 8 are Sco tl (bac k from England ) Autrey. Dewayne Keeter, Mike Bast, Mike Curoso , Dubb Ferre ll, Billy Gra y, Bill Cody, Larry Sh aw, So nny I ' utter, J e ff Sexton, SCOll Sivad ge, Jim Fishba c k, Tom Sawy er, Mike Konl e . Jim Gresham and Bruce Pen halLTh ere'll be six me n in eac h scratc h race . ei ther in th e ha ndicap sta rts and the fastes t fo ur make a das b fo r 10% of the 2.000 /30% purse. Mert Laww ill called fo r a fue l check du ring the riders meeting at Asco t before the National. Dick Hamer, Motorcyde Dealer News adman, crashed at the Vegas road race , collec t ing a cracked wrist and compound fracture of the knee. Dennis Briggs, who will be an Expert next year, is hel ping builder /tuner Don Green wo rk th e bugs out of a new water-coo led Suzuki triple for the dirt tracks. So far, the bike's one-of-a-kind , Rex Beauc ha mp said he made more mon ey finish ing second at the Ascot Natio nal th an winnin g th e Toledo one . Palo Alto's Gunn High st arts th is year with the state 's first course in trials ridi ng as part of the regu lar school curriculum . They have two b ikes donated by local dealers and are haggling fo r a few more. The class is an option to the regular Phys . Ed . and Driver Training schedule, and uses a half -mile, eight trap loop laid ou t on school grounds. Faculty sponsor Coach Clay Hen ry says, ' W e've' been hau ling logs and rocks like mad:' Look for three new Nati onals on th e AMA calendar fo r 1975. Sad d lcb ack Park and OCI R gate admission s go up to $3 Novem ber 1st, tha n ks to in flati on. Saturday , Nov. 30 the Scholastic Assn. of Motorsport will hold the Fall State Championship at Saddleback Park in Irvine for high school Mxers from all over California. Buco is heading the prize list with a new 250 MX bike. The A:'o IA has now recognized Ca l ifornia's Distr ict 36 Sports Committee, making the total - a whopp ing two districts th at can do their own thi ng. In the wo rks will be a system of inter-district cha mpionship events, leading up to a Western Region champ in all di visio ns an d then maybe on to an American Amateur title bet ween the three regio ns in each division. Read y for th e lat est British shade-tree special? How a bo ut a Yamaha T R3 , with an ex tra cy linder, all made up from o ff-shelf pa rts excep t for th e crank, displacing 5 25cc? Extra half cra n kcase was welde d up to th e exis tin g twin , gearbo x was offset, an d a n outrigger bearing adde d to carry the end of th e mainshaf t . What ever happened to the groundswell of Great Ame rican Motorcycle interest? Did fear t hat the government was going to outlaw two-strokes drive everybody underground? Hassles beset th e Richmond Ramblers at their Barefoot Enduro October 5 . Two CHP guys had a field day writing citations fo r everyth ing th ey could find, even th ough the club had permission to use the Stumpy Meadows area. Cycle News contributor Bill Spencer ma kes a court appearance on November 23 for his cr ime against the state . The U.S. Forest Serv ice is ma kin g no ises abo ut intensive planning for the Ore gon Dun es Recreation area, including a propo sed wilderness (i.e. no vehicles) , Any com me nts fro m interest ed fo lks sho u ld go to the Regional Fo rester, P.O, Bo x 319 , Portland, OR 97208. Also , Bill Spencer wo uld appreciate the man y peop le who were tick eted at the Barefoo t Enduro send ing h im co p ies of the citatio ns, not th e origina l but a co py . A defen se o f entrapme n t an d harrassment is in the wo rks. Addr ess: 1920 A Old Middlef ield Way , Moun ta in View. Califo rn ia 94043 o r call (4 15 ) 327-446 1. Did you know that ri c h Harley-Davidson dealers are living high on the hog? The Engli sh papers say a pair of Aussies have spirited a Ho nd a GL-IO OO Fo ur away from the fac tory 10 give it a rac e debu t in th e Castrol Six-Hour at Amarro Par k Down Under. AMA will terminate its field rep program at the end of 