Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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) SOME SAFETY GADGETS WE'D LIKE: Free-whee ling, kickstand that activates rear brake while in park position, safety rims on imported motorcydes , " Lifeguard " innertubes for bikes, headlight flasher button handy to the th umb, non-skid brakes. Which dealers offer the public the lo west parts prices. one reader wants to know? If your dealer prides hi mself in lower parts prices , please call CNW and tell Linda. Thanks. One So ut her n Ca l i fo rn ia Harle y-Da vidso n de aler is bui lding a Sportster engine (min us on e cy linder) fo r speedway. Orange County M.C., one of the oldest, is serious. Recently the OCMC kicked out 17 of their members because th ey were not active enough! Over the Hill Gang, here they co me. Bobby Riggs wo n a $25,000 bet with Evel Kn ievel by ridi ng a H-D 125 from Las Vegas to Twin Falls, Idah o - GOO ' miles. It was Riggs' first ti me on a cyde. " . thought I was killed four times on the way' " gasped the tenn is hustler. Riggs jo ined the AMA as soon as he got to Tw in Fa lls. Se pte mbe r 21 -29 is Califo rnia Motorcycle Week . Let's celebrate by taking a ride at Red Rock, the first real real estate our green stickies allow us in. Russ (M.O.R.E.) Sanford's was cr ashed Memorial Day some dude Russ let ride it. th e $641 repai r estimate, decided to fi x it hi mself. gift Yamah a Weekend by After seeing th e lob byist Th e Laconia Nat ional Road Race an d zoo will not run next year b ecause the _ sponsors ran ou t of ca ges for th e animals. R e ad y for this? Seven serialized quarter -scale statues o f Eve! were cast in gold to co m me morate the j ump at S150 ,000 apiece. O ne guy bo ught six o f th em and got a 520,000 discou nt . Doe s that tJ:ll you something about th e economy? Four Sequo ia National Forest campgrounds Redwood Meadow, Holey Meadow, Lower Peppermint and Princess (open to October 21) - have been closed due to lack of maintenance funds. Long Meadow, Panorama, Gooseberry, Sugarloaf, White River, Deer Creek and Frog Meadow will be open. Forest Serv ice u rges visitors to "pack out what they pack in:' Fire danger is still extremely high . The ruli ng to use mufflers fo r th e Se ptember 29 Go lden Gate Mile equ ivalent of Discojet 's no ise reduction (abo ut 86 dbA AMA tes tl came as a result of promoter Mike Goodwin hav ing to po st a $3,000 bond aga inst excess no ise. The actual ru les are not more th an 80 dbA at 1800 feet, where the complaints in 1973 came from . Since no one had the foresight to meas ure last year this arbitrary figure was chosen and the producers are going overboard to adhere or they will lose the fac ility. With the complaints coming from atop a wind ridden hill, many variables come int o play "Since a train going by below can run the db's to 77 we will have a man monitoring all day to see just who are the sound culprits" says Goodwin . " Last year the boat drags at the Berkeley Marina drowned out ou r announcer." Kawasaki , th rough its d ealers, loaned out 5225,000 worth of learners' b ikes this sum mer. Working with public education authorities in the coming year, they hope to loan out a hal f - mi ll i o n doll ars worth of motorcycles in support of programs that will train over 100 ,000 new riders annually. Mo torcy cle Dealer News pub lishe r Larry Hester is coming out to rid e in the Old Timers' benefit MX at Valley Cycle Par k, September 29. In honor of this even t, 'Tom Culp , Cycle New s General Manager. is offering 525 to anyone who " stu ffs" Hester into a tree p rovided by Culp. It's something to do wit h an inside jo ke . . . Trudy Beck di dn't get sick a t the Stump ies' Hare Scrambles as Linda Griffi ng told us an d we repo rte d last week. Her fa ther says .she ra n ou t of gas in sight o f th e finish lin e wh ich is enou gh to ma ke you sick . Ben Ford II, great-grandson of o ld Henry is on ly 24 , but he'll be racing a (wh at else ?) 4 -wheeler and a 400 Husky in the S.C.O.R .E. Riverside, Califo rn ia off-ro ader next Sunday . Honda could have met California's 80 db noise limit proposal, but chose to forego competitive advantage and stand with the rest of the industry in getting the lim it eased to 83 db. New ad manager at Cycle News BLMstatemen t perils Barstow-Vegas rac e SACRAMENTO, CAL ., SEPT. 13 ' LONG BEA cu. CA, SEPT. 9 Cycle News, Inc. announced today th e appointment of Linda Clark to head its Western R egion advertising departm ent . Linda fills a long standing vacancy at Cycle N ews , th e only weekly motorcycle newspaper in th e Unit ed States. Previous ex perience as A ssistant Advertising Manager and Show Coordinator with Motorcycle Dealer News provides her an ex celle nt background to know how to help with all adv ertising needs. Linda is best rem em bered as the euersmiling, always-helpful young lady at all the mot or cy cle trade sh ows. She brings th is same cheerfulness with her as she em barks on her new career wit h Cy cle N ews. Con tact Linda at (2 13 ) , 42 7-7433 fo r the m ost cheerfu l ad vertising in th e West. 2 T he Bureau of Land Man agemen t to day released a dra ft en vir on mental impac t sta tement on the proposed issu ance of a 'p ermit for a motorcycle race from Barstow, Calif. to Las Vegas, Nev. The San Gabriel Valley Motor cycle Club has requested a special land use permit for the race invo lving so me 3,000 rid ers to b e held November 30 on lan ds und er BL.IIJ jurisdiction. Th e environment a l statement concludes there would be dam age to soil and vegetation over much of the 155-mile co ur se. Wildlife would also suffer, i t co ncl ude d, along with "cultural resources." Alternatives to issuan ce of the pe rmit for the race , which has been h eld a nnually for seven years, incl ude allowing it on different co urses , or rej ecting the applicati on. There are more than 150 or gani zed races each year on BLM lan d involvi ng 67 ,000 par ticipants and 189,000 spectato rs. T he Barstow-Las Vegas Hare and Ho un d Race is one of the lar gest. Copi es of the dr af t s tatemen t ha ve been furn ishe d to State and Fed eral agencies for com men t and have been give n a lso to in teres ted gro ups. In terested parties may co m ment on th e draft for 30 days fo llo wing its rele ase. Comments sho uld be addressed to the S tate D irector, Bureau of Land Man agem en t , 2800 Cottage Way, Rm. 1::-284 1, Sacrame n to, CA 958 25 . Copi es are availab le for view ing at th e Bureau's offices on Cottage Way in Sacram ento and a t 1414 University Avenue in Riverside as well as the Las Vegas Distri ct Office at 476 5 West Vegas Drive , Las Vegas.