Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 10 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Kevin Hasten , J im Wilson , Tom Poteet, Je ff Wright, Howard McCasland, Wayne Cook and last but not leas t , John an d Koo kie McCown . Pres ide nt Fo rd declar ed Oc tober 6 th e beginning of Hire th e Han dicapp ed Week. Does that include the mo rally handicapped? There 's a bunc h of them that have be en th ro wn into the job market th is y ear. s-. ~ .c o .... u o " Pub lic" acc ide n ts (ot h er than motor vehicle s) increased six percent last year. Drowning replaced fa lls in public plac es as the leading ca use of fatal ities, with 5,80 0 deaths re corded, accordi ng to th e National Safety Council. Hull , Exeter, Kings Lynn, Belle Vue, Ipswich, box scores , player trades sounds like baseball in a foreign setting? It's the as-yet-unfamiliar world of English league (team ) speed wa y racing wh ich will arr ive in thi s co un try next year. ~ Five planeloads of Brit ish enthusiasts will be making it o ver fo r Daytona 7 5 . One th ousand and t hirty-two tickets ha ve already been sol d fo r the chartered flights . The English bit back as their team of Peter Collins, John l o uis, Dave J essu p, and Malcol m Simmons bro ught home th eir count ry 's first World Speedway Team Championship from the team finals at Katowice, Po land September 15 . 00 devices, and the U.S. Senate is actively c o ns i d e r i n g a bill to a b o l i s h se at -belt/ignition interlocks on cars. Could th e tid e be turning in favor of Right to Risk ? off-road bike rs. Described as "sim ilar to an existing ordiance in San Bernardino County" the ru lin g requ ires anyone operati ng a vehicle on lan d not his own to be ab le to show a law officer written pe rmi ssion from the land holde r. Th is applies to BlM land under grazing ri gh ts as vvell. Ron _Sprayberry , of Bakersfield P.I.T.S., stood up alone before t he county board to speak agai nst it. He su re could have used some support. Inci dentally, Scott Autrey , altho ugh stopped at the wo rld indivi d ual finals, is cOnsidered a sta r of his home side Exeter team, second only to teammate Ivan Mauge r . T he C z e c h t eam bo ycotted the Mo tocro ss des Nations as a protest agai nst t he "Popen ko incident " a t th e Swiss ro und whic h cost Falta ·th e 25 0cc title. Popenko , back o n a CZ agai n , ro de with the Russians. Is the world ready for a 1000cc Moto-Guzzi V-Twin with automatic transmission? To be formally unveiled at the Cologne, Germany motorcycle show: Norton Villiers T riu mph 's 600cc Wankel and a Dutch Van Veen OCR 1000cc twin rotor Wankel. III a: UJ o a: ;) III =---- What mak es Kenn y go fast? Mayb e this ph o to f rom th e Race of the Year at Mallory Park, England says something. Being carried arou nd the circuit on a t ruck for all the fans t o see bef ore the race, most racers are laugh ing it up, joking, and waving. But Ken ? He inspects th e track one last tim e. Every body who isn't at Ontario this weekend should be at the California City G.P. Beginners race on Saturday and everybody else chases the dollars ($1,500) on Sunday. Malco lm "Rastus" Rathmell must win th e Swiss tri als " und September 29 if ro he is to defen d th e FIM title against Ulf Karl sson , who leads the 'stand ings after scoring a second at the Czech ro und last wee k while Rast us sco red a seventh . The two have three wins apiece in the series . American Tom Christenson gave the Europeans their fi rst sight of an eigh t-se cond quarter-mile from a standing start as he turned an 8.98 on his dual-engined Norton "Hogslayer" at Silverstone, England September 14. No term inal speeds were available as a runaway car had wiped out half the timing lights earlier. Does it see m tha t the Ford /Kissinger hard line on oil policy is actually a govern ment attempt to egg the Arabs into cutti ng oi l supplies again? What's it all mean ? Trophies from the July 14 Desert Barons' Bare-On Hare Scrambles and Streaking Contest can be picked up at the Check Chase October 12. 2 Content with the horsepower of the 700s , Yamaha's road racing wizards (Kel Carruthers and company) have turned thei r efforts to m a king th e ligh tweights ligh ter and . fast er. Dropping th is year's crankshaft in favo r o f last year's crank was good for three h o rsep o wer . and Ken Rob erts ' T Z 250 will sport an all new chro me-m oly fra me for On ta rio. Mark Brelsfo rd is back in Penninsula Hospital in Bu rlingame , California with a leg infecti on, In future weeks' issues, CN West will be serializing Gary Bailey 's book, "How to Win Motocross." Better subscribe, if you don't alr eady, so as not to miss a chapter. We were talking to a representative of a local track the other day about the recent death of a rider there . Asked if there were any hay bales where he hit the wall , the rep said, "No, there isn't any reaso n to have haybales there. His crash was just a fluke ." The t rac k has an average of one such "fluk e" per year. Nobody has used a Flow-bench to ho p up a two-stroke in this co u nt ry fo r yea rs. Fo ur-stroke lovers wa n t to kee p their advan tages all to themselves. Early entries for the Fall Californ ia City Grand -Prix , (Oc t. 5th and 6 th) , raci nq for a cash and contingency purse of $1,500 include Mitch Maye s, A.C . Bakken, Danny laPorte, Doug Winchell, Bob Balentine, Gus Paull , Tom Brooks, Bill Friant, Cordis Brooks, Jim Brown, Z '~ Triumph twins m ight be assembled in the eastern U.S . if a certain deal now pending goes through, Husqvarna will pay Trans·A~IA suppo rt (250cc) class winners S200 for first overall in a race . SI OO for second overall and $2,000 to the overall winner of the series , providing they are riding a Husky and wea ri ng a jersey with th e lI usq varn a nam e on the fro nt. Cycl e News led all othe r co nsu mer publicat io ns as t he first choice of read ing matter in a recent po ll 'c f motor cy cle dealers co nd ucted by Motorcycle Dealer News. Anybody know wh ere we can bo rro w so me really old p ict ures of cycles in th e desert. like from ar o und 19 19 to 193 0? Do n't have to be raci ng shots, b ut should show so me deser t scenery. We'll co py t hem and send t he m right bac k, wit h pay ! The Forest Ranger at Red Rock Canyon goes hunting for Indian artifacts o n h is Ossa Pioneer - with his cat in a box on the tank . Will kitty·biking repl ace Kookie? Watch it o n Mulholland Highway. The cops are as t hick as ever, and traffic's been heavy. Indiana's District 15 Club Council became the first to receive formal recogn ition under AMA's District Organization program . CalifDrnia's District 36 has filed for recognition , with other districts slowly mov ing in the same d irection. S idetracked by the Russ March debacle and cr it icized in some quarters, the program is meant to give full amateur activity sanctioning and po int-keeping authority (a bit of "home rule'" to recognized district organization s. Maybe next comes revenue-sharing? A bill went into the Arkansas sta le legislature ( B . 7 . Murphy) urging Congress to repeal all Federal la ws and r e g ul a ti o n s w hic h manda te t he equipping of vehicles wi t h prescribed Kern County, Cal ifornia has leveled a new Uwritt en permission" ordinance at MV Agu sta, fresh from winning the 500cc world road racing ti tle , is putting a lot bf effort into 750cc and 350cc Fours fo r nex t season , They're said to be ma king good progress with th e small one, but the big o ne (being d eveloped for a shot at Dayto na an d O ntario . among other things) bl ew up o n th e test be nc h this month. Posters of the nifty Ra cecrafter Honda road rasher, with the Hollywood Hills sign in the background, are now available from Cyde News Products for $2.75. Money back if not dazzled. The California Outdoor Recrea tio n League, ln c., is sponsoring a recreational veh ide parade from Redd ing to Burbank, California , October 15-18, in support of S t a te Senato r H.L. Ric ha rdson's campaign for Un ite d S t a t e s Se nator. Ri ch ard s o n , a conservative Republican who is facing veteran liberal Dem oc ra t Alan Cransto n, ho pes to draw the supp ort he ne eds fo r an unde rdog victory fro m th e "outdoor vo te. The parade r ecr e a t io n is t " organized by CORL is part of th a t effo r t. Get more informati on if yo u're int er ested by ca llin g 2 13 / 773·62 60. T h e S chol a s t ic A s soc iat iDn of Motorsports is not at t his ti me aff iliated with the Californ ia Inte rscholastic Federation, as reported in error last week by one of Papa's cohorts. Ascot has te ndered lap mo ney for th e Novice, J unior and Natio nal Mains the weekend of the National Half-mil e and Juni or / Novice Invit at ional October 11-12, with promotional letters going o ut to po te ntial sponso rs. Kn ow who's b uying laps and getting the credit? ~1 0 stly makers of motocross good ies! St range who's paying their dues in th is upside. do wn economy . Moto Morini's 350cc V-Twin will continue to be in short supply the rest of this year, with only 10 0 mo re scheduled before the mandatory change-over to left hand shift in January, 1975. Coming next year (Arabs willing) are a disc brake on the 350 and a 125cc six-speed s ingle. Electric start for the 350 is a maybe for March, 1975. The owner of the Mo rin i fac tory is Signora (Mrs.] Morini! Ho w 'bou t t hat? Rick Hocking not only won his first National at the Albany Mile Sept em be r 29, he did it on a borrowed bike. When he wasted his regula r Rocky Cy cle Yamaha in practice, he was ab le to borrow Jim Odom's old A & A Manufacturing Yamaha to continue on , Continued on page 42

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