Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 08 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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s: Weinert wails Open~ Hartwig slips ...... v: ~ 00 ::: < Ji m and company watch the fl yi ng co rk . Cal ifo rni a kid T ripes gassed it up , but b lo wn 250 Husk ies do n't count . Im Weinert (Kaw 7 ), Gary Se m ics (Hus 8 ), Jim onder what t hey're doing o ut there : as Jimmy Weiner t worked by St ackable, Chap lin and Semics and closed o n the poin ts leader. With t wo laps to go, Weinert p ulled up bes ide DeStefano on t he inside and as they both p ushed to clai m the same line through a tight lef t-hand turn, Tony fell. Before he co uld remount, three m~re passed. Tony had reinjured his bad hand in the fall and lost one more position to Bryar Holcomb's Maico on the final two laps. Mike Hartwig finished thirty seconds ahead of Weinert. who had backed off once safely clear of DtStefano. Stackable, Semics, Chaplin, Holcomb and DiStefano followed. II r y a r Holcomb grabbed a n immediate lead at the st art of round two and made it a clean sweep of the enti re forty-five minute event. Following Holcomb on the first lap were Stackable, Semics , Wein er t , West and DiStefano. Hartwig was back in ninth and wor king hard. By the end of the second lap Jimmy Weinert had settled safely into second, good enough fo r the Overall win. He he ld it easily to the end. _ Steve Stackable saw his plans for scoring a bunch of those valuable National poin ts go down the drain Mike Hartwig sl ippe d to a f ifth in the second Open moto with a slide out. The locals love h im . fifteen minutes into the moto when his Maico's . clut ch gave up the fight, presenting him with a DNF. Mike Hartwig had the fans in his hand again as he appeared to be planning anot her c o m e -f r o m- b e h i n d thrust into the top places ; b ut Mike made one simple mistake early in the race. He slid out, nothing major, but it de tuned him and the big charge never came. Mike rode to a solid fifth place, wh ich combined with his first round win, gave the home team a second for the day. Bry ar Holcomb's second leg victory brought him up in the stan dings to an Overall third. Gary Semics ' 4- 3 score put two Huskys in the top five ; and Chaplin 's 504 fifth place Overall did the same for Team Maico , • Ken zahrt (B ull gets a t ad sideway s in the 250 fir st moto, b ut ho lds off Ron Pomeroy (B ul). Results 2 5 0 : 1. Jimmy Ellis (1-1) C-A: 2 . Tim Hart ( 3-3 ) Varni 3 . Ron Pomeroy (2 -4) Bul; 4. Kent Howerton (7 -2) Hus : 5. Gary Jones (~-6) C-A ; 6 . Jo h n Sa vitsk! (6 -9) Bul: -7 . Rich Tho rwal dson (11 -7) S uz; 8. Rich Eierstedt (9 -10) Han: 9 . Peter Lamppu (15 -5) Monj 10. Jim Tur ner (10-15) S ui; 1 1. BOb Thompson (16-13) OS5; 12. Ron Huffman (14-16) Pen: 1 3 . M ike Kess ler (27-S) Vam ; 14 . Bob Harris (I S-IS) Mai: 15 . Randy Richardson (21-27) Hus ; 16. Keith Duffy (12-26) Bul ; 17. Jim Wicks (26·14) Mai; 18. Jack Gill (20-20) Kaw; 19. John Franklin (19-24) Pen; 2 0 . Joe Fischer (25 -1 9) Yam . Open : 1. Jim Weinert (2·2) Kaw; 2 . Mike Hartwig (1-5) Hus ; 3 . Bryar Holcomb (6.]) ~ j; 4 . Gary Semics (4-3) Hus; 5 . Gary Ch aplin (5-4) Mai; 6. Tony DiStefano (7.6) CZ; 7 . Wyman Priddy (9·8 ) K aw ; 8. Billy Payne ( l l ·7) Bul; 9 . Sonny DeFeo (12 .9) Kaw; 10. Mike Runyard (8 · 13) Suz; 11. Stan Greer (I6-11) Bul; 12. M ike Lenz (17-1 2) Pen; 1 3 . Rick Graszl (15 ·15) Mai; 14. John Ayers ( 20 ·16) Hus; 15. Terry Clark (14 .26) Hus; 16. Steve Waldrip (1 8-24) Kaw; 17. Joe Gretchen (29-14) Mai ; 18. R ichard Oarm (26-17) M ai ; 19. Mark Harmon (34·10) Bul; 20 . Geary PriChs (23-21) Hus. Tim- Hart was plenty co nsistent o n his monoshock 250 to t ake second via two th irds . 9

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