Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 08 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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------------------------------------- --- AMC MX: Pete Maly gets richer as the Lundes get unlucky By Stewart B. Sap icoff ORANGE, CAL.,jULY 28 Open Expert Peter Maly (CZ) once again received his just reward out at Sadd leback Park during AMC's $500 purse race by doing what comes natural to hi m; winning. Co mpletel y smoking his class, Maly was never once given any troub le by anyone. The same can be said abo ut second place, Bill Rub ly (CZ) who also rode on to a very smooth finis h. A surprising third went to Scott Cavness (Bul), It was su rp rising because t his was only the second time that Scott has raced Expert . The Lunde brothers came o ut today to try their hand at picking up so me fast . money b ut mechanical difficulties plag ued both of t heir machines wh ich blew any of their ho pes of coming o ut on to p . In the 125 Expert race T im was rea lly making his Hond a cook like there was no tom orro w, while back in a semi-distan t second Dave Miller (FMF) was slowly closing up the gap. Miller looked as if he was going to catch Lunde un til on the second to last lap he threw his chain. Gary Denton (Hon) replaced Miller with third being occupied by Steve Gannon (Hon) and that's how they finis hed up. The second moto o nce again sa w Lun de leading the pack with Miller hot on his heels. Miller did finally pass hi m on the ninth lap when Tim's head bolts backed off which gave him about as m uch com pression as an empty Co2 air cartridge. Lunde was fo rced to push it across the finish line. Once agai n taking third was Gannon and with tha t th e first place Overall wh ile second for the day went to David Williams (Han) and third to David ' Boydstun (Han) . The 250 Expert race was all jon Derhammer's (Yam) as he swept both motos clean. Second went to Bryan Breker (KTM) while third was taken by David Pessy (Oss) but not before he had a litt le battle with another Ossa rider by the name of john DeSoto b ut t he best john ' could manage for the day was a sixth Overall. Chuck Lunde (Mon), as I said before, did have some bike problems. These included two flat tires, two broken pipes. an d one broken clutch cable. I guess th is jus t was no t his day. • Results MINI BEG: 1. D o u g Reed (J&B). 2. Billy Evans (HOn). 3. Robert Sisk ( Hon) . MINI N OV: 1. Bill Byron (H onj , 2. K enny Allen ( H on ) . 3 . Scott Meyer (Hon). MINI INT: Bobby Q uinton ( H o n). 100 BEG: 1. Frank sayesk (Yam) . 2. Joel Gramstad (Kaw) . 3 . Jim Clancy (SUZ). 100 NOV : 1. Tony Gomez (Yam) . 2 . R o n Flores (Vam). 100 JR: 1. Huff Hadley (Yam). 2 . Chris Grant (Vam). 100 INT: Mike Johnson (Han) . 125 BEG : 1. Eugene Nardin ( H a n ) . 2 . Kym K i r schen m an n ( SUZ ) . 3 . Er i c D ic k in son (K aw) . 12 5 NOV: 1. B ill Noble ( Pen ). 2 . Lewis Lo wry (Ho n t . 3 . D ave H an son (s uz) , 125 JR : • Ke vin H arl ow (Kaw). 2 . George Ro b bi ns (C ·A). 3 . Jo h n I rw in (H an ) . 125 I N T : 1. Pau l Schon es ( Han). 2 . Mike Pa lhegy i (Ha n ) . 3 . Kevin Tid ball ( Pe n). 250 BEG: 1. Mike Berrier ( Han). 2 . Tim Delacour (Hon). 3. Mark B r ig h t (HOn). 250 NOV: 1. Jay Gard ner (Bul) . ~50 JR: 1. Jack Cr one (Vam) . 2 . Kirk Marki n (Bul). 3. Frank Bva (Vam) . 250 INT: 1 . Steve Montague (CZ) . 2. Stephen Morita (HOn) . 3. Joh n Rawson ( Hon) . OPEN BEG : 1. Bill Kissell (Bul). 2 . James McKinstray (SUZ). 3. W illiam Patton (Vam) . OPEN NOV : 1. John Rush (SUZ) . 2 . Jesse O rtega (Yam). 3 . H e nry B la n (Vam). OPEN JR : 1. Charles Beck (Mai). 2. Gilbert Gonzales (Mal). 3 . Gregory $exton (Mal). OPEN INT: 1. Randy Br iggs (eZ) . 2. Dave Blosser tczr . 3. K eit h H o f m an n \CZ). OLD T IMERS: 1. Wa rren Wr gh t (Mal). 2. Sha y H uttman (CZ). 3. H a rry Gardn er (Bul) . 125 PRO : 1. Steve Ganno n (Han) . 2. Davi d WIlliams (Han) . 3. Davi d Boyetstun (H o n). . 250 P R O : 1. Jon Der hammer (Vam). 2. Br yan Breker (Pe n). 3 . Da vid Pessy ( Pe n) . OP EN PRO, I. Pete Maly tcz i. 2 . Bill R u b ly (CZ) . 3 . Scott Cavness (SUi}. Moreno Valley MX: A trio of one two-bits By T im Mickey o N Y VB SUNNYl\IEAlJ. CAL.. AUG. 3 Three 125 Juniors in particular had their eyes on the gold at De Anza this Saturday, and it took all morning to decide who wanted it the most. Doug McGowen (Su z) put in his bid as he gr abbed the lead the instant the flag went up, though Pete Peterso n (Han ) and Gary Cain (Hon) dogged his heels scarcely a spoke's length behind. Cain moved up into second when Peterson bobbled on a berm. but neither could get around McGowen who stretched out his lead and went on to pick up the win. Mechanical problems slowed him up in DEALER S SOLD OUT OF CYCLE NE Sr a the second moto, however, and the battle passed him by. Peterson took the lead. but Cain was not about to surrender so easily. He made his move and had barely gotten around Peterson when he missed a shift . losing the newly acquired lead and the moto as Peterson boogied by for the win . It was a three-way tie now, and ~IcGowen again shot to the front in the las t moto, only to be slowed once again by his frustratingly rat-sounding engine. Peterson took advantage to snatc h the lead, and even t hough Cain managed to maintain the pace, he was a couple seconds behind and couldn 't get by. giving Peterson the well -earned first Overall and himsel f the second. Tim Ho lm (CZ) proved he was the fastest 250 Senior each moto by working his way through the pac k into the lead with his deceptive ly smooth style and there taking a little time to try new lines and to wheel ie for the flagmen. The victory was his , and there wasn't anyone who could stay with him long enough to argue. • Results in the Results Section. J o n Derhammer (Ya m) was the fast est 250 Expert at A MC's Sadd leback race July 28 . YOU HAD TO DRIVE ALL OVER TOWN TO GET YOUR COPY, FILL OUT THIS BLANK AND SEND IT TO Us. Please send my dealer more copies of Cycle News each week. Dealer's name . Address ............. .•......... .... ...•....•.. .•........ ~it~ . z·1P State . Phone ............. ......... ... .......•...... ........ .. .. .. Mail to: CYCLE NEWS P.O. Box 498 Long Beach, CA 90801 23

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