1974 and increase its legislat ive staff for 1975. Tbev'll also add offices for " Co m p e ti t ions Development" and "Membersh ip Activities. " Orange County Int'l. Raceway MX goes grassy , with 500 cubic yards of lawn clippings mixed in with the dirt to make the track softer and dust-free . J ohn DeSoto ca me out o f hiding to sign up for the 250 class at OCIR 's Van Go motocross October 26. Prescr iption from Mary McCabe out in Iowa : Castor oil cough medicine. Two tablespoons and you 're afraid to cough. Arizona Desert Raceways is getting up a c h allenge tea m to co me ou t to Califo rnia November 9 & 10 to race at Carlsb ad and at Sad dleback. Sou nd s like a nic e yea r-e n d points thin g ot her tracks and localities co uld work up. You'll meet the world 's most interesting and unusual collection of motorcycles and people at Los Angeles' Griffith Park when the regular cafe , chopper, and touring crowd gets augmented by the Third Annual Griffith Park Sid ecar Rally. Over 1000 owners and their outfits are looked for from across the country . Th e Fede ra les have embarked up on a " vo l un t ary" fuel-econo my lab eling pr o gr a m to e nco u rage a u to manufacturer s to p ost gas-mileage da ta on the ir new ca rs. Maybe it 's time for 2 mo re o f Honda's "L.A. to San Franci sco on a whiff of fu mes" ads. Tie a yclla' ribbon 'round the old oah .tree . . . o r j osh ua, or whatever. Preparatio n 's goillg righ t along fo r the Po m o na Fire Dep art m ent 's 1I00h & Ladder Endu ro October 27. A ll procceds go to the County BUrl! Ward , so you 'Il hap t hat date. hu h? The Brit ish are a bit upset t hat a promised shipment of 150cc Honda trials bikes (61 mm bore, as opposed to the TL -125 's 56mm) fa iled to material ize. The factory he ld them up to fit them with a speedo and hom . An offshoot of the Sammy Miller trials development, could the bored-out TLs be a 1976 intra in the U.S. ? Considering the excellent results with stroked TLs her e , strange that Honda should overbore instead. AMA Ama teur Activities :'oJgr. J im Nideffer says th e ro ad rid ing ca lendar is going to gCI decided first al distr ict sanc tion mee tin gs so the roadys wo n "t have to wai t aro und whil e th e co mp clubs thrash o ut da tes. How did Malcolm Rathmell relax before pulling off the Sw iss trials win that netted him the F.I.M. Championship? By playing gin rummy for five days straight with Mick Andrews. Sam m y M ill er no w h as a sec ond-generatio n Ho nd a 25 0cc tri als proto type , mounted in o ne o f his own highb oy fra mes , weighing in a t 19 8 po un ds. Newest tri ck is a dry sum p cra n kc a se wi th the o il reservo ir in the gearbox. Th is shaves an inch off th e engine 's heigh t. • Whoops! Somebuddy's been hitting the Dr. Brown's Cel-Ray tonic too much and forgot to credit Dan Mahony for the snazzy Ascot National photos last week. Th e first state riding ' area 10 be p u r ch as e d with Ca liforn ia O RV registrati on (Green St icky) fun ds is th e Hollist er Hills Motorcycle Playgro un d in central California. It took an ac t of co ngress (lobb ied successfully by :'o I.O. R. E.), but th e park sho uld b e ope n for o ff-ro ade rs by abo u t Than ksgiving, appro p riately. Suzuki will be going back to the drawing board on their GP road racing effort for next year. Barry Sheene is expected to head Suzuki 's 1975 effort, although Honda is rumored to be sniffing about. O rego n 's priorities arc hard to und er stan d . The Sla te 's ne wly passed noi se curtailment legislation requ ires 80 db A fo r new bi kes in t he fu ture, and that means o ff road bikes and racers as well as stree t bi kes. T ha t's a lmo st i m poss i b le t o m e et fo r ma ny manufacturers. Ye t the: sa me c eo-frantic state a llows far mers to b urn off the stubble left in their fie lds a fte r ha rvesting. send ing hug e yel low-bro wn co lumns of cho king smo ke and ash th ousand s o f feet in to the air.