Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 08 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Speedway International Let Us Make You r Bike Go Fast! .Trick-St utf We Carr y A ll Of These Brands: ~ " Results (P et e r Co llIn s 12 , Da ve Jess up 8 ) ; 5. Pola nd 18 (Z enon Piech 12. Ed wa rd Janca r z 6); 6. U.s.s.R . 10 (G r lgorl C h ly n ovskl 6. Vlad i m ir Gordeev 4) ; 1. Czec hos lo vakia 6 ( Jan Holub 4 . Jan Had ek 2) . ... as Autrey stokes for World Final Californian S c o t t Autr e y too k the biggest ga mble of his speedway life whe n he o pted o ut of the A merican ra c in g scene to ri de in Britain. It mean t a cut in his likely earnings and possibly an unofficial 'blacking' by the powers that be. But no w Autrey's gamble has paid off. Not only is he one of Europe's top riders . . . he's also going to be A meri ca's repr e sentative in th e Anglo-American-Nordic Fina l of the '-* .'" Scott Autrey's wea n ing ground : t h e long , long slides of English c lub match competit ion. Scott (belo w) ridi ng for Exeter. gained the lo ng-track e xpe rience that q ualif ied h im as America's first entr y in world speedway competit ion in twenty yea rs . ,. ',. ' .' England gets a shock . . . 1. S we den 28 (AnderS Ml chanek 14, So re n 5 Jost en 1 4) ; 2 . Aust ra lia 23 (Phil C r u m p 14 , John Bouige r 9 ) ; 3 . New Z ea land 2 1 (Iva n M a uge r 1 7 Ba rry Br igg s 4 ) ; 4. Eng land 20 ~ ~ By Peter Oakes BEL LE VUE, MA NCHEST ER , ENG., JULY 13 Everything w as se t for a fa mous England victory. Pre-rac e pundits had opted for a home vi ctory in the 1974 World Best Pai rs F ina l. After all the host nat ion was tra cking 20-year-old whizzkid Peter Collins on his home Belle Vue tr ack pa rtnered by 2 1-year -old Dave Jessup wh o had _ dropped but a single po int - to Collins - on his previous visit to Belle Vue this year. But that wasn't the way it worked out wit h a resu lt that shoc ked Brit ish spee dway . For not o nly were the English pair beaten . .. but they didn 't even get a place on the rostrum . Instead, victory went to Sweden - in the shape of European Cha mpion Mich anek and A nders Manchester-do miciled Belle Vue ace Soren Sjosten - with Australia second and New Zealand thi rd . The Swed ish pairing were in brilliant form and followed each other h om e five times o ut of six. The sixth saw them beaten into first place by Kiwi Ivan Mauger who was Overall top scorer with 17 out of a possible eighteen points. But sadly for Mauger - and New Zealand had ha d no real support from fellow four-ti me world champion Barry Briggs who didn't pic k up a solitary p oin t in his first four rides and then only scored at the expense of the outclassed Czechoslovakians an d the out of touch Russian s. * 1t 13347 W. Washington Blvd. Lo s Ang eles , CA 90006 (213) 390 ·34 06 Send $3 .00 for 256 c o lorful page cata log w ith more t ha n 5500 it ems. o N EUROPEAN'S ~'SECRET ~ Are yo u tired halfway thro ugh the r a c e ? Tr y S iberian Ginse ng Ext ract fo r 3 0 day s and wat ch the SPECIAL trophi es co me in . \t\t\~ 3 D-d a y supply ~\~;~t~Uot\\i $6.95 U~ World Championship at Fredericia, Den mark, on Sunday August 4th. Bachelor Scott is only ten rides a way fro m a possible World Final appearance. If he can finish in the top eight at Fredericia - an d there 's no reason wh y no t - he qualifies for the European Final on the tight Wembley track that should suit his style. If he gets through to the Wembley meet then he needs finish in the top eleven to book himself a place in th is year's World Final being staged at the UIIevi Stadium, Go then burg. All the signs point to Scott starting as o ne o f the favorites to qualify for Wembley. This year, his second in Britain, he is averaging nearly eight p o i n t s a meeting fo r his cha mp ions hi p-c hasing club side Exeter an d is a n ear certain starter in all the big individual meetings. From a European viewpoint the re's litt le d oubt that Aut rey is the wisest c hoice. His regu lar ri ding on Euro pe an-s ty le tracks - bigger tha n th e min iscul e Costa Mesa bo wl - his big-mee t ing e xperience and , abo ve all, th e fact th at he rode at Fre dericia last year, mean s th at of all the Americans the rid er with the best chance of progr essing still fur ther in this year's World Championship is the blond bache lor fr om Bellflower. His rivals in Denmark will be: Ivan Mauger (New Zealand), Ole Olsen , Bengt Norregaard (Den ma r k), Matti Ohli n, Verlie Tero moa ( Finlan d), Reidar Eide, Dag Lo vaas (No rway) , Jim McMillan (Sco tl an d), John Boulger (A us t r a l ia) a n d English men Eric Boo co ck, John Louis , Terry Betts, Dave J essup, Peter Collins and Nigel Booco ck. p lus $1.00 hand ling, Please se nd 30-day sup p ly of Siberian Ginseng Ext rac t $6.95 plu s $ I .00 h andlin g cas h o c h ec k m onev o r de r o 0 Mail to : Trans Western Imp orts 471 3 Ethel Ave. Sherman Oa ks, CA 9 1403 (2 13) 9 81 ·0 23 8 n am e _ a d d ress _ city sta t e _ _ Zl p _ CZ SPECIALIST sa -..-. es-servcepa rts - ----- · - - - " 1 We have ne w Grand Prix & MX CZs " at prices we are unab le to adverti se! [t , ~,,~~~~\)\)~ 9J.,.\~'i> s Learn how to '\\\'" tune bikes from the BURAK TUN ING SCHOOL for a profitable career or hobby. • Coast Mota Cycle BURAK BYE-PRODUCTS 2334 New port Blvd. "'~4'lllJ. Costa Mesa, CA 9 2627 ~ ";J 15170 Ray me r 51. • Van Nu ys . CA (2 13) 780-1768 714-645-8008 • Swedes Soran Sjosten, Anders Michanek go up the m iddle together t o shock t h eir English rivals at Worlds Best Pairs meet in Manches t er, England . ~ C Sweet Duck Suzuki Desert and ,IfX Sp ecialists IOJO E. A rrow Hw y . Covina, Ca. ~ ",- ' . (213) 966-8541 Suz uk i & .'I1aico Mail Order Specialist s COM PLETE MAC HI N E ~ Q UA LI T Y ACCESSORIES fro m B ULTACO INTERNAT I ONAL , LT D . P.O . Bo x 6254 7, Vi r gi n ia B eac h , VA 2 34 6 2 S H O P ANO SERV IC~ 8 REPAIR ~ P lston Deal.,. ~Cycle En g in e e r ing & Su pply ' 14 0 · A N . . ..... ....£ l !'ol'. . K RAEM E R C4 . Q2 e 0 6 (7 14 1 630 ·~ 7 2 0 35

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