Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 10 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Schmucks?! INSIDE Primo test "Trial tootsie?" How dast you show such ignorance? Pretty body on your we ek-before-last co ver belongs to no less than J eannie Cranke, Carl's wife of five years. Anyone who kn ows anything ab out Trials, knows th at t he Penton pits withou t J eannie is lik e a Har e Scrambl er wit h out a spark p lug. Ligh t en up , sch mucks. DAVID SWI FT Veni ce , Cali f. 6 Keepi ng up with the J on eses Tech 8 Put this in your pi pe and smo ke it Slippery shape Opinion Rawhide GP 10 11, 19 12 In the g eneric sense, Mrs. Cran k e is indeed a trial tootsie . • . Ed itor 80 % cas ual t ies? ~ (l) ..0 o .... u o Pictorial 14 Foxy ... er .. . tou gh lady Burly So n-of-a - Bike Endu ros I have one question in regards to your write-up o n the Little Tuffy September 15 enduro, and that is your statement abo u t " n o creampuffs." If you we re re ferring to powder puffs as cr eampuffs, th en I would app rec iat e it if you would chec k with URA's records and note th at at least fo ur powder puffs attempted this enduro. 16, 17 Langley sees dou b le Speedway Dirty Stories 20 22, 23 Everybody SCORES, especially Swedes Hock's Mile Nat 'l. 24 D on 't lo ok back North 26 Holey Hastevarna 33 Desert ..... • ... .......36 Calendar 38 ON THE FRONT PAGE : DeWayne Jones gets slidy with th e new Can -Am 250 MX·I, caugh t in mid-move by John Huerter. For th e first-ever test o f th e Can -Am mo tocrosser y o u ca n b uy, see .page six. A concerned Troop : I feel this co m plain t is well overdue, and I do not stand alone on this. It's about time Escape Country got an a m b ulan ce on stand by for the protection of our men and boys. When one of them is hurt, he lays from 45 minutes to an hour waiting to be taken to the hospital. Yes, we have heard that no one has ever died at Escape Country, but there 's always a first , waiting for an ambulance or on the way to the hospital, just for the lack of services rendered. Pay? Yes we p ay! Through the nose, and we expect better service, also. Other t racks seem t o be ab le to give this servi ce and hold up a race a few minu tes for the sake of a human life. competing against us in bicycle flat track, speedway or TT type events. We are currently racing in ou r fourt h consecutive year o n fast polished conc ret e tracks. and would like to share our fun with o th ers. We've 'found that racing bicycles has he lped us considerably on the motorcycle track, as well as kept us in good shape. Not to mention the fact that is 's almost as much fun. We are interested in corresponding with. and ultimately racing with anyone who shares a common interest. So if you're out there, please, let us kno w. We "Have Team, \ViII Travel." MIKE CHORDAS ,JEFF TINGEY JON PRINCE, ROD MARBLE 9 I 2 Sierra Madre Da vis. Calif. 956 16 JAN TROOP Vis ta , Calif. Sharon Clayt on, Publisher Th omas R. Culp, General Man ager: Edn a Mewt on. Secretary to Publ isher . Advertisi ng Th omas R. Culp, Nationa l Direc t or; Linda Clark, Adv ertising Man ager ; Chris Kol be r, Advertis ing Assistant. Edit orial Ch arles Clay ton, Editor aj ohn D. Ulric h . Asso ciate Editor ; Lane Campbell. Cal endar Editor. Art & Production Cath erine Lampton. Art Direc tor: Nan c y Gray, Advertising Art D ir~c ~or; Hector Aguilera ; Lab Techntcl~ . Mari on Hatashita, T ypogr apher: Melvin Phelps, Assist ant Typographer. Circulation Rhe ba S mith. Manager: Pam Hob bs & Chris Andrews. Assis tan ts . Acoounti og Gaye Zaicnz, Manager ; T wila Wheel er &: Linda Mallard. Assista n ts; Ro sem ary Chandler, Co llecti o n ; Lani Sienk, Ass ista nt; Services & Support Mike Cotikas : Ran dy Davi s: BiU Run yan : j ean n ie Dunivan, Re cepti onist. West P.O. Bo x 498 . Beac h. CA 9 08 0 I (2 13) 427 -7433: L.A. Lin e 636·8844. East P.O. Box 805, Tucker. GA 3 00 84 (4 04) We are informed tha t Escap e Cou ntry d oes have a param edic o n hand with an em ergency-equ ipped station wagon to render first aid until th e ambulance am ves . . . Ed. Tommy glider pilot You guys screwed up in your September 24 issue of CN.

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